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Walther Funk Quotes

German economist and politician, Birth: 18-8-1890, Death: 31-5-1960
I do feel ashamed of having participated to the slightest even as a tool in those dark days. But I was obliged to serve the state to which I had taken an oath. It was a tragic fate.
Walther Funk

I can spot a musical type. I can tell by looking at a woman whether she is a contralto or a soprano.
Walther Funk

Those Russians. They did worse things when they entered Pomerania than we ever did in Russia.
Walther Funk

But ignorance of the law is no excuse. A person is guilty even if he breaks the law unknowingly. I shall be perhaps the first of the defendants to get up on that stand and admit that I am at least partly guilty.
Walther Funk