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Barbara Degenevieve Quotes

As an academic I feel I should intellectualize and theoretically analyze when all I really want to do is let the work take me somewhere, manipulate me, and then rough me up a bit. When it comes right down to it, I only want to spend time with work that makes me think and teaches me something while making my body react.
Barbara Degenevieve

You can assume all photo and video is constructed as a fiction controlled by the person holding the camera and the person who is editing.
Barbara Degenevieve

I am attempting to move away from the exclusionary practices of feminist theory, particularly anti-pornography rhetoric, in order to amplify the discussion about the complexity of pleasure for women.
Barbara Degenevieve

I often call my current work pornographic - when I don't, I can always be sure someone else will.
Barbara Degenevieve

In using the style of the erotic/pornographic story, I am interested in dismantling stereotypes of an essential feminine identity, particularly one of exclusive tenderness and passivity.
Barbara Degenevieve