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Worldview Quotes

Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung ist die Weltanschauung derer, die die Welt nie angeschaut haben. (The most dangerous worldview is the worldview of those who have not viewed the world)
Alexander von Humboldt

Authors on Worldview Quotes: John Piper Albert Mohler Karl Rove Agustin Fernandez Mallo Ralph Metzner Mary Doria Russell Alex Grey Ken Ham David Oyelowo Ravi Zacharias Anthony Bourdain Greg Koukl Ai Weiwei Rick Warren Alexander von Humboldt James Lankford Criss Jami Kalan Sherrard Eric Kripke R. C. Sproul Mark Driscoll Alan Dundes Nancy Pearcey Ben Affleck Vern Poythress
The true test of our worldview is what we find entertaining.
Albert Mohler

Reformed theology so far transcends the mere five points of Calvinism that it is an entire worldview.
R. C. Sproul

What you believe about who you are, where you came from, affects your whole worldview.
Ken Ham

Art is a delivery system for worldviews.
Alex Grey

Every worldview has to bring together reason and faith.
Ravi Zacharias

The LSD experience usually changes forever the worldview and basic life-orientation of all who experience it
Ralph Metzner

Some will tell you that there are multiple worldviews. The Bible says we have only 2: the Truth and the Lie.
Mark Driscoll

I mentioned that one of the tripartite formulas in American worldview involves time: past, present, and future.
Alan Dundes

Letting the Bible speak for itself, that is, letting it speak in its own terms, includes letting the Bible speak from within its own worldview rather than merely our own.
Vern Poythress

Wimpy worldviews make wimpy Christians. And wimpy Christians won’t survive the days ahead.
John Piper

Many Democrats have a pre-9/11 worldview.
Karl Rove

I hope that my work expresses my worldview and encourages people to exchange ideas.
Ai Weiwei

Public education grants secular worldviews an exclusive monopoly in the classroom.
Nancy Pearcey

Whether we like to admit it or not, as artists, we do project our own worldview on to what we do.
David Oyelowo

My wife and I come from a Christian worldview.
James Lankford

In fact, many of the quotes in my books are quotes which were translated from English and that I read already translated into Spanish. I'm not really concerned with what the original version in English was, because the important thing for me is that I received them already translated, and they've influenced my original worldview as translations, not as original quotations.
Agustin Fernandez Mallo

In my worldview, there are filers, and there are pilers. Filers think alphabetically. Pilers think geologically.
Mary Doria Russell

[George] Orwell's essays. It's got it all. Great writing, a worldview that I find interesting and useful, and most of it timelessly true.
Anthony Bourdain

A worldview is simply someone's relatively organized understanding of what the world is actually like.
Greg Koukl

Everybody's got a worldview. Everybody's betting their life on something. ... You just better know why you're betting what you're betting on.
Rick Warren

In a general sense, I admit to valuing the worldviews of men under the age of 40 and women over the age of 30.
Criss Jami

If I had a worldview, and I don't know if I do,but if I did, it's one that's intensely humanistic.
Eric Kripke

Puppets and dolls are the gateways between human beings and objects. There are tons of cliches to spout about puppetry and animism, the primacy of the object, attacking anthropocentric worldviews, etc, and while there were always puppets around, I started working with them to deal with the times I knew I wouldn't be able to collaborate with other humans, to have a team.
Kalan Sherrard

I think when you have children, it just changes your worldview.
Ben Affleck