We do not argue with those who disagree with us, we destroy them.
Benito Mussolini
We do not dispute with those who differ from us, we annihilate them.
It's better not to argue with women.
Vladimir Putin
It's advisable to avoid conflict with females.
There is no question in my mind that Zionists, these Jewish radicals that they dominate Hollywood, nobody argues about the show you in the Los Angeles Times article by Joel Stein bragging about it.
David Duke
I am certain that Zionists, the Jewish zealots who control Hollywood, are not disputed in the Los Angeles Times op-ed penned by Joel Stein boasting about it.
Those who are right do not argue. Those who argue are not right.
'Those who are justified do not debate. Those who dispute are not justified.'
Your subconscious mind does not argue with you. It accepts what your conscious mind decrees. If you say, "I can't afford it," your subconscious mind works to make it true. Select a better thought. Decree, "I'll buy it. I accept it in my mind."
Joseph Murphy
I'd rather argue against a hundred idiots, than have one agree with me.
Winston Churchill
I'd rather dispute with a hundred dunces, than have one assent to my opinion.
A belief is something you will argue about. A conviction is something you will die for.
Howard G. Hendricks
I'm a very serious person, but I don't take myself very seriously and I would rather laugh all day than argue.
Stone Cold Steve Austin
I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that's the only way of insuring one's immortality.
James Joyce
Some are arguing that the Democrats should resist at every turn [to Donald's Trump administration], and some Democrats are saying that's the strategy that Democrats should now employ.
Maxine Waters
You can argue with someone's opinion, but you can't argue with their story.
Nicky Cruz
Americans no longer talk to each other, they entertain each other. They do not exchange ideas, they exchange images. They do not argue with propositions; they argue with good looks, celebrities and comercials.
Neil Postman
With regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them.
Galileo Galilei
Who are businesses really responsible to? Their customers? Shareholders? Employees? We would argue that it’s none of the above. Fundamentally, businesses are responsible to their resource base. Without a healthy environment there are no shareholders, no employees, no customers and no business.
Yvon Chouinard
One does not argue about The Wind in the Willows.
A. A. Milne
They say that "he who flies highest, falls farthest" - and who am I to argue? But we can't forget that "he who doesn't flap his wings, never flies at all".
Hunter S. Thompson
Structuralism argues that a liberal capitalist world economy tends to preserve or actually increase inequalities between developed and less developed economies.
Robert Gilpin
It is time to cease to argue about God , and instead to unite in the unmasking of contemporary forms of idolatry.
Erich Fromm
It is better to discuss things, to argue and engage in polemics than make perfidious plans of mutual destruction.
Mikhail Gorbachev
When you argue with your inferiors, you convince them of only one thing: they are as clever as you.
Irving Layton
You cannot argue stupidity, you just have to accept it patiently as one of those things.
Nevil Shute
I just know that there are two theories when arguing with women. And neither one works.
John Marston
That's the beauty of argument, if you argue correctly, you're never wrong.
Christopher Buckley
It is a difficult matter to argue with the belly since it has no ears.
Cato the Elder
You have to stop thinking logically to argue that the universe came into being by itself, out of nothing.
R. C. Sproul
What I can argue is that no one should have to die of a disease that is treatable.
Paul Farmer
If everyone is getting money, no one is getting disrespected, and no one is getting hurt, no one should be arguing.
Damon Dash
A talent for speaking differently, rather than for arguing well is the chief instrument of cultural change.
Richard Rorty
When arguing with a fool, make sure the opponent isn't doing the exact same thing.
Abraham Lincoln
If your faith won't fit in the door that opens, then I argue do not walk through that door.
DeVon Franklin
He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is weak.
Michel de Montaigne
I'd rather argue with you, angel, then laugh with anyone else.
Sylvia Day
Nationalism is war. - in arguing to strengthen the federal powers of the European Union
Francois Mitterrand
It is as absurd to argue men, as to torture them, into believing.
John Henry Newman
I don't argue with my enemies; I explain to their children.
Andre Malraux
It's not good to argue with your woman about something, because women feel strong about it, they slap you in your face, you still go back to them.
I do not argue with obstinate men. I act in spite of them.
Agatha Christie
And I would argue the second greatest force in the universe is ownership.
Chris Chocola
You guys are both saying the same thing. The only reason you're arguing is because you're using different words.
S. I. Hayakawa
Time spent arguing with the faithful is, oddly enough, almost never wasted.
Christopher Hitchens
Never argue. In society nothing must be; give only results. If any person differs from you, bow, and turn the conversation.
Benjamin Disraeli
Multiculturalists argue that different cultural values are morally equivalent. That's nonsense.
Walter E. Williams
No one can argue with a testimony, it is not a debatable issue. It is there to be accepted or rejected.
Bruce R. McConkie
If you prayed as much as you complain and quarrel, you'd have a lot less to argue about and much more peace of mind.
Rick Warren
It's hard to argue against cynics - they always sound smarter than optimists because they have so much evidence on their side.
Molly Ivins
It says in the Bible that if you argue with a fool, you become one. That’s why I don’t talk to Fred Durst!
Brian Molko
The most important thing for a good marriage is to learn how to argue peaceably.
Anita Ekberg
Happiness is allowing yourself to be okay with what is, rather than wishing for, and bemoaning, what is not. Obviously, what is is what is supposed to be, or it would not be. The rest is just you, arguing with life.
Neale Donald Walsch