In God, there is no sorrow or suffering or affliction. If you want to be free of all affliction and suffering, hold fast to God, and turn wholly to Him, and to no one else. Indeed, all your suffering comes from this: that you do not turn toward God and no one else.
The soul will never become pious and purified except through undergoing afflictions. It is the same as gold that can never be pure except after removing all the base metals in it.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya
The spirit will never be sanctified and cleansed except through suffering tribulations. It is like gold that can never be flawless unless all the impurities are extracted from it.
It's a most distressing affliction to have a sentimental heart and a skeptical mind.
Naguib Mahfouz
The true believer is rewarded in every thing, even in affliction.
Abu Bakr
Affliction strengthens the vigor of our soul, whereas happiness weakens it.
Pope Gregory I
New materials are one of the great afflictions of contemporary art. Some artists confuse new materials with new ideas.
Sol LeWitt
Within every man and woman is a force that directs and controls the entire course of life. Properly used, it can heal every affliction and ailment we may have.
Israel Regardie
Racism is a learned affliction and anything that is learned can be unlearned
Jane Elliott
Whatever affliction comes in our life, our Lord goes into the valley with us, leading us by the hand, even carrying us when it is necessary.
Billy Graham
No matter how serious the trial, how deep the distress, how great the affliction, God will never desert us, He never has, and He never will.
George Q. Cannon
May our afflictions be few, but may we learn not to squander them.
Scott Cairns
If you would not have affliction visit you twice, listen at once to what it teaches.
James Burgh
A smile is the only infectious affliction everyone is encouraged to spread.
Omar Kiam
The true believer is in a high degree protected against the danger of certain neurotic afflictions; by accepting the universal neurosis he is spared the task of forming a personal neurosis.
Sigmund Freud
There is nothing in afflictions which ought to disturb our joy.
John Calvin
God afflicts us because he loves us; and it is very pleasing to him, when in our afflictions he sees us abandon ourselves to his paternal care.
Benedict Joseph Labre
One drop of the sweetness of heaven is enough to take away all the sourness and bitterness of all the afflictions in the world.
Jeremiah Burroughs
All our afflictions, all our temptations are to make heaven more desirable, and earth more loathsome.
George Whitefield
true weanedness from the world don't consist in being beat off from the world by the affliction of it, but a being drawn off by the sight of something better.
Jonathan Edwards
I might enjoy being an albatross, being able to glide for days and daydream for hundreds of miles along the thermals. And then being able to hang like an affliction round some people's necks.
Seamus Heaney
Revolution will free society of its afflictions, while science will free the individual of his.
Mario Vargas Llosa
Affliction is a school of virtue; it corrects levity, and interrupts the confidence of sinning.
Francis Atterbury
Before I knew what affliction meant, I was ready sometimes to wish for it
Mary Rowlandson
In every kind of adversity, the bitterest part of a man's affliction is to remember that he once was happy.
When you are instructed by affliction, you can become a comforter to the afflicted.
Charles Spurgeon
We can stand affliction better than we can prosperity, for in prosperity we forget God.
Dwight L. Moody
Nature in her green, tranquil woods heals and soothes all afflictions.
John Muir
When something happens to you, you either let it defeat you, or you defeat it.
Rosalind Russell
Afflictions are... if we can so take them, our share in the Passion of Christ
C. S. Lewis
You will not find one Godly man who came out of an affliction worse than when he went into it. Though for a little while he was shaken, yet, at last, he was better for an affliction. But, a great many Godly men have been worse for their prosperity.
Jeremiah Burroughs
The tears of affliction are often needed to keep the eye of faith bright.
Charles Spurgeon
Affliction may be lasting, but it is not everlasting.
Thomas Watson
There is more evil in the least sin than in the greatest affliction.
Thomas Brooks
It is then, we say, in the successive stages of his experience, that the believer sees more distinctly, and adores more profoundly, and grasps more firmly, the finished righteousness of Christ. And what is the school in which he learns his nothingness, his poverty, his utter destitution? The school of deep and sanctified affliction. In no other school is it learned, and under no other teacher but God. Here his high thoughts are brought low, and the Lord alone is exalted.
Octavius Winslow
When God's hand is on thy back, let thy hand be on thy mouth, for though the affliction be sharp it shall be but short.
Thomas Brooks
Nothing is more desirable than to be released from an affliction, but nothing is more frightening than to be divested of a crutch.
James A. Baldwin
Affliction is a pill, which, being wrapt up in patience and quiet submission, may be easily swallowed; but discontent chews the pill, and so embitters the soul.
John Flavel
When afflictions arrest us, we shall murmur and grumble and struggle until we see that it is God that strikes.
Thomas Brooks
Our days on earth are like a shadow, and the time of our affliction is the length of our days.
Shmuel Yosef Agnon
Nothing can render affliction so insupportable as the load of sin. Would you then be fitted for afflictions? Be sure to get the burden of your sins laid aside, and then what affliction soever you may meet with will be very easy to you.
John Bunyan
The occurrence of an evil thought is an affliction; not to continue it is the remedy.
Katsuki Sekida
The sorrow for the dead is the only sorrow from which we refuse to be divorced.
Washington Irving
From all the afflictions, Your glory shall spring. And the deeper the sorrow, the louder you'll sing.
Charles Spurgeon
The more afflictions you have been under, the more assistance you have had for this life of holiness.
John Flavel
The need to document my insanity is an affliction I have not yet cured myself of.
Lydia Lunch