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Cesar Millan Quotes

Mexican-American dog trainer, Birth: 27-8-1969 Cesar Millan Quotes
To me dogs are not the students, not the ones that need training. To me a dog is a teacher of life, who teaches us the principles of the most important moral values; honesty, integrity, loyalty, trust, respect and love.
Cesar Millan

My kids are around pit bulls every day. In the ’70s they blamed Dobermans, in the ’80s they blamed German Shepherds, in the ’90s they blamed the Rottweiler. Now they blame the Pit Bull.
Cesar Millan

Calm assertive energy is the energy you project to show your dog you are the Pack Leader. Assertive does not mean angry or aggressive. Calm-assertive means always compassionate, but quietly in control.
Cesar Millan

Humans are the only animals who will follow unstable pack leaders.
Cesar Millan

In life... we need to find a balance. You have to set rules and limitations - that is called discipline. And you have to practice that in all your worlds.
Cesar Millan

All dogs can become aggressive, but the difference between an aggressive Chihuahua and an aggressive pit bull is that the pit bull can do more damage. That's why it's important to make sure you are a hundred percent ready for the responsibility if you own a 'power' breed, like a pit bull, German shepherd, or Rottweiler.
Cesar Millan

You don't always get the dog you want, but you get the dog that you need.
Cesar Millan

Dogs help you to appreciate the world around you. They smell the ground so intensely. They look at the trees as though they are seeing them for the first time. It helps us to remember the wonders that we take for granted.
Cesar Millan

Quote Topics by Cesar Millan: Dog People Animal Thinking Exercise Believe Running Energy Giving Important Kids Mean Strong Views Problem Moving Leader Mother Discipline America Mistake Years Hurt Mind Responsibility Community Beautiful Love Is Healing Mexican
There is no such thing as a problem breed. However, there is no shortage of 'problem owners'.
Cesar Millan

Humans will always tell you the story. Dogs can only tell you the truth. Trust your instincts and listen your dog.
Cesar Millan

Huskies get in trouble. Huskies are well-known to be escape artists. Why? Because they were bred to go long-distance. They're not bred to be in the backyard and just look beautiful because they have blue eyes.
Cesar Millan

Mother Nature's ruthless to the weak, but isn't arbitrary cruel or negative. Mother Nature saves aggression for extreme situations, and instead uses consistent leadership--to help keep things running smoothly. Mother nature doesn't rule by fear and anger, but by calm strength and assertiveness.
Cesar Millan

The thing about discipline is that people misunderstand the word discipline. People think discipline in the dog world is punishment. Discipline is how you achieve what you want to achieve in life. You have to be very focused, very disciplined, very consistent, very diligent. All of those things.
Cesar Millan

The dog can only become what's in your bubble. The dog is imitating the energy that is in your bubble. You are the source, the feast of energy. If you feel anxious, the dog becomes anxious with you. If you become nervous, the dog wakes up nervous with you.
Cesar Millan

I believe in integrity. Dogs have it. Humans are sometimes lacking it.
Cesar Millan

I am a Mexican that has been lucky enough to travel the world, speaking English, but with a heart that speaks a universal language.
Cesar Millan

Change takes effort. And the reality is, most people don't want to put in effort to better their life.
Cesar Millan

No dog is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate dogs, I train people. I am the dog whisperer.
Cesar Millan

Love is leading. People think it has to be two different roles but it is the same.
Cesar Millan

Dogs experience the world as it is, without judgement. When we learn to do the same, we make the world a better place.
Cesar Millan

Dogs and other animals we bring into our homes serve as one of our most important links to Mother Nature. We may not think about it consciously, but they are our lifelines to a part of ourselves that we are at the brink of losing altogether.
Cesar Millan

Let your dog teach you how to get the most out of life! If we could all be more like our dogs when it comes to living in the moment, being honest and authentic, and learning how to not hold grudges, the entire planet would be a much better place.
Cesar Millan

Dogs do know how comfortable you are with yourself, how happy you are, how fearful you are, and what is missing inside of you.
Cesar Millan

Denial,they say, stands for"Don't even notice I am lying." Human beings are the only animals who are happily lied to by our own minds about what is actually happening around us.
Cesar Millan

I want people to understand there is a such a thing as creating a harmonious experience between the dogs and the humans.
Cesar Millan

You cannot "love" a dog out of her bad behavior, just as you can't "love" a criminal into stopping his crimes.
Cesar Millan

Explaining "why" to a dog is pretty useless. You have to engage their instincts in order to change their behavior.
Cesar Millan

Children are becoming disobedient why, because of the lack of rules boundaries and limitations.
Cesar Millan

I'll believe it if I see it" for dogs translates to "I'll believe it if I smell it." So don't bother yelling at them; it's the energy and scent they pay attention to, not your words.
Cesar Millan

Dogs are our best teachers and biggest healers. We can learn so much from them about how to live life in balance, and they are a constant source of spiritual uplift and unconditional love that is so important to have in order to be healthy.
Cesar Millan

I believe it's our loss of connection with our instinctual side that prevents us from being effective pack leaders for our dogs. Perhaps it's also why we also seem to be failing at being positive guardians of our planet.
Cesar Millan

But just because a person goes to Harvard doesn't mean he's balanced when he graduates, and just because a dog knows how to obey doesn't mean he's balanced, either.
Cesar Millan

I love my dogs and I give them affection all the time but it has to be at the right time or they get confused.
Cesar Millan

Just being with dogs, I learned their ways and began to appreciate things from their point of view.
Cesar Millan

When a dog is balanced, you are going to enjoy a true friend.
Cesar Millan

She thinks, I failed twice. If I failed twice I'm going to fail forever. No! That is not the law of life. If you failed twice that means you can learn. It's just a learning experience. It's an obstacle. An imaginary obstacle. She made it real. She made failing a journey of life... Instead do again and make a journey of your life.
Cesar Millan

With small dogs people don't reinforce the same behavior that they do on a larger dog. If you are a driver no matter what size car you have it doesn't matter. Same thing goes for any gender. All the rules are the same.
Cesar Millan

If you give only 80 percent leadership, your dog will give you 80 percent following. And the other 20 percent of the time he will run the show. If you give your dog any opportunity for him to lead you, he will take it.
Cesar Millan

Little dogs bite more than big dogs but they get away with it.
Cesar Millan

The dog is a reflection of your energy, of your behavior. You have to ask, 'What am I doing?' That's the right question to ask.
Cesar Millan

You can also hurt a dog if it's insecure, if a dog is nervous and then you try to pet him, you can make him more nervous. It's not just the aggressive dogs that you can get hurt. It's also the dogs that you can actually hurt. It works both ways.
Cesar Millan

I have never met a dog I couldn't help; however, I have met humans who weren't willing to change.
Cesar Millan

Aggression is not a breed thing. Its a state of mind, and it comes from how the human is with the dog. There are four levels of energy, regardless of the breed: low, medium, high, very high. The idea is to get a dog in your same level or lower than you.
Cesar Millan

Everybody wants a solution on how to help their dogs, but we can't really see the problem until we reconnect ourselves to our instinctual self.
Cesar Millan

Bill Gates can't control a high-level-energy dog, because his energy is very low, very calm. Very intellectual. A dog doesn't see that as leadership.
Cesar Millan

Often we blame the breed, but in my opinion, it's not the breed, it's the owner. The owner has to be the pack leader and provide exercise, discipline, then affection. If you do that, you'll have a sweet, loving, and balanced dog - no matter what breed!
Cesar Millan

It becomes very obvious, by reading a dog, how stable or unstable his human companion is. Our dogs are our mirrors.
Cesar Millan

Give your dog something to do before you share food, water, toys or affection. This way the dog earns his treat. For example, have him or her perform the "sit" or "down" command.
Cesar Millan

I deal with misunderstood aspects of animal behaviour like anxiety and aggression. I teach people how to respect different species and let a dog be a dog.
Cesar Millan

A dominant dog can get another dog to move out of its way just by the energy it projects. You can tell a lot about a dog's position in the pack by how they hold themselves around other dogs. When reading a dog's body language, you can't do it intellectually. You can only do it by using your instincts.
Cesar Millan