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Toss Quotes

The economic game is not supposed to be rigged like some shady ring toss on a carnival midway.
Arianna Huffington

Authors on Toss Quotes: Virginia Woolf Ally Carter Bryan Cranston Jay Leno Robert Jordan Scott McCloud Debby Ryan Grimes William Pett Ridge Eugene Mirman Murray Leinster Katherine Applegate Brandon Mull Jennifer Donnelly Robert Monroe David Bennun Norman Corwin Richelle Mead Rachael Taylor Dane Cook Lisa Marie Presley Margaret Atwood Amber Naslund Jim Goad Gabrielle Zevin Cormac McCarthy Mark Doty Richie Benaud Rachel Kushner Daniel Handler Lucy Corin Harry Golden Arianna Huffington
He toss my salad like his name Romaine
Nicki Minaj

The most difficult mental process of all is to consider objectively any concept which, if accepted as fact, will toss into discard a lifetime of training and experience.
Robert Monroe

We are dreamers. We worship love, we hope against hope and toss practicality out the window.
Pete Wentz

Time to toss the dice
Robert Jordan

Where it all ends I can't fathom, my friends. If I knew, I might toss out my anchor.
Jimmy Buffett

The hallmark of a great captain is the ability to win the toss, at the right time.
Richie Benaud

The arrogance of the young is a direct result of not having known enough consequences. The turkey that every day greedily approaches the farmer who tosses him grain is not wrong. It is just that no one ever told him about Thanksgiving.
Harry Golden

Have an anchor so that life doesn't toss you around.
Debby Ryan

What business is it of yours where I'm from, friendo?
Cormac McCarthy

Never use the word “impossible” seriously again. Toss it into the verbal wastebucket.
Norman Vincent Peale

Whilst breezy waves toss up their silvery spray.
Thomas Hood

The most evil person I ever met was a toss-up between Pablo Picasso and the publisher-crook Robert Maxwell.
Paul Johnson

Adventure is the point where you toss your life on the scales of chance and wait for the pointer to stop.
Murray Leinster

Funny, 'ow you can 'old a jewel in your 'and, and toss it away, and not even know what you 'ad until it's gone.
Jennifer Donnelly

The responsible treatment of this particular Ring of Power is not necessarily to toss it into the Cracks of Doom. But we have to come up with something rather quickly, or what we'll get is the Land of Mordor.
Margaret Atwood

Toss your dashed hopes not into a trash bin but into a drawer where you are likely to rummage some bright morning.
Robert Breault

Its a toss-up when you decide to leave the beaten track. Many are called, few are chosen.
W. Somerset Maugham

There's a very big part of me that just wants to take all of comics history and toss it on the bonfire. I'd sort of like to get on to the future.
Scott McCloud

Above all, mine is a love story. Unlike most love stories, this one involves chance, gravity, a dash of head trauma. It began with a coin toss. The coin came up tails. I was heads. Had it gone my way, there might not be a story at all. Just a chapter, or a sentence in a book whose greater theme had yet to be determined. Maybe this chapter would've had the faintest whisper of love about it. But maybe not. Sometimes, a girl needs to lose.
Gabrielle Zevin

Now begins to rise in me the familiar rhythm; words that have lain dormant now lift, now toss their crests, and fall and rise, and falls again. I am a poet, yes. Surely I am a great poet.
Virginia Woolf

I can't see why we can't toss in a Junior Walker or Wilson Pickett number in every once in a while.
Jose Carreras

Fortune can, for her pleasure, fools advance, And toss them on the wheels of Chance.

Humans waste words. They toss them like banana peels and leave them to rot. Everyone knows the peels are the best part.
Katherine Applegate

The ability of Americans to toss off oppressive characters is the most rewarding aspect, to me, of U.S. history.
Norman Corwin

I take a situation, analyse it, break it down, put it in the form I want it to be in, and then I toss it away. Let somebody else go deal with it.
Lisa Marie Presley

Ya know it was a toss-up whether I go in for diamonds or sing in the choir. The choir lost.
Mae West

What the young writer is looking for is not a critic who will slap him on the back and say, 'Greatest thing since O. Henry,' but rather the one who will toss the manuscript down in disgust, with 'You know better than that! It's rotten! Do it all over again!'
Henry Sydnor Harrison

They determined who got the first question by a coin toss, to which Sarah Palin said, 'Oh, what a coincidence, that's how I got picked.'
Jay Leno

Do we love watching things burn so much that our best and most valuable contribution is to help toss another match?
Amber Naslund

I can tell really early on in a painting if I'm going to toss it or not.

The right boys I always toss and the wrong ones I keep on top of me like paperweights.
Daniel Handler

I'm not a collector. I toss things out all the time.
Rachael Taylor

I don't like to dump the dressing on top of the greens. Instead, I pour it against the side of the bowl - using only enough to glaze the leaves - then toss.
Bobby Flay

I wasn't fooled. He was avoiding looking at me. "There's nothing to talk about." "I knew you'd say that. Actually, it was a toss-up between that and 'I don't know what you're talking about.'" Dimitri sighed.
Richelle Mead

We do not allow dwarf tossing. If you toss a dwarf, the dwarf will be tossed right back at you, but faster.
Demetri Martin

Authenticity is too big a subject to just toss in with the question about the photographs!
Rachel Kushner

She looked at him, watched hum toss the remote on the table and say," So maybe I'm going to handcuff myself to you the next time you decide to take a stroll.
Ally Carter

It was simultaneously refreshing and a bit shocking to see how cavalierly most Aussies toss out slurs and insults about nonwhites.
Jim Goad

A pedestrian ought to be legally allowed to toss at least one hand grenade at a motorist every day.
Brendan Behan

We learn to treasure words that people call us; we learn to live by words that hurt. We cannot toss them aside, so in time they become our dignity.
Mark Doty

Images are the currency of our age, but it's a toss-up whether live in a time of abundance or debasement.
Douglas McCulloh

Ideologically, I have a lot of problems with that, especially when people toss around that form of story as realism. What's called "realism" is actually highly formulaic.
Lucy Corin

You are the person who has to decide. Whether you'll do it or toss it aside.
Edgar Guest

You switched the days," I said, dismayed. "You blew the tire. You..." I trailed off, probably because the next words out of my mouth were either going to be "You are enough to do this?" or "You're destined for a life of crime." It was a toss-up either way.
Ally Carter

The TV business is like the produce section of the market. Today everything is fresh and glistening and firm. And tomorrow, when they find a bruise on you, they toss you out.
Bryan Cranston

The spring without a leaf to toss, bare and bright like a virgin fierce in her chastity, scornful in her purity, was laid out on fields wide-eyed and watchful and entirely careless of what was done or thought by the beholders.
Virginia Woolf

It only takes 140 characters to toss ones character out the window.
LZ Granderson

good call. A second drag and your next stop's the wastepaper basket - and not to toss your kleenex, true.
J.R. Ward

I don't emphasize the whatevs. I say it as if it's truly a toss-away word.
Eugene Mirman