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Unification Quotes

Unification is not our present goal. That is a future program.
Kim Dae-jung

Authors on Unification Quotes: Kim Dae-jung Bob Marley Boris Sidis Romano Prodi Swami Vivekananda George Weah David Gelernter
Herb is the unification of mankind.
Bob Marley

Meditation is the means of unification of the subject and object. Meditate.
Swami Vivekananda

I ask Liberians to pray so that God will bring peace and stability, and bring about unification to ourselves.
George Weah

Suggestibility varies as the amount of disaggregation, and inversely as the unification of consciousness.
Boris Sidis

Unification is one thing, and stability in Northeast Asia is another thing.
Kim Dae-jung

Software unification. So that I no longer care what computing device I pick up, whether it's a laptop or desktop, whether it's one I own or one in a public place, whether it has a small screen or a large screen.
David Gelernter

Our continents unification is at hand and we must stand to account.
Romano Prodi