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Tony Dungy Quotes

American football player and coach, Birth: 6-10-1955 Tony Dungy Quotes
God’s definition of success is really one of significance-the significant difference our lives can make in the lives of others. The significance doesn’t show up in won-loss records, long resumes, or the trophies gathering dust on our mantels. It’s found in the hearts and lives of those we’ve come across who are in some way better because of the way we lived.
Tony Dungy

Be a pro. • Act like a champion. • Respond to adversity; don’t react. • Be on time. Being late means either it’s not important to you or you can’t be relied upon. • Execute. Do what you’re supposed to do when you’re supposed to do it. Not almost. All the way. Not most of the time. All of the time. • Take ownership. Whatever it takes. No excuses, no explanations.
Tony Dungy

If you want to make a difference in the lives of the people you lead, you must be willing to walk alongside them, to lift and encourage them, to share moments of understanding with them, and to spend time with them, not just shout down at them from on high.
Tony Dungy

The first step toward creating an improved future is developing the ability to envision it. VISION will ignite the fire of passion that fuels our commitment to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to achieve excellence. Only VISION allows us to transform dreams of greatness into the reality of achievement through human action. VISION has no boundaries and knows no limits. Our VISION is what we become in life.
Tony Dungy

Integrity doesn't come in degrees: low, medium, or high. You either have integrity or you don't.
Tony Dungy

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It's about the journey--mine and yours--and the lives we can touch, the legacy we can leave, and the world we can change for the better.
Tony Dungy

You can’t always control circumstances. However, you can always control your attitude, approach, and response.
Tony Dungy

Engage, educate, equip, encourage, empower, energize, and elevate. Those are the methods for maximizing the potential of any individual, team, organization, or institution for ultimate success and significance. Those are the methods of a mentor leader.
Tony Dungy

Quote Topics by Tony Dungy: Football Leadership Nfl Team Thinking People Winning Player Games Believe Impact Mean Men Teacher Opportunity Children Jobs Differences Successful Needs Moral Integrity Kids Sports Dream College Encouragement Legacy Decision Athlete
The secret to success is good leadership, and good leadership is all about making the lives of your team members or workers better.
Tony Dungy

We often can't see what God is doing in our lives, but God sees the whole picture and His plan for us clearly.
Tony Dungy

Success is uncommon and not to be enjoyed by the common man. I'm looking for uncommon people because we want to be successful, not average.
Tony Dungy

I said all along that God is in control.
Tony Dungy

A good leader gets people to follow him because they want to, not because he makes them.
Tony Dungy

Things will go wrong at times. You can't always control your attitude, approach, and response. You options are to complain or to look ahead and figure out how to make the situation better
Tony Dungy

Courage is the ability to do the right thing, all the time, no matter how painful or uncomfortable it might be.
Tony Dungy

People look at me and see a calm, cool guy on the sidelines and I want them to know that my Christian faith affects my coaching and everything I do.
Tony Dungy

Our goal was to win, to win a Super Bowl, but also to win in the right way, to be role models to our community, to represent Indianapolis, the state of Indiana and the National Football League.
Tony Dungy

Anyone who's a parent dreads that call in the middle of the night. I have four grown children and I still dread it.
Tony Dungy

Take a moment to think about your answer to this question: Am I prepared to have great success and not get any credit for it?
Tony Dungy

I learned from Chuck Noll in Pittsburgh that speed and explosiveness on defense is the way to build a team. Both are difficult for your opponent to assimilate in practice and then in games it is even harder to match.
Tony Dungy

It's the journey that matters. Learning is more important than the test. Practice well, and the games will take care of themselves.
Tony Dungy

Remember that mentor leadership is all about serving. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
Tony Dungy

Integrity is what you do when no one is watching; its doing the right thing all the time, even when it may work to your disadvantage.
Tony Dungy

The truth is that most people have a better chance to be uncommon by effort than by natural gifts. Anyone could give that effort in his or her chosen endeavor, but the typical person doesn't, choosing to do only enough to get by.
Tony Dungy

How you use the opportunities your given to affect the world around you will determine the legacy you leave behind.
Tony Dungy

You don't win on emotion. You win on execution.
Tony Dungy

You need togetherness because you don't always win, and you have got to hang though together
Tony Dungy

DON'T FEAR FAILURE. Fear being successful at things that don't matter
Tony Dungy

Your life has been intentionally designed by God to have a uniquely significant and eternal impact on the world around you.
Tony Dungy

I am a firm believer that the Lord sometimes has to short-circuit even our best plans for our benefit.
Tony Dungy

We are all role models to someone in this world, and we can all have an impact - for good.
Tony Dungy

If we lose sight of people, we lose sight of the very purpose of leadership.
Tony Dungy

The Lord has a plan. We always think the plans are A, B, C and D, and everything is going to be perfect for us and it may not be that way, but it's still His plan.
Tony Dungy

I love coaching football, and winning a Super Bowl was a goal I've had for a long time. But it has never been my purpose in life. My purpose in life is simply to glorify God. We have to be careful that we don't let the pursuit of our life's goals, no matter how important they seem, cause us to lose sight of our purpose. I coach football. But the good I can do to glorify God along the way is my real purpose.
Tony Dungy

Long-term success requires faith-faith that your efforts to plan and execute the process will lead to the desired outcome.
Tony Dungy

Nothing does more to lubricate the rough spots than a good dose of encouragement.
Tony Dungy

I need to treat everybody fairly, but fair doesn't always mean equal.
Tony Dungy

We talked about some of our experiences, focusing, hanging together down the stretch, important games. It's not necessarily who has the most talent but what team sticks together and executes their fundamentals the best.
Tony Dungy

Be successful not just in what you do, but in who you are.
Tony Dungy

Character is the glue that bonds solid and meaningful relationships
Tony Dungy

What's important is not the uniform or the number, and it's not what team you play for or whether anyone else sees your value; it's who you are on the inside. And when you're in Christ, that's never going to change.
Tony Dungy

For some reason the football coach of a major college program is seen as one of the leaders of the campus. And some way we have to let our young people know that that leader can look like anyone.
Tony Dungy

And as a football coach in the National Football League, I know for sure that it's going to end someday.
Tony Dungy

Life is challenging. I wish I could tell you that you’ll always be on top of the mountain, but the reality is that there are days when nothing will go right, when not only will you not be on top, you may not even be able to figure out which way is up. Do yourself a favor, and don’t make it any harder than it has to be. In those moments, be careful how you speak to yourself; be careful how you think of yourself; be careful how you conduct yourself; be careful how you develop yourself.
Tony Dungy

If you're a leader, people's lives should be better because of the influence you've had along the way.
Tony Dungy

The best solution for falling just short of the goal is to focus on the fundamentals but perform them better.
Tony Dungy

Sometimes I think God wants there to be a circus so we can show there's another way to respond.
Tony Dungy

Integrity, the choice between what's convenient and what's right.
Tony Dungy

I wouldn’t have taken him. Not because I don’t believe Michael Sam should have a chance to play, but I wouldn’t want to deal with all of it. It’s not going to be totally smooth things will happen.
Tony Dungy

You never know what's going to happen. My mother was an English teacher. If someone had told her that I was going to write a book, she would never have believed that. So you can never say never.
Tony Dungy