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Ceramics Quotes

I have always wished I could learn to be a potter. I love collecting ceramics; it would be so fulfilling to create something lovely.
Julie Andrews

Authors on Ceramics Quotes: Warren MacKenzie Mark Twain Julie Andrews Ilana Glazer Bruce Chatwin Jeff Bridges Marcel Dzama Ken Kesey Rex Smith Rick Riordan Joey Bishop Simon Sinek Christina Milian
The very "marks" on the bottom of a piece of rare crockery are able to throw me into a gibbering ecstasy.
Mark Twain

I am content to be a bric-a-bracker and a Ceramiker.
Mark Twain

I like doing arts and crafts, so I would probably go to one of those fun little ceramic places and go paint some plates and do something fun like that
Christina Milian

No, my friend. We are lunatics from the hospital up the highway, psycho-ceramics, the cracked pots of mankind. Would you like me to decipher a Rorschach for you?
Ken Kesey

I can see hope inside it." Rachel ran her fingers over the ceramic designs. "So fragile.
Rick Riordan

All the perks, all the benefits and advantages you may get for the rank or position you hold, they aren’t meant for you. They are meant for the role you fill. And when you leave your role, which eventually you will, they will give the ceramic cup to the person who replaces you. Because you only ever deserved a Styrofoam cup.
Simon Sinek

The other day I started to take a course in psycho-ceramics. What is psycho-ceramics? It's the study of crackpots.
Joey Bishop

I was always doing films, but the ceramics didn't come until later. I did take ceramics in university, which gave me an appetite for the medium, but I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with it yet.
Marcel Dzama

I learned about Chinese ceramics and African sculptures, I aired my scanty knowledge of the French Impressionists, and I prospered.
Bruce Chatwin

There was this one lady in Colorado who made us something ceramic, where it could have been either a ring holder or a bowl cleaner. She was just like, "Here you go." And we were both like, "Oh my god! Thank yoooou!"
Ilana Glazer

I do a lot of ceramics.
Jeff Bridges

I thought I was going to be able to use my painting ideas as decoration on pottery, but my painting did not translate into decoration on pottery. I thought it was going to, and in fact I made, while still in school, a plate with one of my paintings on it, and that's exactly what it was, it was a plate with a painting on it. It was not a decorated plate; it was just a painting superimposed over a three-dimensional ceramic form.
Warren MacKenzie

I came up to New York at 20 with a suitcase and a ceramic tiger. That was my one piece of furniture and I wanted to save it.
Rex Smith

We both [with Alixandra Kolesky MacKenzie] got into ceramics, you might say, by the back door. Looking back on it, I think this was a very good thing.
Warren MacKenzie

[Bernard Leach] talked about painting, but we never talked about ceramics in that evening. But at the end of the evening he said to us, "Well," he said, "I've changed my mind, and if you want, you can come back a year from now and apprentice in the workshop."
Warren MacKenzie