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Aidan Turner Quotes

Irish actor, Birth: 19-6-1983
You can't beat a love triangle.
Aidan Turner

There's no point in really making something if it doesn't appeal to a lot of people or the masses or if it's not seen by a lot of people.
Aidan Turner

You can have a good vibe and a good feeling about something, but you never really know how it's going to be received and how an audience is going to react to it.
Aidan Turner

It's hard to know at any stage whether a show is going to work or not. Every few years, a different trend comes along.
Aidan Turner

Every actor wants to change things up a bit. You don't want to be pigeonholed, and not just because of what the industry might think.
Aidan Turner

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I feel like a bit of a phony sometimes - I started acting because I didn’t know what else to do. I filled in all these university application forms and honestly didn’t want to do any of the courses.
Aidan Turner

I like working, I'm not into relaxing. Work motivates me, and even when I do take a holiday, I meet friends, talk about projects and set up meetings, set meetings between other people, or get involved.
Aidan Turner

Sometimes during a show or a film, while you're shooting it, you'll think, "This is great, it's going to be fantastic, the script is incredible, and the actors are great, and everything is working out brilliantly." And then you see it, and you kind of go, "Oh god, it's not as good as I thought it was," and it doesn't get an audience to watch it. It only does a couple of festivals and then dies and whatever.
Aidan Turner

Quote Topics by Aidan Turner: Want People Thinking Trends Love Triangle Years Beats Opportunity Mass Filled In Get Involved Work Out Mimicking Audience Actors House Trying Different Triangles Player School Appeals Acting Holiday Couple Good Feeling Copying Feelings Night
I didn't want to feel like I was mimicking or copying someone else's performance, whether it's subconscious or not.
Aidan Turner

There's nothing like an opening night or like the curtain going up and having a full house, but also having weeks and weeks to work with your director and cast members and try to crack the play. It's great.
Aidan Turner

At eight o'clock the curtain goes up and that's it, you're out there with yourself, the audience, the other players. There's no "take two" business. You're on. The great thing is the rehearsals, too. When you're bouncing around on film sets and TV sets you don't really get the opportunity to - generally speaking - rehearse much. With theater you're kind of four-to-five weeks locked down in the room with the guys figuring stuff out. It's back to play school.
Aidan Turner