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Communion Quotes

We do not go to Holy Communion because we are good; we go to become good.
John Bosco

'Attending Mass does not presuppose righteousness; it fosters it.'
Authors on Communion Quotes: Paulo Freire Parker J. Palmer Terry Tempest Williams John Donne Arthur W. Pink Nathaniel Hawthorne Robert Murray M'Cheyne Demetri Martin Therese of Lisieux Paulo Coelho John Muir Victor Hugo Gennadiy Aygi Dodie Smith J. I. Packer Thomas Berry Philip Neri Mary Potter Samuel Chadwick Henry David Thoreau Bill Maher Madeleine L'Engle Thomas Brooks Pierre Teilhard de Chardin MaryJanice Davidson Ralph Waldo Emerson C. S. Lewis John Bosco Albert Schweitzer Mahatma Gandhi Thomas Hardy Pope Benedict XVI Vince Lombardi
The universe is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects.
Thomas Berry

I ought to spend the best hours of the day in communion with God. It is my noblest and most fruitful employment, and is not to be thrust into any corner.
Robert Murray M'Cheyne

Wisdom is a sacred communion.
Victor Hugo

Real prayer is communion with God
Arthur W. Pink

At communion we ought to ask for the remedy of the vice to which we feel ourselves most inclined.
Philip Neri

I derived my strength from daily mass and communion.
Vince Lombardi

To love is to be in communion with the other and to discover in that other the spark of God.
Paulo Coelho

It is not he who knows most, nor he who hears most, nor yet he who talks most, but he who exercises grace most, who has most communion with God.
Thomas Brooks

Every time we make love to a human being, fully, we are making love to everything that lives and breathes. In that sense it becomes communion. It is a sacrament.
Terry Tempest Williams

Connection and connectedness are other words for community and communion.
Parker J. Palmer

People in communion liberate each other.
Paulo Freire

There, in the depths of sleep, is the communion of the living and the dead.
Gennadiy Aygi

His purpose is simply to draw us closer to Himself in conscious communion with Him.
J. I. Packer

Friendship is communion.

The road to revolution involves openness to the people, not imperviousness to them; it involves communion with the people, not mistrust.
Paulo Freire

Mosquito bites Jesus, receives communion.
Demetri Martin

Nature had gathered her choicest treasures , to draw her lovers into close and confiding communion with her
John Muir

Communion is deeper than theology.
Samuel Chadwick

Go often to Holy Communion. Go very often! This is your one remedy.
Therese of Lisieux

The day that I can no longer receive Our Lord in Holy Communion, Our Lord Himself will come to take me.
Mary Potter

Deepest communion with God is beyond words, on the other side of silence.
Madeleine L'Engle

Following Jesus in faith is to walk with him in the communion of the Church. You cannot follow Jesus alone.
Pope Benedict XVI

The measure of the worth of our public activity for God is the private profound communion we have with Him.
Oswald Chambers

I hope to have communion with the people, that is the most important thing.
Pope John Paul II

Holy communion is to feel one with the One in all beings and creations.

All the communions of a life-time are one communion.All the communions of all men now living are one communion.All the communions of all men, present, past and future, are one communion.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

We are participants in a vast communion of being, and if we open ourselves to its guidance, we can learn anew how to live in this great and gracious community of truth.
Parker J. Palmer

We ought to have lived in mental communion, and no more.
Thomas Hardy

I count all that part of my life lost which I spent not in communion with God, or in doing good.
John Donne

Keep the imagination sane--that is one of the truest conditions of communion with heaven.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

I hope I do not offend God by making my Communions in the frame of mind I have been describing. The command, after all, was Take, eat: not Take, understand.
C. S. Lewis

I think it [religion] is an art, the greatest one; an extension of the communion all the other arts attempt.
Dodie Smith

Friends will be much apart. They will respect more each other's privacy than their communion.
Henry David Thoreau

It is appalling to make Jesus out of food! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go bake some communion wafers.
Bill Maher

Can you burn me up with holy water? Poke me to death with your crucifix? Pelt me with communion wafers?
MaryJanice Davidson

To eat bread is one thing; to love the precepts of Christ and resolve to obey them is quite another.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Only through love can we obtain communion with God.
Albert Schweitzer

Prayer is either petitional or, in its wider sense, inward communion.
Mahatma Gandhi

Where there is movement, there is reach. Reach engenders communion.
John de Ruiter