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Characteristics Quotes

Starvation is the characteristic of some people not having enough food to eat. It is not the characteristic of there being not enough food to eat.
Amartya Sen

Malnourishment is the trait of some people not having adequate sustenance. It is not the attribute of there being an absence of nourishment.
Authors on Characteristics Quotes: Gregory Bateson Sigmund Freud Confucius David Attenborough Sydney J. Harris Martin Amis Dallin H. Oaks Samuel Johnson James Weldon Johnson Bruce Springsteen Leo Tolstoy Louis Leakey Edward T. Hall Simone Weil John Medina E. M. Delafield Wallace Shawn Kevin DeYoung Charles R. Swindoll Francis Galton Gary L. Francione Michal Kalecki Epictetus Timothy Mason Jeffrey R. Holland Aristotle Noam Chomsky Chester Bowles Dee Hock Saul Friedlander Martin Heidegger Edward de Bono Thomas Nagel
Hypocrisy is the characteristic feature of the dying bourgeois epoch.
Joseph Goebbels

It is characteristic of the emotions of the very young infant that they are of an extreme and powerful nature.
Melanie Klein

If there is one characteristic more than others that contemporary public worship needs to recapture it is this awe before the surpassingly great and gracious God.
Henry Sloane Coffin

I am positive that flexibility is a feminine characteristic.
Emma Bonino

Maybe this is a characteristic of happy people. An ability to be entertained by the world.
Clare Morrall

Each culture has its own characteristic manner of locomotion, sitting, standing, reclining, and gesturing.
Edward T. Hall

It is characteristic of ideology to impose self-evident facts as self-evident facts.
Louis Althusser

It's obviously a characteristic of human beings that we like to feel superior to others, but our problem is we are not superior
Wallace Shawn

The age of automation is going to be the age of "do it yourself".
Marshall McLuhan

Absurdity is one of the most human things about us: a manifestation of our most advanced and interesting characteristics.
Thomas Nagel

A child's learning is a function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher.
James S. Coleman

Characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.

Let's not pretend that mental phenomena can be mapped on to the characteristics of billiard balls.
Gregory Bateson

Characteristics cling to families.
Francis Galton

Certain characteristic properties of elements can be foretold from their atomic weights.
Dmitri Mendeleev

The fact that the Prophet cared for every human being and tried his best to ensure their security in the hereafter must be the most telling of his compassionate and merciful characteristics.
Cat Stevens

The level of potential physical productivity of a society depends on both the development of the intellect of its members, and a minimal standard of both demographic characteristics and of consumption.
Robert Trout

But I'll try to immerse myself in as many of the formal characteristics of site as possible in the landscape.
Richard Serra

What is characteristic of illusions is that they are derived from human wishes.
Sigmund Freud

Procrastination in the beginning and precipitation towards the conclusion is the characteristic of such bodies.
James Madison

It is characteristic of genius to be hopeful and aspiring.
Harriet Martineau

Great companies that build an enduring brand have an emotional relationship with customers that has no barrier. And that emotional relationship is on the most important characteristic, which is trust.
Howard Schultz

Benevolence is the characteristic element of humanity.

Philanthropy is one of the most hopeful characteristics of our time.
Mary Livermore

So-called racial characteristics are not really racial at all but are due to the historical experiences of the communities in question.
Arnold J. Toynbee

Actions determine what kind of characteristics are developed.

The Dalmatian breed of dog has many primitive characteristics.
Louis Leakey

The Jew has always been a people with definite racial characteristics and never a religion.
Adolf Hitler

Persistence is a characteristic to which success invariably surrenders.
Catherine Ponder

The power to become habituated to his surroundings is a marked characteristic of mankind.
John Maynard Keynes

Tremendous interest in the superficial is very characteristic of cultures in decline.
Martin Amis

It's not convincing to say you are a child of God if you have none of the characteristics of your Father.
Kevin DeYoung

Entanglement is not one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics.
Erwin Schrodinger

It is from the blues that all that may be called American music derives it most distinctive characteristics.
James Weldon Johnson

Slavic peoples get their physical characteristics from potatoes, their smoldering inquietude from radishes, their seriousness from beets.
Tom Robbins

Their racial characteristics are such that we cannot understand or trust even the citizen Japanese.
Henry L. Stimson

This is a lesson mankind has not yet learned. We identify, and stratify, and treat persons largely on the basis of their accidental (physical) characteristics, which have no deeper meaning.
Sydney J. Harris

It is characteristic of all deep human problems that they are not to be approached without some humor and some bewilderment.
Freeman Dyson

The American Civil War produced carnage that has often been thought reserved for the combination of technological proficiency and inhumanity characteristic of a later time.
Drew Gilpin Faust

The self has the characteristic that it is an object to itself, and that characteristic distinguishes it from other objects and from the body.
George H. Mead

Trust is probably the intangible, and cultivated of all characteristic.
Timothy Mason

It is a characteristic of pleasure that we can never recognize it to be pleasure till after it is gone.
Alexander Smith

The proposition that humans have mental characteristics wholly absent in non-humans is inconsistent with the theory of evolution.
Gary L. Francione

In the perception of the incongruous stimuli, the recognition process is temporarily thwarted and exhibits characteristics which are generally not observable in the recognition of more conventional stimuli.
Jerome Bruner

I think provincialism is an endemic characteristic with mankind, I think everybody everywhere is provincial, but it is particularly striking with Texans, and we tend to be very Texcentric.
Molly Ivins

I would suggest that barbarism be considered as a permanent and universal human characteristic which becomes more or less pronounced according to the play of circumstances.
Simone Weil

The characteristic of every neurosis is to represent itself as natural.
Jean-Paul Sartre

I don't think that modesty is the outstanding characteristic of contemporary politics, do you?
Edward Heath

We regard intelligence as man's main characteristic and we know that there is no superiority which intelligence cannot confer on us, no inferiority for which it cannot compensate.
Henri Bergson