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Charles Stewart Parnell Quotes

Irish politician (d. 1891), Birth: 27-6-1846, Death: 6-10-1891
Why should Ireland be treated as a geographical fragment of England - Ireland is not a geographical fragment, but a nation.
Charles Stewart Parnell

No man has a right to fix the boundary of the march of a nation; no man has a right to say to his country - thus far shalt thou go and no further.
Charles Stewart Parnell

Do what is beyond your strength even should you fail sometimes.
Charles Stewart Parnell

No man has the right to say to his country
Charles Stewart Parnell

Get the advice of everybody whose advice is worth having - they are very few - and then do what you think best yourself.
Charles Stewart Parnell

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You must show him, by leaving him severely alone.
Charles Stewart Parnell