Only in America can a Barack Obama happen. Only in America can a Don King happen.
Don King
Barack Obama volunteered to be the Captain of the Titanic AFTER it hit the iceberg
Van Jones
Ronald Reagan had a vision of America. Barac k Obama has a vision of Barack Obama.
Thomas Sowell
Our biggest national security crisis is Barack Obama.
John Bolton
I was starstruck by Michelle Obama. She's an amazing-looking lady, and I'm a massive Barack Obama fan anyway.
Niall Horan
I had no expectations about Barack Obama and I'm not in the least disillusioned.
Noam Chomsky
I'd have to go for Donald Trump ... you know, 'cause Hillary Clinton is declared that she's gonna follow in Barack Obama's footsteps. There's been just too much funny business on both sides of the aisle. She's made a lot of dough out of being a politician.
Clint Eastwood
There's more power in being Oprah Winfrey than in being Barack Obama.
Andrew Breitbart
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, never being in business, never really negotiating, give away for nothing things they shouldn't give away.
Rudy Giuliani
If Barack Obama is elected, I'll be moving out of the country.
Stephen Baldwin
He [Barack Obama] just seemed very firm about the change, and that's, like, his motto.
Kim Kardashian
President [Barack] Obama's pick of Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education was abysmal.
Julianne Malveaux
I love that we can trust Barack to do what he says he's going to do, even when it's hard - especially when it's hard.
Michelle Obama
Barack Obama doesn't believe in free enterprise. He's never going to admit it. For instance, he's never going to come straight out and say, 'If you own a business you didn't build it.' Alright, maybe he will.
Marco Rubio
We have a president [Barack Obama] that doesn't know what's happening, and when it comes to the military.
Donald Trump
I don't sense an [Barack] Obama party. I think politics is transactional for him.
Chris Matthews
Barack Obama is way smarter than Bush - so way, way smarter than me. Obama is way more charismatic than me.
Penn Jillette
The election of Senator Barack Obama brought jubilation across Africa, where millions celebrated him as 'one of their own.'
George Ayittey
I could have possibly beaten Senator McCain in the primary. Then I could have been the candidate who lost to Barack Obama.
Mitt Romney
You know, let me be very clear. I supported Barack Obama originally.
Bernie Sanders
[The biggest disappointment is] that he [Barack Obama] deported everybody and their grandmother.
Junot Diaz
Hope is necessary. It's a necessary concept. And Barack Obama didn't just talk about hope because he thought it was just a nice slogan to get votes.
Michelle Obama
Barack Obama is one of the greatest politicians in American history.
John Podhoretz
I ignore [Barack Obama] like I ignore [Louis ] Farrakhan.
Malaak Shabazz
I'm for Barack Obama. We gotta have the Muslim cell in there just to piss Rush Limbaugh and the right wing off.
Al Jourgensen
The Barack Obama Administration has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all previous administrations combined. That's a staggering record. And it comes from a president who said that he's going to have one of the most transparent administrations ever.
Alex Gibney
I don't think that we really know a whole lot about Barack Obama at all that you would really call distinctive.
John H. McWhorter
I bet we`ll see a lot of demagoguery [in Donald Trump speech] about the 10,000 Syrians that [Barack] Obama has allowed to be resettled here.
Michelle Goldberg
For me, Barack Obama represents grace, respect, betterment and community.
Omar Epps
Europeans call it socialism, Americans call it welfare, and Barack Obama calls it change.
Douglas Holtz-Eakin
Barack Obama did tell me that I was one of Michelle Obama's favorite actors.
Dwayne Johnson
Apologized for saying Barack Obama was clean and articulate.
Joe Biden
Barack Obama has exhibited sympathy, if not for the terrorists, then certainly for the Islamic supremacists.
Frank Gaffney
I knew Barack Obama, absolutely. And I knew him probably as well as thousands of other Chicagoans.
Bill Ayers
I will focus on being substantive and I will focus on Barack Obama.
Newt Gingrich
I think the people that Barack Obama has been associating with are anti-American, by and large.
Michele Bachmann
I can't do Christopher Walken impressions anymore, thanks [Barack] Obama.
Baron Vaughn
[Barack] Obama is in incompetent, as a president, he's about as bad as it gets.
Donald Trump
[Barack Obama to be] much worse [than George W. Bush].
Nat Hentoff
I'm named Barack Hussein Obama. I'm African-American.
Barack Obama
[Barack Obama] was comfortable when he had the foil.
Chuck Todd
I think Donald Trump is gonna continue to unravel as much of the Barack Obama agenda as he can, and I think he's gonna continue to wipe the floor with Democrats wherever he can.
Rush Limbaugh
I am impressed with America's capacity for change, and their ability to bring someone as inspirational as Barack Obama into the White House.
Giorgio Armani
Like other presidents before him, Barack Obama inherited a recession. But unlike them, he has made it worse, not better.
Mitt Romney
I didn't elect [Barack] Obama because he's a black; I voted for Obama because he was the right person at the time.
Danny Glover
I must say I'm surprised by how skeptical of the [Barack] Obama administration The Nation has been.
Edward Snowden
There are two theories. There's one theory that Barack Obama wants to destroy the country and create a socialistic country. There is that theory, and I've read a lot. This isn't necessarily my theory. I personally think they're incompetent.
Donald Trump