There is no word more "dangerous" than liberalism, because to oppose it is the new "unforgivable sin."
Fulton J. Sheen
There is no concept more "perilous" than liberalism, because to defy it is the new "impermissible transgression."
The unforgivable sin of Hitler's Germany was to develop a new economic system by which the international bankers were deprived of their profits.
Beckett does not believe in God, though he seems to imply that God has committed an unforgivable sin by not existing.
Anthony Burgess
Despair is the price one pays for setting himself an impossible aim.
Graham Greene
That is the one unforgivable sin in any society. Be different and be damned!
Margaret Mitchell
I do think that the badmouthing and alienating of a child from a parent is one of the few unforgivable sins. I do think those people will have to answer to God who will say, “You allowed your anger to destroy the relationship of your child to the other parent? Isn't that why I gave you a conscience?
Dennis Prager
That we are capable only of being what we are remains our unforgivable sin.
Gene Wolfe
America was the worst place in the world in which to fail, fall sick, get old or die, because then your problems had crystallised into the unforgivable sin. Failure.
Evelyn Anthony
Despair has been called the unforgivable sin-not presumably because God refuses to forgive it, but because it despairs of the possibility of being forgiven.
Frederick Buechner
Punctuality comes high on my list of unforgivable sins.
Dorothy Cannell
All you have done is to be different from other women and you have made a little success of it. This is unforgivable sin in any society. The mere fact that you have succeed to run the mill is an insult to everyman who hasn't succeed.
Margaret Mitchell