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Amy Jo Martin Quotes

Amy Jo Martin Quotes
Confidence and empowerment are cousins in my opinion. Empowerment comes from within and typically it's stemmed and fostered by self-assurance. To feel empowered is to feel free and that's when people do their best work. You can't fake confidence or empowerment.
Amy Jo Martin

Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage.
Amy Jo Martin

Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time you post a photo, or update your status, you are contributing to your own digital footprint and personal brand.
Amy Jo Martin

You're more likely to drown in the sea of sameness than get eaten by a shark while navigating new waters.
Amy Jo Martin

Just as we teach our children how to ride a bike, we need to teach them how to navigate social media and make the right moves that will help them. The physical world is similar to the virtual world in many cases. It's about being aware. We can prevent many debacles if we're educated.
Amy Jo Martin

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I realized that social media can be powerful force for good in the world and that acts of kindness can be scaled globally.
Amy Jo Martin

Social media provides an avenue to build relationships with media outlets and have an ongoing relationship with reporters.
Amy Jo Martin

It's a dialogue, not a monologue, and some people don't understand that. Social media is more like a telephone than a television.
Amy Jo Martin

Quote Topics by Amy Jo Martin: Media People News Home Giving Social World Sharks Believe Sea Memorable Children Views Sports Way Energy Issues Voice Permission Cousin Ongoing Ipads Television Magic Kindness Water School Moving Connections Updates
We all have personal brands and most of us have already left a digital footprint, whether we like it or not. Proper social media use highlights your strengths that may not shine through in an interview or application and gives the world a broader view of who you are. Use it wisely.
Amy Jo Martin

Time is priceless. Spend it with people you have high value and energy exchange rates with.
Amy Jo Martin

By providing memorable social media customer service, companies not only create deeper connections with consumers, but they glean valuable insights on how to improve their products or services.
Amy Jo Martin

Universities want to recruit the students that they believe will best represent the university while in school and beyond. Students with a robust social media presence and clearly defined personal brand stand to become only more influential.
Amy Jo Martin

Ask forgiveness, not permission. But make sure you bring your results with you.
Amy Jo Martin

I was with Shaq at his home the day he retired. It was innovative for him to become the media and announce via social media that he was retiring.
Amy Jo Martin

Bridging the virtual world with the physical word is really when social media channels come to life and the magic happens. Because whoever coined the term 'social media' didn't do us any favors. It's not really media. It's more like the telephone, less like the TV.
Amy Jo Martin

Whether I'm on the road or at home, I get a great deal done on elliptical machines. I use my iPad to conquer my email inbox, listen to audio books, use my Voxer Walkie Talkie app, and read through documents.
Amy Jo Martin

While strides are being made in the social-media space, the newspaper and news business should continue to embrace social media.
Amy Jo Martin

We'll continue to see more and more brands integrate social causes, charitable components and environmental issues as underlying themes to their campaigns and messaging. Humans connect with humans after all, and brands are using this as a point of connection to engage with their audience, especially charity-minded Generation Y.
Amy Jo Martin

There are many benefits to a sports entity breaking news directly to their recipients: the entity has full control over the message and how it is shared versus previously relying on a media outlets to translate or distribute as they choose. Also, there's no quicker place for valuable information to spread than Twitter.
Amy Jo Martin