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Watchman Nee Quotes

Watchman Nee Quotes
Outside of Christ, I am only a sinner, but in Christ, I am saved. Outside of Christ, I am empty; in Christ, I am full. Outside of Christ, I am weak; in Christ, I am strong. Outside of Christ, I cannot; in Christ, I am more than able. Outside of Christ, I have been defeated; in Christ, I am already victorious. How meaningful are the words, "in Christ."
Watchman Nee

I do not consecrate myself to be a missionary or a preacher. I consecrate myself to God to do His will where I am, be it in school, office, or kitchen, or wherever He may, in His wisdom, send me.
Watchman Nee

I devote myself to God to fulfill His intentions wherever He may choose, whether it be in school, office, kitchen or elsewhere as He wisely directs me.
Good is not always God's will, but God's will is always good.
Watchman Nee

'What God desires is not always pleasant, yet it is invariably beneficial.'
Not by gain our life is measured, But by what we've lost 'Tis scored; 'Tis not how much wine is drunken But how much has been outpoured. For the strength of love never standeth In the sacrifice we bear; He who has the greatest suffering Ever has the most to share.
Watchman Nee

To bear the cross means that you refrain from doing what you have the power to do. You are qualified to fulfill your desire, yet you refrain from doing so. A person like this is the strongest person. The strongest person is not the one who is able to do something, but the one who is able not to do what he has the power to do.
Watchman Nee

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It does not matter what your personal deficiency, or whether it be a hundred and one different things, God has always one sufficient answer, His Son Jesus Christ, and he is the answer to every need.
Watchman Nee

No matter what difficulties you face, God has a single solution - His beloved Son Jesus Christ, who can meet every requirement.
Repentance means a change of mind. Formerly, I thought sin as a pleasant thing, but now I have changed my mind about it. Formerly, I thought the world an attractive place, but now I know better. Formerly I regarded it miserable business to be a Christian, but now I think differently. Once I thought certain things delightful, now I think them vile. Once I thought other things utterly worthless, now I think them most precious. That is a change of mind, and that is repentance.
Watchman Nee

Negligence in prayer withers the inner man. Nothing can be a substitute for it, not even Christian work. Many are so preoccupied with work that they allow little time for prayer. Hence they cannot cast out demons. Prayer enables us first inwardly to overcome the enemy and then outwardly to deal with him.
Watchman Nee

Quote Topics by Watchman Nee: Christian Prayer Men Spiritual Spirit Jesus Children Attitude Believe Mind Self Christ May Mean Son Lord Evil Heart Able Giving Thinking Enemy Soul Way Christianity Flesh Hands Strong Overcoming Long
The system of fathers of the world church, the clergy system of the state church, and the pastoral system of the independent churches are all the same in nature. They are all Nicolaitans. In the Bible there are only brothers. There is the gift of a pastor, but no system of pastors. The pastoral system is man's tradition. If the children of God are not willing to return to the position of that in the beginning, no matter what they do, it will not be right.
Watchman Nee

Often Satan injects pride into the believer's spirit, evoking in him an attitude of self-importance and of self-conceit. He causes him to esteem himself a very outstanding person, one who is indispensable in God's work. Such a spirit constitutes one of the major reasons for the fall of believers.
Watchman Nee

We must not pay attention just to reading and studying; rather, we should ask if we are open before the Lord. If we do not have an unveiled face, the glory of the Lord will not shine on us. If our heart is not open to God, God cannot give us any light.
Watchman Nee

God is not seeking a display of my Christ-likeness , but a manifestation of His Christ.
Watchman Nee

God does not desire an outward show of my godliness, but rather a revelation of His holiness.
There is nothing more tragic than to come to the end of life and know we have been on the wrong course.
Watchman Nee

It is a sorrowful realization to reach the end of life and be cognizant that we have been journeying down the wrong path.
If Christ lives in us, we will rejoice in everything, and we will thank and praise the Lord. We will say, 'Hallelujah! Praise the Lord' forever.
Watchman Nee

If Christ dwells within us, we will be full of jubilation for all things and offer our adoration to God. We will cry out 'Hosanna! Rejoice in the Lord' eternally.
It is important to receive God's arrangement in the circumstances. This arrangement is the discipline of the Holy Spirit. To escape God's arrangement just one time is to lose an opportunity to have our capacity enlarged. A believer can never be the same after passing through suffering.
Watchman Nee

The breaking of the alabaster box and the anointing of the Lord filled the house with the odor, with the sweetest odor. Everyone could smell it. Whenever you meet someone who has really suffered; been limited, gone through things for the Lord, willing to be imprisoned by the Lord, just being satisfied with Him and nothing else, immediately you scent the fragrance. There is a savor of the Lord. Something has been crushed, something has been broken, and there is a resulting odor of sweetness.
Watchman Nee

Man's thought is always of the punishment that will come to him if he sins. But God's thought is always of the glory man will miss if he sins. God's purpose for redemption is glory, glory, glory.
Watchman Nee

Man's contemplation is always of the retribution that would befall him if he transgresses. But God's musings are perpetually focused on the grandeur mankind will forgo if he sins. God's aim for deliverance is splendour, splendour, splendour.
Our bread is not only the Word of God, our meat is not only to do His will, our bread is also...the difficulties that are in our way.
Watchman Nee

Our sustenance is not just the Word of God and acting upon His desires, our nourishment also encompasses the adversities we must confront.
The Christian experience, from start to finish, is a journey of faith.
Watchman Nee

If you would test the character of anything, you only need to enquire whether that thing leads you to God or away from God.
Watchman Nee

The Blood deals with what we have done, whereas the Cross deals with what we are. The Blood disposes of our sins, while the Cross strikes at the root of our capacity for sin.
Watchman Nee

We think of the Christian life as a ‘changed life’ but it is not that. What God offers us is an ‘exchanged life,’ a ‘substituted life,’ and Christ is our Substitute within.
Watchman Nee

A Christian life is an unending engagement on the battlefield.
Watchman Nee

We should not open our mouths too hastily upon approaching God. On the contrary, we first must ask God to show us what and how to pray before we make our request known to Him. Have we not consumed a great deal of time in the past asking for what we wanted? Why not now ask for what God wants?
Watchman Nee

The Christian faith begins not with a big DO but with a big DONE.
Watchman Nee

Because the Lord Jesus died on the Cross, I have received forgiveness of sins; because the Lord Jesus rose from the dead, I have received new life; because the Lord Jesus has been exalted to the right hand of the Father, I have received the outpoured Spirit. All is because of Him; nothing is because of me.
Watchman Nee

Why do so many Christians pray such tiny prayers when their God is so big?
Watchman Nee

The fruit of the Spirit is . . . self-control
Watchman Nee

Actually, only God can satisfy a Christian's heart; man cannot.
Watchman Nee

Everyone who believes in God must have His revelation in his spirit, or else what he believes is not God but mere human wisdom, ideals or words. Such faith cannot endure the test.
Watchman Nee

Our prayers lay the track down which Gods power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails.
Watchman Nee

I want nothing for myself; I want everything for the Lord.
Watchman Nee

God will answer all our questions in one way and one way only. Namely, by showing us more of his Son.
Watchman Nee

Our old history ends with the Cross; our new history begins with the resurrection.
Watchman Nee

Outside Christ, I am empty; in Christ, I am full.
Watchman Nee

The 'flesh' is too bad to be cleansed; it must be crucified.
Watchman Nee

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward faith.
Watchman Nee

May we always be possessed by the consciousness that we are not our own.
Watchman Nee

The book of Acts is the best aid in approaching our work. We do not find there anyone consecrating himself as a preacher nor anyone deciding to do the Lord's work by making himself a missionary or a pastor. What we do see is the Holy Spirit Himself appointing and sending men out to do the work.
Watchman Nee

Our rest lies in looking to the Lord, not to ourselves.
Watchman Nee

The life of faith is not only totally different from, but also diametrically opposite to, a life of feeling.
Watchman Nee

As God's child advances spiritually be shall discover that the Lord's time is as important as the Lord's will. Do not rashly beget an Ishmael lest he become the greatest enemy to Isaac.
Watchman Nee

Lord, I am willing to break my heart in order that I may satisfy Thy heart!
Watchman Nee

With complete consecration comes perfect peace.
Watchman Nee

People who are lazy, careless, doubtful-minded or arrogant need not expect God to reveal His secret or covenant to them.
Watchman Nee

The sight of any trouble strikes terror into the heart of those who do not have faith, but those who trust Him say, ‘Here comes my food.!
Watchman Nee

The Lord has shown me that I can do anything, but that He has said, apart from Me ye can do nothing. So it comes to this, that everything I have done, and can still do apart from Him is nothing!
Watchman Nee

Do not grow overconfident following a few victories. Should you not rely upon the Holy Spirit you will soon be thrown once more into a distressing experience. With holy diligence you must cultivate an attitude of dependency.
Watchman Nee

Revelation is the first step to holiness, and consecration is the second. A day must come in our lives, as definite as the day of our conversion, when we give up all right to ourselves and submit to the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Watchman Nee

Christ is the Son of God. He died to atone for men's sin, and after three days rose again. This is the most important fact in the universe. I die believing in Christ.
Watchman Nee