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Ariel Winter Quotes

American actress, Birth: 28-1-1998 Ariel Winter Quotes
My life has definitely changed since 'Modern Family.' The show has made me more responsible, I really want to be a good role model for all kids so I have to think about what I say and do and how it looks to other kids!
Ariel Winter

My mother wanted to name me Jackie or Jacqueline but she got to name my sister and my brother, so my dad and my brother insisted on naming me. And they were big fans of 'The Little Mermaid.'
Ariel Winter

No matter what you look like or think you look like, you're special and loved and perfect just the way you are.
Ariel Winter

There's a confidence you find when you finally feel right in your body.
Ariel Winter

I'm pretty smart with boys. I know how to handle them and I know what to do around them.
Ariel Winter

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All I've ever wanted is to be normal.
Ariel Winter

I have two lovely parents who support everything I do, two siblings, and three beautiful nieces. My house is always filled with laughter and fun!
Ariel Winter

Young women grow up in a really negative world today online and in person.
Ariel Winter

Quote Topics by Ariel Winter: Kids Body Thinking Issues Empowering People Speaks Out Voice Mother Laughter Needs Smart Fun Wanted Negative World Done Girl Nerd Speak Character Men Chests Trying Birth Defects Weight Insecurity Overcoming Dad Years
I've always done pretty well in auditions. I just go in and give it my best shot.
Ariel Winter

We as women need to empower each other.
Ariel Winter

I want to continue to speak out on issues that matter to me. I want to have even more of a voice.
Ariel Winter

It was an instant weight lifted off my chest - both literally and figuratively.
Ariel Winter

People like to clap back at the people who speak out most.
Ariel Winter

It's incredible when women tell me that they've read things that I've said or have been inspired by things that I've done. To hear them say that because of something I did, they felt more positive about themselves and or had more of a voice to stand up for things that were right. It's been empowering for me to be able to help other women feel that way about themselves.
Ariel Winter

I had body insecurities when I was younger. I still do.
Ariel Winter

Im always practicing lines, researching, trying to be fresh, and fully trying to become the characters I play. Thats how I roll.
Ariel Winter

I've been the target of haters for so long, for so many years. Ever since I was a kid and I first started the show.
Ariel Winter

I love when I get stories of young women that have overcome things such as birth defects that they've been hated on for or even just their own body confidence stories.
Ariel Winter

It's really unfortunate that instead of focusing on the really important issues in our world, Donald Trump chooses to make personal attacks on people.
Ariel Winter

Female empowerment really is important to me. I'm a big nerd of the books from the 15th Century and 16th Century, when the men had all the power and the women had none of it.
Ariel Winter