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Axl Rose Quotes

American singer-songwriter and producer, Birth: 6-2-1962 Axl Rose Quotes
We are made up of two contrasting ideals: Love And Fear. Pick One and Live.
Axl Rose

"We consist of two diverging concepts: Love and Anxiety. Choose One and Exist."
Life sucks, but in a beautiful kind of way.
Axl Rose

Life can be bittersweet.
I'm not God but if I were God, ¾ of you would be girls, and the rest would be pizza and beer.
Axl Rose

'If I had divine powers, ¾ of the population would be female, while the remainder would consist of pizza and beer.'
Fear is where there is no love. Love is where there is no fear.
Axl Rose

'Anxiety is where there is no affection. Affection is where there is no apprehension.'
We take it for granted we know the whole story - We judge a book by its cover and read what we want between selected lines.
Axl Rose

We assume we have all the facts - We form an opinion based on appearances and interpret what we prefer within chosen passages.
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Be bitter, stay angry, and blame everyone!
Axl Rose

Be resentful, remain infuriated, and lay accountability on all!
I'm late to everything. I've always wanted to have it written in my will that when I die, the coffin shows up a half hour late and says on the side, like in gold, 'Sorry I'm Late'.
Axl Rose

November Rain is a song about not wanting to be in a state of having to deal with unrequited love.
Axl Rose

Quote Topics by Axl Rose: Pain Thinking Song Art Funny Writing Car Love Is Two Want People Emotional Kids Responsibility Rocks Issues Dog Rock N Roll Waiting Book Goal Bitter Taken Love Is Blind One Time Jesus Voice Beer Phones Poodles
If love is blind I guess I'll buy myself a cane
Axl Rose

When I was a kid, I was told rock n' roll wasn't music. It wasn't art. Queen was my proof, my evidence, that these people were wrong - and they meant everything to me.
Axl Rose

I guess I like who I am now. I'd just like to have a little more internal peace. I'm sure everybody would.
Axl Rose

I think the pressure has also helped me want to rise above that pressure, and it has helped in accelerating the healing process. It's helped give me a drive. I have a definite survival drive, and the pressure gave me a drive to get on top of it.
Axl Rose

It's really hard to maintain a one-on-one relationship if the other person is not going to allow me to be with other people.
Axl Rose

Regarding social media, I really dont understand what appears to be the general populations lack of concern over privacy issues in publicizing their entire lives on the Internet for others to see to such an extent... but hey its them, not me, so whatever.
Axl Rose

I write the vocals last, because I wanted to invent the music first and push the music to the level that I had to compete against it.
Axl Rose

I discovered I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a great white shark or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot.
Axl Rose

Sometimes I would want to sink, and then while I was sinking I'd go, "Wait a minute, this isn't what I want to do," and I would calm down while I was sinking and then start rising back to the surface again.
Axl Rose

I feel I have a responsibility to myself, a responsibility to explain where we're coming from. Because a song or the performance of a song is a lot like a work of art.
Axl Rose

If you are really into waiting, try holding your breath for Jesus, 'cause I hear the payoff may be that much greater.
Axl Rose

I think that it would be good for people to realize and understand that they are doing something to deal with their pain and they aren't really going to be allowed to escape it and outrun it forever without side effects and certain consequences, as far as emotional and mental happiness and their physical condition. And I'd like people to be aware of those things.
Axl Rose

I don't even know my own phone number.
Axl Rose

Sometimes your friends are your lovers, or have been at one time.
Axl Rose

I personally don't do any hard drugs, because they get in the way of me getting to my base issues, and I'd rather get rid of the excess baggage than find a way to shove it deeper in the closet.
Axl Rose

Rock n' roll was a bad and evil thing. l remember once I was singing a Barry Manilow song, "Mandy," In the back seat of the car. It came on the radio, and I kind of sang with it, and I got smacked In the mouth because that song was "evil."
Axl Rose

As for money and prestige, if one has an opportunity to make money and/or advance their position or place in life there can be a lot to weigh and consider, such as responsibilities, goals and objectives etc. We all make choices, deal with our sense of priorities, principles, ethics, morals, balancing, juggling, making compromises... or not! Ha!
Axl Rose

I like feeling a sense of unity with the crowd even though everybody might be thinking something different.
Axl Rose

I like to be real private; you don't always want everyone around you - even when they like you.
Axl Rose

Many times drugs and alcohol - there's a technical term that they're called, emotional suppressants - are the only things that can help a person survive and get through and be able to deal with their pain.
Axl Rose

I'd just like to say that I have a personal disgust for small dogs, like poodles. I have some serious physical problems with them. Everything about them means I must kill them. I must.
Axl Rose

If someone asked me if I could have anything in the world, what would l want? If l could own anything, like owning a piece of art, l think it would be Elton John's publishing, on his first seven albums. I don't want the money. Being able to own those songs Is like owning a painting of someone you admire.
Axl Rose

At times I enjoy writing and at others times I just hate it because it's definitely having to go back and experience some pain and express what you really feel.
Axl Rose

Let sleeping dogs lie or lying dogs sleep or whatever. Time to move on. People get divorced. Life doesn't owe you your own personal happy ending especially at another's, or in this case several others', expense.
Axl Rose

We have a saying in Guns N Roses: When somebodys gonna get yelled at, theyre gonna get the corn.
Axl Rose

Freddie Mercury and Elton John are, like, two of the biggest Influences in my whole life. And probably always will be.
Axl Rose

What’s so civil about war anyway?
Axl Rose

I like Nine Inch Nails, and I like hip-hop.
Axl Rose

I'm glad to be here [in Israel] again.
Axl Rose

If I hadn't had Freddie Mercury's lyrics to hold on to as a kid I don't know where I would be. It taught me about all forms of music... it would open my mind. I never really had a bigger teacher in my whole life.
Axl Rose

In general I usually don't really go by or live my life by a clock and outside of touring I don't really ask anyone else to. It's not out of lack of respect for anyone or intentional.
Axl Rose

I could beat my mike stand into the stage, but I was still in pain. Maybe fans liked it, but sometimes people forget you're a person and they're more into the entertainment value. It's taken a long time to turn that around and give a strong show without it being a kamikaze show.
Axl Rose

I try to be respectful about getting an honor or recognition, but I don't really know what the Rock Hall actually is. In my experience with the people who run it, I don't see it having to do with anything other than them making money.
Axl Rose

People can do whatever they want to, but I'm more pro-hetero. I'm not knocking it - I have friends that are gay. It's just that it's not my cup of tea, l guess. That's all. People can do what they want.
Axl Rose

I sing in five or six different voices that are all part of me. Its not contrived.
Axl Rose

There was a much more self-destructive nature in 'Appetite.' It was a going-for-it-at-all-cost thing that worked then.
Axl Rose

I go to movies, go out with friends, go to car shows. I have a zoo.
Axl Rose