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Bodhisattva Quotes

So the bodhisattva saves all beings, not by preaching sermons to them, but by showing them that they are delivered, they are liberated, by the act of not being able to stop changing.
Alan Watts

Authors on Bodhisattva Quotes: Nhat Hanh Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche Ajahn Chah Chogyam Trungpa Alan Watts Gautama Buddha
Even fear itself is frightened by the bodhisattva's fearlessness.
Chogyam Trungpa

A mantra is like meeting the Buddha or Bodhisattva himself.
Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

Do not be a bodhisattva, do not be an arahant, do not be anything at all. If you are a bodhisattva, you will suffer, if you are an arahant, you will suffer, if you are anything at all, you will suffer.
Ajahn Chah

Mother Earth is very talented. She has produced Buddhas, bodhisattvas, great beings.
Nhat Hanh

Meat-eating is condemned by the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Sravakas; if one devours meat out of shamelessness he will always be devoid of sense.
Gautama Buddha