Limitation of armaments in itself is economically and financially important quite apart from security.
Ludwig Quidde
We pacifists have not ceased to point to the grave danger of armaments and to insist on their curtailment.
Ludwig Quidde
Sometimes you may kill tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands with very primitive armaments.
Bashar al-Assad
We stand for the dismantling of foreign military bases. We stand for a reduction of armed forces and armaments in areas where military confrontation is especially dangerous, above all in central Europe.
Leonid Brezhnev
Two conditions render difficult this historic situation of mankind: It is full of tremendously deadly armament, and it has not progressed morally as much as it has scientifically and technically.
Pope Paul VI
In all my activities as Armament Minister I never once visited a labor camp, and cannot, therefore, give any information about them.
Albert Speer
The moral is obvious it is that great armaments lead inevitably to war.
Edward Dunlop
The armament industry is indeed one of the greatest dangers that beset mankind. It is the hidden evil power.
Albert Einstein
All the vested interests and people who profit by war will - with the journals they control - resolutely oppose any reduction of armaments.
Randal Cremer
Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Union by increasing armaments.
Norman Mailer
Without armaments peace cannot be kept; wars are waged not only to repel injustice but also to establish a firm peace.
Martin Luther
It has to be admitted that starving nations never seem to be quite so starving that they cannot afford to have far more expensive armaments than anybody else.
T. H. White
Do not fear or misunderstand when the Government say they are looking to our defences. I give you my word that there will be no great armaments.
Stanley Baldwin
The armament of the government is legal armament. Any other armament is not legal.
Bashar al-Assad