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Charles Kuralt Quotes

American journalist (b. 1934), Birth: 10-9-1934, Death: 4-7-1997 Charles Kuralt Quotes
The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege.
Charles Kuralt

It was cold out there, bitter, biting, cutting, piercing, hyperborean, marmoreal cold, and there were all these Minnesotans running around outdoors, happy as lambs in the spring.
Charles Kuralt

When we become a really mature, grown-up, wise society, we will put teachers at the center of the community, where they belong. We don't honor them enough, we don't pay them enough.
Charles Kuralt

Good teachers know how to bring out the best in students.
Charles Kuralt

The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines.
Charles Kuralt

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...Pomeranians speak only to Poodles and Poodles speak only to God.
Charles Kuralt

There are a lot of people who are doing wonderful things, quietly, with no motive of greed, or hostility toward other people, or delusions of superiority.
Charles Kuralt

It does no harm just once in a while to acknowledge that the whole country isn't in flames, that there are people in the country besides politicians, entertainers, and criminals.
Charles Kuralt

Quote Topics by Charles Kuralt: Country Thinking People Years Literature Running Stories Writing Important Rivers Book Baseball Jobs Father Kids Trying Boys Southern Stars Reading Joy Kind Retirement Mother Happiness Teacher Greed School Spring Fun
What is it that binds us to this place as to no other? It is not the well, or the bell, or the stone walls, or the crisp October nights or the memory of dogwoods blooming. Our loyalty is not only to William Richardson Davie though we are proud of what he did 200 years ago today. Nor even to Dean Smith, though we are proud of what he did last March. No, our love for this place is based on the fact that it is as it was meant to be, the University of the people.
Charles Kuralt

Often I have been exhausted on trout streams, uncomfortable, wet, cold, briar scarred, sunburned, mosquito bitten, but never, with a fly rod in my hand have I been less than in a place that was less than beautiful.
Charles Kuralt

The sparrows are preparing for winter, each one dressed in a plain brown coat and singing a cheerful song.
Charles Kuralt

Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel across the country from coast to coast without seeing anything.
Charles Kuralt

The greatest thing you can do in life is to tell a young boy or girl that they're 'the very best' at something - baseball, reading, art. That gives them the wonderful feeling that they can do anything, which they can!
Charles Kuralt

I had a tight stomach all the time. I actually developed ulcers. I've learned better than to put all that internal pressure on myself.
Charles Kuralt

You can't travel the back roads very long without discovering a multitude of gentle people doing good for others with no expectation of gain or recognition. The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines. Some people out there spend their whole lives selflessly.
Charles Kuralt

I started out thinking of America as highways and state lines. As I got to know it better, I began to think of it as rivers.
Charles Kuralt

What I learned on the road. Above all else - to love my native land.
Charles Kuralt

It is liberalism, whether people like it or not, which has animated all the years of my life. What on Earth did conservatism ever accomplish for our country?
Charles Kuralt

Rivers run through our history and folklore, and link us as a people. They nourish and refresh us and provide a home for dazzling varieties of fish and wildlife and trees and plants of every sort. We are a nation rich in rivers.
Charles Kuralt

Rivers run through our history and folklore, and link us as a people.... We are a nation rich in rivers.
Charles Kuralt

The storytelling tradition that you bring from the South, I don't know where it arose, but it's still there. You can't go to the feed store, or the country courthouse without running into storytellers.
Charles Kuralt

I didn't like the competitiveness of big-time journalism.
Charles Kuralt

I used to think that driving, sleepless, ambitious labor was what you needed to succeed.
Charles Kuralt

We always take credit for the good and attribute the bad to fortune.
Charles Kuralt

If there are bleachers in heaven and a warm sun, that's where you'll find Bill Veeck.
Charles Kuralt

You can find your way across this country using burger joints the way a navigator uses stars.
Charles Kuralt

You can find your way across this country using burger joint the way a navigatior uses stars....We have munched Bridge burgers in the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge and Cable burgers hard by the Golden Gate, Dixie burgers in the sunny South and Yankee Doodle burgers in the North....We had a Capitol Burger - guess where. And so help us, in the inner courtyard of the Pentagon, a Penta burger.
Charles Kuralt

I could tell you which writer's rhythms I am imitating. It's not exactly plagiarism, it's falling in love with good language and trying to imitate it.
Charles Kuralt

The first books I was interested in were all about baseball. But I can't think of one single book that changed my life in any way.
Charles Kuralt

I can't remember a time when I didn't want to be a reporter. I don't know where I got the idea that it was a romantic calling.
Charles Kuralt

I did stories about unexpected encounters, back roads, small towns and ordinary folk, sometimes doing something a little extraordinary.
Charles Kuralt

It takes an earthquake to remind us that we walk on the crust of an unfinished planet.
Charles Kuralt

A country so rich that it can send people to the moon still has hundreds of thousands of its citizens who can't read. That's terribly troubling to me.
Charles Kuralt

It was so much fun to have the freedom to wander America, with no assignments. For 25 or 30 years I never had an assignment. These were all stories I wanted to do myself.
Charles Kuralt

The reality of any place is what its people remember of it.
Charles Kuralt

For a while there, I was a stringer. The expression comes from the old habit of stringing together the column inches that you had written. They'd measure it and pay you 10 cents an inch for your printed copy.
Charles Kuralt

I recognize that I had a good deal of good luck in my life. I came along at a time when it was pretty easy to get a job in journalism. I went to work at CBS News when I was about 22, and within a year or so was reporting on the air.
Charles Kuralt

Kids are always asked, What are you going to be when you grow up? I needed an answer. So instead of saying, a fireman, or a policeman, I said, a reporter.
Charles Kuralt

I think all those people I did stories about measured their own success by the joy their work was giving them.
Charles Kuralt

I suppose I was a little bit of what would be called today a nerd. I didn't have girlfriends, and really I wasn't a very social boy.
Charles Kuralt

Since my retirement, I've spent a lot of time trying to help the School of Social Work at the University of North Carolina. A society like this just can't afford an uneducated underclass of citizens.
Charles Kuralt

When I was a little boy I used to borrow my father's hat, and make a press card to stick in the hat band. That was the way reporters were always portrayed in the movies.
Charles Kuralt

I believe that writing is derivative. I think good writing comes from good reading.
Charles Kuralt

When I worked in Los Angeles covering hard news, very often when something important would happen I'd be off in the woods covering something unimportant, which was more interesting to me.
Charles Kuralt

The Mississippi River carries the mud of thirty states and two provinces 2,000 miles south to the delta and deposits 500 million tons of it there every year. The business of the Mississippi, which it will accomplish in time, is methodically to transport all of Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico.
Charles Kuralt

I much preferred the peaceful life on the road, where I didn't have to ask embarrassing questions and do all the things real reporters have to do.
Charles Kuralt

It's that enthusiasm, that passion for what you're doing, that is most important.
Charles Kuralt

Look for joy in your life; it's not always easy to find.
Charles Kuralt

I remember being in the public library and my jaw just aching as I looked around at all those books I wanted to read. There just wasn't time enough to read everything I wanted to read.
Charles Kuralt

America is a great story and there is a river on every page of it.
Charles Kuralt