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Tommy Tenney Quotes

Tommy Tenney Quotes
Fire doesn't fall on empty alters. There has to be a sacrifice on the alter for the fire to fall. If you want the fire of God, you must become the fuel of God.
Tommy Tenney

Worship and spiritual hunger make you so attractive to God that your circumstances cease to matter anymore. He will move heaven and earth to find a worshiper. When you begin to worship with all your being and desire, your heart turns Him toward you. You capture His attention and attracts His affection.
Tommy Tenney

Your problems aren't too big -- perhaps your worship is too small.
Tommy Tenney

The difference between the truth of God and revelation is very simple. Truth is where God's been. Revelation is where God is. Truth is God's tracks. It's His trail, His path, but it leads to what? It leads to Him. Perhaps the masses of people are happy to know where God's been, but true God chasers are not content just to study God's trail, His truths; they want to know Him. They want to know where He is and what He's doing right now.
Tommy Tenney

There is much more of God available than we have ever known or imagined, but we have become so satisfied with where we are and what we have that we don’t press in for God’s best.
Tommy Tenney

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With relationship comes access, and with intimacy comes influence.
Tommy Tenney

Ironically, it was the father's blessing that actually "financed" the prodigal son's trip away from the Father's face! and it was the son's new revelation of his poverty of heart that propelled him back into his Father's arms. Sometimes we use the very blessings that God gives us to finance our journey away from the centrality of Christ. It's very important that we return back to ground zero, to the ultimate eternal goal of abiding with the Father's in intimate communion. (pg. 243)
Tommy Tenney

If you want the fire of God, you must become the fuel of God.
Tommy Tenney

Quote Topics by Tommy Tenney: People Moving God Past Differences Men House Of Cards Needs Intimacy Motivation Influence Honor Real Sacrifice Talent Kings Worship Comfortable Heaven Fire Adversity Might Dream Zero Available Mean Impress Known Want Purpose
But a man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with only an argument. ... If we can lead people into the manifest presence of God, all false theological houses of cards will tumble down.
Tommy Tenney

God Chasers are people whose passion for being in His presence press them to chase the impossible in hopes that the uncatchable might catch them!
Tommy Tenney

We think revival means a silver-tongued preacher, some good music, and a few folks who decide they're going to join the church. No! Real revival is when people are eating at a restaurant or walking through the mall when they suddenly begin to weep and turn to their friends and say, I don't know what's wrong with me, but I know I've got to get right with God.
Tommy Tenney

God is more interested in developing your character than keeping you comfortable.
Tommy Tenney

Being a servant will take you places where your talent will never take you.
Tommy Tenney

Whatever impresses you attracts you. Whatever you pursue becomes your purpose.
Tommy Tenney

By studying the Bible one can at best know about God. There is a vast difference between knowing God and knowing about God. Knowing God comes through direct power encounters and through biblical study. These power encounters are usually of a variety which cannot be found within the context of the dusty moldy pages of God's past tracks.
Tommy Tenney

God doesn't hide Himself from you so that He can't be found; He hides Himself from you so that He can be found.
Tommy Tenney

Mary was a virgin and he Bible says that she 'found favor' - that means there must have been others in the race. What quality did she have that made a depository of the royal seed? She was a virgin - a clean place - he looks for clean places to deposit truth & she was open to this unique & unusual move of God.
Tommy Tenney

We need Jesus every moment of every day. To say anything else is ludicrous.
Tommy Tenney

There have always been dreamers. Men and women who catch a glimpse of something beyond themselves who dare to reach for goals and visions. .. Yet no earthly dreamer can match the greatest of them all, the Dreamer who died on the cross to make His dream a reality. John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word." The literal meaning of logos, the original Greek term translated as "Word," is idea, thought or blueprint. It is an ancient Greek theatrical term describing the work of a playwright as he conceives, or dreams up, the plot of a play. So we could say, "In the beginning was the dream".
Tommy Tenney

A true God chaser is not happy with just past truth; he must have present truth. God chasers don't want to just study from the moldy pages of what God has done; they're anxious to see what God is doing.
Tommy Tenney

God literally moves his throne from heaven. When this happens the church is building a chair, a seat, a place for God to come.
Tommy Tenney

It takes the glory of God to conceal a matter. It takes the honor of the king to seek out for it.
Tommy Tenney