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Carol Plum-Ucci Quotes

Carol Plum-Ucci Quotes
Don't you give me that postmodern bullshit. There is truth, There is a truth. And what you want, or you feel, or you need, isn't going to change the truth. Any more than it's going to topple a skyscraper. There's truth, and there's belief. Don't call a mule a stallion.
Carol Plum-Ucci

It's fine to be insane as long as you keep it to yourself.
Carol Plum-Ucci

You're in my personal space, so get out of it.
Carol Plum-Ucci

People will do and think whatever it is they have to in order to survive.
Carol Plum-Ucci

My belief in ghosts swings with the wind. But my belief that the cemetery felt happy and not sad-I've never changed my mind about that.
Carol Plum-Ucci

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If you can understand human behavior, it can’t hurt you nearly as much.
Carol Plum-Ucci

You can never see a plant grow, but they do.
Carol Plum-Ucci

People love to see you get ahead — so long as you don't get farther ahead than they are.
Carol Plum-Ucci

Quote Topics by Carol Plum-Ucci: People Believe Sometimes Angel Long Looks Knowing Hurt Way Plant Knows Rivers Faults Life Is Choices Wish Growing Order Fine Truth Is Get Ahead Personal Space Meetings Terror Humans Lying Care Nice Swings Giving
But not hurting people and knowing how to get along with people, ... they're different.
Carol Plum-Ucci

Sometimes it has to feel worse before it feels better.
Carol Plum-Ucci

People make their own choices, and sometimes those choices suck.
Carol Plum-Ucci

You're supposed to be kind to everyone, because you never know when you're meeting an angel.
Carol Plum-Ucci

Nobody stopped believing that other people were more guilty than they were. Why do people have so much trouble seeing their own faults but such an easy time seeing everyone else's?
Carol Plum-Ucci

He says you don't often find angels in places like happy homes and rich people's backyard parties. He says that angels flock to places like hospitals and homelss shelters and jails, because those people realize they need help. And do they are able to believe in strange phenomena. Funny how the world is backward. The really comfortable people don't always see much supernaturally, and to the ones who have to struggle, it's, like, breathing in their faces. The first are last... and the last are first.
Carol Plum-Ucci

Things don't have to be sane when they're normal.
Carol Plum-Ucci

If people knew who the angels were, they would be very nice when they saw one and would still do their same evil garbage when they thought none were around. Knowing who they are defeats the purpose.
Carol Plum-Ucci

People can love their lies, tell their lies, believe their own lies until hell pays a visit.
Carol Plum-Ucci

I only wish to be gone. Therefore, I AM.
Carol Plum-Ucci

If a life goes down the toilet, it comes out in a river and meets the sea.
Carol Plum-Ucci

Everyone who doesn't want to believe in supernormal powers says the people who experience them are psycho. What the hell kind of a world is this if all magic moments are psychotic?
Carol Plum-Ucci

My one challenge with the support group that I'd become involved with on campus is that the people seem to spend as much time talking about their ill-begotten pasts as their promising futures. It's as if people are drawn to looking back. They can't move on until it all makes sense. Humbly submitted: It never does.
Carol Plum-Ucci

Don't tell people you care about them when all you really care about is getting your own way.
Carol Plum-Ucci

Complete happiness can look so much like complete terror that it's hard to tell them apart.
Carol Plum-Ucci

People only see as far as they are able and the rest of the truth is lost on them.
Carol Plum-Ucci

There are times in life to grow, and there are times in life to shine. One can't grow and shine at the same time; it just doesn't work that way. Now you're growing. Tomorrow you'll shine.
Carol Plum-Ucci

Life is all we have, and if we can't look at it honestly, are we really living?
Carol Plum-Ucci

You can almost believe what you know is not true when you really have to.
Carol Plum-Ucci

You gotta pay your dues to sing the blues.
Carol Plum-Ucci