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Alex Cox Quotes

Alex Cox Quotes
And Walker was made with a Mexican crew, although it was shot in Nicaragua.
Alex Cox

Justin Salinger showed up one day with a pink cowboy hat on and everyone else got really annoyed because somehow he'd managed to get the pink cowboy hat.
Alex Cox

The future is always a dystopia in movies.
Alex Cox

One of my contemporaries, a colorless chap who worked much harder at his law studies, is now Prime Minister.
Alex Cox

Everybody gets a little dose of Shakespeare. He's the greatest playwright in the English language, but his politics are fairly square.
Alex Cox

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I'm a good actor in that sense for directors because I always do what they say.
Alex Cox

Artists make their work to be seen by others. Well, really we do it to please ourselves, but whatever your art is, you want it to be seen by an audience. In theory, especially in the independent world, ironically, you do stand a chance of making a bit of money if the film gets distribution.
Alex Cox

Shakespeare, who is probably the greatest writer and poet of the English language, lived in a time that was politically very conservative and it's reflected in his writings.
Alex Cox

Quote Topics by Alex Cox: Film Thinking Hollywood Language Study Writing Law Cowboy Cameras Directors Independent Sorry Murder World Stuff Play Mexico Motorcycle Surrealism Can't Change Nice Day Revolutionary Mexican Stories Nice Compass Real Conservative Prime Political
I thought that punk in its original state was a revolutionary movement. But like surrealism, it failed in its revolutionary attempt.
Alex Cox

The greatest crime in a Shakespeare play is to murder the king.
Alex Cox

The way that a handful of corporations in Los Angeles dictate how our stories are told creates a real poverty of imagination and it's a big problem.
Alex Cox

Yeah, I'd be happy to go back to Mexico or Japan to make another film.
Alex Cox

I don't think about Hollywood at all.
Alex Cox

No, I did a film called 'Death and the Compass' as well.
Alex Cox

It's always nice when the eccentrics show up.
Alex Cox

You'd never have a motorcycle policeman out on the Indian reservation.
Alex Cox

Unfortunately my career began in Hollywood, doing a negative pickup for Universal pictures.
Alex Cox

My film is intentionally political. And I think that's really the issue.
Alex Cox

You can't change the system through violence.
Alex Cox

The original deal we made was that Walker would be treated like a regular movie, rather than an arthouse thing.
Alex Cox

I did not find my studies particularly enthralling.
Alex Cox

Sorry, but there is no pleasure in finding new ways of saying the same stuff about projects which tanked.
Alex Cox

In Goodfellas they have this one scene where the camera goes down some steps and walks through a kitchen into a restaurant and the critics were all over this as evidence of the genius of Scorsese and Scorsese is a genius.
Alex Cox