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Contracts Quotes

I will sign every contract Arsenal put in front of me without reading it.
Tony Adams

Authors on Contracts Quotes: Peter Steele Vladimir Zhirinovsky David Paul Langdon Winner E. L. James Young Thug Brandon Marshall Jennifer O'Neill Abe Lemons Sophie Ellis Bextor Warren Buffett Lysander Spooner Conan O'Brien Marion Woodman Marchette Chute Pedro Martinez Tony Adams Angela Carter Joseph Barber Lightfoot Doug Walters David Selby Gary Bettman Babatunde Fashola Vanna Bonta Alex Berenson Johann Georg Ritter von Zimmermann Ely Culbertson Stan Lee William G. Kline Curt Schilling Marion Ross George Bernard Shaw Truman Capote
And my rookie contract, my first rookie contract was for $5,000.
Don Shula

Record contracts are just like - I'm gonna say the word, slavery.

I spend more time with Gucci [Mane] or Birdman than 300, but all this is just family. Who cares [about] contracts?
Young Thug

When a law is in its nature a contract, when absolute rights have vested under that contract, a repeal of the law cannot divest those rights.
John Marshall

The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein

Early on, they were timing my contract with an egg timer.
Conan O'Brien

I am one day going to be working openly in the motion picture industry. When that day comes, I swear to you that I will never sign a term contract with any major studio
Dalton Trumbo

They wanted to buy out my contract, but I couldn't make change for a $20, so they had to let me stay.
Abe Lemons

What usually comes first is the contract.
Ira Gershwin

Until the contract is signed, nothing is real.
Glenn Danzig

God helps those who have no-cut contracts.
Aesop Rock

In the technical realm, we repeatedly enter into a series of social contracts, the terms of which are revealed only after the signing.
Langdon Winner

To love unconditionally requires no contracts, bargains or agreements.
Marion Woodman

A man's 'original and natural right' to make all contracts that are 'intrinsically obligatory,' and to coerce the fulfillment of them, is one of the most valuable and indispensable of all human possessions.
Lysander Spooner

The vows one makes privately are more binding than any ceremony or even a Shubert contract.
Beatrice Lillie

The "social contract," in the only sense in which it is not completely mythical, is a contract among conquerors, which loses its raison d'être if they are deprived of the benefits of conquest.
Bertrand Russell

It is impossible to unsign a contract, so do all your thinking before you sign.
Warren Buffett

I guess I've learned that there's really no such thing as a bad label, there is only a bad contract.
Peter Steele

Marriage is by nature a covenant, Not just a private contract one may cancel at will.
Bruce C. Hafen

As governor of Lagos, I never signed a cheque and never fixed contract prices.
Babatunde Fashola

When I saw the others like Michael, Ross Brawn and Todt renewing their contracts, I always said that I was happy to do so.
Rubens Barrichello

It shone on everyone, whether they had a contract or not. The most democratic thing I'd ever seen, that California sunshine.
Angela Carter

I would rather have gotten married than have a Hollywood contract.
Jennifer O'Neill

I hope you don’t listen to this. I hope you choose to broaden, and not contract, your ambit of concern.
Barack Obama

I don't pitch for contracts.
Curt Schilling

The studio have always claimed that the ship is the star of the show, especially when they're renegotiating contracts.
Patrick Stewart

I never stopped working, but I did let my contract run out. And I didn't really actively pursue it.
Juice Newton

If you sit down with me, I guarantee I will accept any terms you offer for a contract.
David O. Selznick

Suddenly I had a contract and I was earning lots of money.
Diane Cilento

Its objects are CONTRACTS with foreign nations which have the force of law, but derive it from the obligations of good faith.
Alexander Hamilton

Most artists have contracts directly with the record company, and when they do music, all of their music is owned by the record company. But I did mine through a production company.
Roy Ayers

Under my contract with Capitol, I have complete freedom to do just about anything I want in my own way.
Les Baxter

The whole duty of government is to prevent crime and to preserve contracts.
William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne

I'm legally unable to ride motorcycles. It's a contract that I have with my life insurance, so whenever I get a chance to do a movie and ride a bike I go for it.
Nicolas Cage

Reading is at the beginning of the social contract.
Alberto Manguel

It took a long time to get out of my contract. The producers thought I was negotiating for more money.
Sherry Stringfield

I don't sign contracts for my books.
Andrew Vachss

I didn't sign any contracts, and I didn't see any oil.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky

I was under contract to Paramount. They wanted to make me into somebody which I was not. So I got so scared and rebelled, so they threw me out of the studio.
Ursula Andress

Charles Laughton signed me to my first movie contract at 17. He later asked my parents if he could adopt me.
Maureen O'Hara

I want a new contract. I'm happy at United and I see my future here.
Rio Ferdinand

My manager and my agents, they go over my contracts.
Gerard Butler

I've never signed any contract and never received a cent from Iraq.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Unfortunately, there are no mulligans when it comes to pro football contracts.
Jay Mohr

Technically, at this point we're no longer with the label; we've fulfilled our contract.
Peter Steele

I have no contracts with my clients; just a handshake is enough.
Irving Paul Lazar

I did a lot of personal appearances because I was under contract to ABC.
David Selby

Now when I say Sophie Ellis-Bextor I feel that's not really me because that's become this entity from doing the gigs and the shows and the make-up contracts and whatever else.
Sophie Ellis Bextor

Words contract a significance which clings to them long after the condition of things to which they owe it has passed away.
Joseph Barber Lightfoot