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Usa Patriot Act Quotes

NAFTA and GATT have about as much to do with free trade as the Patriot Act has to do with liberty.
Michael Badnarik

Authors on Usa Patriot Act Quotes: Jim Sensenbrenner Jim Gerlach Michael Badnarik Peter Camejo Karl Rove John Ashcroft
No one in their right mind can say to me with a straight face that the Patriot Act has not aggregated the Fourth Amendment.
Peter Camejo

I think it's dawning on some Democrats that obstructing the Patriot Act, like they've been obstructing everything else, is bad for them politically.
Karl Rove

In a sad twist of fate, the bill to reauthorize the Patriot Act was debated on the floor of the House of Representatives the same day that terrorists struck again.
Jim Sensenbrenner

The Patriot Act allows and provides a basis for an exchange of information.
John Ashcroft

After careful deliberation, I voted today to reauthorize the Patriot Act.
Jim Gerlach