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Tucker Carlson Quotes

American journalist, Birth: 16-5-1969 Tucker Carlson Quotes
I have no way of knowing how people really feel, but the vast majority of those I meet couldn't be nicer. Every once in a while someone barks at me. My New Year's resolution is not to bark back.
Tucker Carlson

I was up late last night yapping about the elections on CNN and up early this morning doing the same thing in my daughter's kindergarten class.
Tucker Carlson

The modern tribalism of the left demands that each person choose a group and then agree with everything that group agrees with. And anybody who leaves that group is stoned to death.
Tucker Carlson

Canada is a sweet country. It is like your retarded cousin you see at Thanksgiving and sort of pat him on the head. You know, he's nice, but you don't take him seriously. That is Canada.
Tucker Carlson

The two things I was positive about in life were that I was going to be a teacher at a boarding school or an operative with the CIA posted abroad. I could write a book about all the things I was sure about.
Tucker Carlson

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Feminism's latest victory: the right to get your limbs blown off in war. Congratulations.
Tucker Carlson

When you tie [Donald] Trump supporters to those groups [the American Nazi party and the KKK ] that is a slur.
Tucker Carlson

Anybody who sides with Canada internationally in a debate between the U.S. and Canada, say, Belgium, is somebody whose opinion we shouldn't care about in the first place.
Tucker Carlson

Quote Topics by Tucker Carlson: People Thinking War Country Mean Canada Party Support Men United States Government Drunk Believe Important Children Election Kkk Jobs Smart Watches May Guy Dog Hurt New York Real Feminist Cutting Seems Ideas
Ron Karenga wrote a book back in 1968, and in that book, he said that the reason, part of his motivation for starting Kwanzaa was because he felt that Christianity was the white man religion, and he didn't like Jews, and so he made up this lie. And he called it an African holiday because he was concerned that if he didn't call it an African holiday, that black Americans would not participate in it.
Tucker Carlson

Unless you know a lot more about something than I do, I am not really that interested. I have too much information already.
Tucker Carlson

I think Michael Moore is loathsome, though, not because he dislikes Bush, but because he seems to dislike America.
Tucker Carlson

It is nice to be around people who think differently than you. They challenge your ideas and keep you from being complacent.
Tucker Carlson

It is increasingly important to be open-minded.
Tucker Carlson

I will say, the one thing Mexico does well is punish prisoners. They do. They're good at that.
Tucker Carlson

The war on Christmas. This is the most ridiculous right wing talking point I have ever lived through.The idea is that liberals want to get rid of Christmas.
Tucker Carlson

But Michael Vick killed dogs, and he did in a heartless and cruel way. And I think, personally, he should've been executed for that. He wasn't, but the idea that the President of the United States would be getting behind someone who murdered dogs?
Tucker Carlson

I think [Pat] Buchanan is far too easily and glibly dismissed.
Tucker Carlson

I don't think all people yearn for freedom, actually. I think they yearn for stability.
Tucker Carlson

To be a feminist, you could cut your hair really short. You have to be really angry about something.
Tucker Carlson

I have no time for political hacks who say things they don't believe because they get paid to.
Tucker Carlson

Wouldn't it be useful to explain the factors that actually allowed this to happen [Donald's Trump Presidency]. Like, for example, their frustration of the absolute shrinking of the middle class, the heroin epidemic, things like that. I don't see any of that.
Tucker Carlson

The economic base of that rural Oregon area used to be manufacturing and logging. And that went away and they feel nobody has been speaking to them and finally Donald Trump has spoken to them.
Tucker Carlson

I mean, look, no matter how you feel about Bush, watching him speak is difficult. It's like- it's like watching a drunk man cross an icy street.
Tucker Carlson

I'll go through all of [12 steps for people who say are traumatized by the election], but a sample: Volunteer to fight Islamaphobia. Join the ACLU. Donate to Planned Parenthood. Take down sexism and misogyny. Sort of all the stations of the cross of liberalism. Sort of all the stations of the cross of liberalism.
Tucker Carlson

American officials have bent over backwards to show how sensitive they are to Muslim culture. It didn't seem very effective. They seem to be worried about winning the respect of other people.
Tucker Carlson

It's hard to be ambitious if you're content, isn't it?
Tucker Carlson

If it was up to the U.N., Saddam Hussein would still be killing his own people.
Tucker Carlson

Antiwar protestors actually sabotaged and caused a huge amount of damage to military installations and military property during the war. I'm related to someone who caused some of that damage. I mean, it was real. I mean, there was a reason. I'm not defending it, but I'm saying it was not because they didn't like the politics of the protesters. The protesters were violent in a lot of cases.
Tucker Carlson

Studies have shown people listen to TV than watch it.
Tucker Carlson

To politicize a man's tragic death is about as low as you can go, isn't it?
Tucker Carlson

That great philosopher anonymous once said, never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference.
Tucker Carlson

In the absence of evidence, superstition. It's a Middle Ages thing. That's my theory anyway.
Tucker Carlson

I'm not trying to be mean. You [ Nicholas Kristof] have written about climate change. You're really concerned and you've thought a lot about the suffering of people in other countries. It doesn't seem like you have thought that deeply about the suffering of your fellow Americans. You don't have the solutions say as you do for global warming. And my question is: Isn't it always easier for the elites to identify with abstractions or poor people in other countries and kind of ignore their own country men. I have noticed this. Have you noticed that?
Tucker Carlson

The Clinton era is over. I think that there would even have been a certain amount of rejoicing among some Republicans if Gore had won or if Ralph Nader had won or if Satan had won.
Tucker Carlson

I can't wait to work for Rick Kaplan. He's a great producer. I would host an infomercial if he would produce it.
Tucker Carlson

I read Nicholas Kristof columns. I think it was in September [2016] had he this piece look who is endorsing [Donald] Trump, who is behind him. It was the North Korean government, it was Islamic terrorists. It's the Klan. It's the American Nazi party. It seems very uncharitable to me. There was no room for people who are decent but economically beleaguered to maybe want to support him.
Tucker Carlson

Europeans take their soccer pretty seriously. So, when this Turkish TV host had the nerve to criticize the local team, the fans decided to do something about it, something like storm the TV studio during a live show.
Tucker Carlson

Yes, older drivers are more likely to injure themselves and others when they get behind the wheel. But if you take that away, that is really the last lifeline a lot of elderly people have.
Tucker Carlson

Is calling English our national language racist? Are we at that point?
Tucker Carlson

I guess what I'm looking for here is empathy. So you [Nicholas Kristof] have traveled all around the world, famously to the worse places of the world. Darfur. Mogadishu, Ouagadougou. Probably those places much more than Modesto or Lewiston.I never read a column by you that suggest the people in those places, who support dictators oftentimes, are racists or bad people. You would never write that about a poor person in the third world but you are implying that about your fellow Americans.
Tucker Carlson

Nobody, at least sitting in my seat , is defending drunk driving. I am not for drunk driving.
Tucker Carlson

I'm for moral blackmail when it comes to putting away child molesters.
Tucker Carlson

I'm from rural Oregon, Yamhill County, a farm four miles out of a town of 1,000 people and that town is overwhelmingly pro-Trump.
Tucker Carlson

We have the - the longest, friendliest border, you know, for the - for the longest time in the history - in recorded history, really, with Canada. And they get to sit on their moral perch, you know, take the moral high ground, say, oh, United States, shame on you about Iraq. They make us look bad internationally. And it's really not fair.
Tucker Carlson

Billy Tauzin is one of the most interesting people in Washington. He is smart, funny, and interesting.
Tucker Carlson

I think Canadians, they may be offended that I pointed out that they're stalking us. But at least we're paying attention.
Tucker Carlson

The American Nazi party and the KKK don't really exist in a meaningful way. They may have an office or website. But they are not tens of thousands of members.
Tucker Carlson

Politicians are interesting people, most of them are smart and hard-working-I mean, they keep schedules no one else would think of keeping. Some of them live down to the caricature, but most of them are good people and they are charming.
Tucker Carlson

Bush's America. I wish we had more time. I didn't even vote for him the second time, and I feel like I got to defend him.
Tucker Carlson

I'm a small government conservative.
Tucker Carlson