If the eyes are the windows to the soul, you're not going to like the view.
The Undertaker
'If the eyes are a portal to one's innermost self, your perception will be less than ideal.'
It's true about the eyes being the window to the soul. Your face can be etched with worry, and twisted by ageing, but the eyes tell the true story of who you are.
Naomie Harris
They say dreams are the windows of the soul-take a peek and you can see the inner workings, the nuts and bolts.
Henry Bromell
I need no dictionary of quotations to remind me that the eyes are the windows of the soul.
Max Beerbohm
They say the eyes are the window to the soul.
Wendy Mass
It is the soul itself which sees and hears,
and not those parts which are,
as it were,
but windows to the soul.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
If the eyes are the window to the soul, then why does it hurt when I spray them with Windex?
Stephen Colbert
If the eyes are the window to the soul, then Edward's in trouble 'cause no one is home.
Laurell K. Hamilton
Hands are the medium of expression, as eyes are the windows to the soul.
Jasinda Wilder