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Allison Maslan Quotes

In most cases, negative comments from others are their own fears or insecurity being projected onto you. If you allow them to, these doubts will seep in and throw you off your path. It is important to have positivity around you during this time. Only share your dream with people that you know will support your endeavors.
Allison Maslan

You have 2 choices in life. Cave into pressure, stay stuck and allow life to continually overwhelm you. Or step out into the big unknown world, face your fears and aim for a life with purpose.
Allison Maslan

If you have a dream, only share it with those that are going to support you. Walk toward it on a daily basis and don't let anyone's doubting or negativity throw you off your path.
Allison Maslan

When you risk nothing, you risk never truly living!
Allison Maslan