Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in the light.
Le Corbusier
Structure is the refined art, precise and splendid, of shapes combined in illumination.
There are 360 degrees, so why stick to one?
Zaha Hadid
Explore all options.
Architecture is like writing. You have to edit it over and over so it looks effortless
Zaha Hadid
Constructing architecture is akin to crafting literature; continual refinement is necessary for a polished end product.
Chandeliers are marvels of drop-dead showiness, the jewellery of architecture.
Peter York
Glistening illuminations, the adornment of edifices.
Architecture appears for the first time when the sunlight hits a wall.
The sunlight did not know what it was before it hit a wall.
Louis Kahn
"Architecture materializes when the sun's rays encounter a barrier. It was unaware of its own existence prior to this moment."
The sun never knew how great it was until it hit the side of a building.
Louis Kahn
The sun never realized its own magnitude until it reflected off a structure.
A great building must begin with the unmeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed and in the end must be unmeasurable.
Louis Kahn
'A magnificent structure must begin with the immeasurable, must traverse quantifiable means in its formation and ultimately be immeasurable.'
Chairs are architecture, sofas are bourgeois.
Le Corbusier
Seating is structural, couches are aristocratic.
Color in certain places has the great value of making the outlines and structural planes seem more energetic.
Antonio Gaudi
Vibrant hues in distinct areas can significantly enhance the outlines and structural planes.
Architecture is how the person places herself in the space. Fashion is about how you place the object on the person.
Zaha Hadid
Architecture is how the individual positions themselves in the area. Fashion is about how one drapes the item on the person.
To create architecture is to put in order. Put what in order? Function and objects.
Le Corbusier
Constructing architecture is to arrange. Arrange what? Activities and items.
The history of architecture is the history of the struggle for light.
Le Corbusier
The chronicle of architecture is the narrative of the pursuit for illumination.
I think about architecture all the time. That's the problem. But I've always been like that. I dream it sometimes.
Zaha Hadid
I ruminate over architecture constantly. That's the issue. Yet, I've been this way since forever. I envision it occasionally.
I have tried to get close to the frontier between architecture and sculpture and to understand architecture as an art.
Santiago Calatrava
I have endeavored to bridge the divide between architecture and sculpture and to perceive architecture as a creative expression.
Only architecture that considers human scale and interaction is successful architecture.
Jan Gehl
Only architecture that takes into account the size of people and their interaction with it is successful architecture.
Architecture is what nature cannot make.
Architecture is something unnatural but not something made up.
Louis Kahn
Architecture is an artificial construction that surpasses what nature can produce.
Architecture is the thoughtful making of space
Louis Kahn
Construction of surroundings with consideration.
Architecture is a language. When you are very good, you can be a poet
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Structure is a mode of expression. When you are highly proficient, you can be a bard.
One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time, it is like life starting all over again.
Renzo Piano
The magnificence of architecture is such that every new design provides a fresh beginning.
I am always searching for more light and space.
Santiago Calatrava
I am perpetually questing for additional illumination and latitude.
One cannot make architecture without studying the condition of life in the city
Aldo Rossi
One cannot construct architecture without researching the reality of life in the metropolis.
Architecture is the reaching out for the truth.
Louis Kahn
Formulating a quest for authenticity.
The responsibility of an architect is to create a sense of order, a sense of place, a sense of relationship.
Richard Meier
Architects mostly work for privileged people, people who have money and power. Power and money are invisible, so people hire us to visualize their power and money by making monumental architecture. I love to make monuments, too, but I thought perhaps we can use our experience and knowledge more for the general public, even for those who have lost their houses in natural disasters.
Shigeru Ban
If you wisely invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life.
Frank Lloyd Wright
In Architecture there is a part that is the result of Logical Reasoning and a part that is created through the Senses. There is always a point where they Clash. I don't think Architecture can be created without that Collision.
Tadao Ando
If you give people nothingness, they can ponder what can be achieved from that nothingness.
Tadao Ando
Istanbul is inspiring because it has its own code of architecture, literature, poetry, music.
Christian Louboutin
Society needs a good image of itself. That is the job of the architect.
Walter Gropius
To me the drawn language is a very revealing language: one can see in a few lines whether a man is really an architect.
Eero Saarinen
A modern, harmonic and lively architecture is the visible sign of authentic democracy.
Walter Gropius
The pencil and computer are, if left to their own devices, equally dumb and only as good as the person driving them.
Norman Foster
What surprises me most in architecture, as in other techniques, is that a project has one life in its built state but another in its written or drawn state.
Aldo Rossi
It is insufficient for architecture today to directly implement an existing building typology; it instead requires architects to carefully examine the whole area with new interventions and programmatic typologies
Zaha Hadid
If the architecture is any good, a person who looks and listens will feel its good effects without noticing.
Carlo Scarpa
Prose is architecture, not interior decoration, and the Baroque is over.
Ernest Hemingway
Life is architecture and architecture is the mirror of life.
I. M. Pei
It is not an individual act, architecture. You have to consider your client. Only out of that can you produce great architecture. You cannot work in the abstract
I. M. Pei
Modern architecture is not a style, it's an attitude
Marcel Breuer
The architecture we remember is that which never consoles or comforts us.
Peter Eisenman
Minimalism is not defined by what is not there but by the rightness of what is
and the richness with which this is experienced.
John Pawson
I've said goodbye to the overworked notion that architecture has to save the world.
Peter Zumthor
We are all affected by Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Alvar Aalto, and Mies van der Rohe. But no less than Bramante, Borromini, and Bernini. Architecture is a tradition, a long continuum. Whether we break with tradition or enhance it, we are still connected to that past. We evolve.
Richard Meier
Architecture can't force people to connect, it can only plan the crossing points, remove barriers, and make the meeting places useful and attractive.
Denise Scott Brown
Architecture is bound to situation. And I feel like the site is a metaphysical link, a poetic link, to what a building can be.
Steven Holl