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Creating Value Quotes

All space must be attached to a value, to a public dimension. There is no private space. The only private space that you can imagine is the human mind.
Paulo Mendes da Rocha

Authors on Creating Value Quotes: Charles Koch Steve Pavlina Caroline Myss Joe Bastianich Seth Godin Benjamin Zander John Spence Oliver DeMille Paulo Mendes da Rocha Mark Noble Randy Gage Barry Nalebuff Jerry Uelsmann Robert Herjavec Daniel Kehlmann Jessica Jackley
Don't think of cost. Think of value.
John Spence

South Africa is a country built on possibility. Possibility lies in making a difference and creating value from a situation - without denying that certain issues exist.
Benjamin Zander

If we can fall in love with serving people, creating value, solving problems, building valuable connections and doing work that matters, it makes it far more likely we're going to do important work
Seth Godin

If you are committed to creating value and if you aren't afraid of hard times; obstacles become utterly unimportant. A nuisance perhaps; but with no real power. The world respects creation; people will get out of your way. - Candice Carpenter Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the one that is going to require the most from you.
Caroline Myss

Wealth is created from creating value.
Randy Gage

Future is about creating value. If we have tools to empower each other, more possibility is reality.
Jessica Jackley

Creating value is an inherently cooperative process, capturing value is inherently competitive.
Barry Nalebuff

Productivity = creating value and delivering it to people. All other busywork is unproductive fluff and should be minimized.
Steve Pavlina

To make a quick buck, but over time, if you're not creating value for others, customers, society, isn't going to let you be around.
Charles Koch

Being frugal, conscious of making money, is not a negative thing. That sensibility of creating value and finding value and reinvesting in those customers is what separates great restaurants from the average ones.
Joe Bastianich

Oh, I'm all about small business. I think what we've learned from big business and big Wall Street is that unchecked greed and the creation of false value gets us all in trouble. If we look at the American economy, who's really creating value? It's the small businesses.
Robert Herjavec

Real value means people value-and creating value really means helping people choose better lives.
Oliver DeMille

All the corporate welfare, yeah, it goes from cash payments to debt, to regulations on the competitors, to restrictions on trade, to mandates. You name it, anything so that business doesn't have to do a better job of creating value for others - they can just get the system in their favor.
Charles Koch

Our system here of creating value for others and having people do the right thing, exchange information, and so on only works if people have the right values.
Charles Koch

It's also one of these strange points where metaphysics converges with economy. Because really what the experts are doing is creating value by banishing doubt. All great dead painters basically have this one person, this expert who has the metaphysical power to grant a seal of authenticity.
Daniel Kehlmann

People who renovate and improve homes are penalized by being taxed more for creating value and improving the neighborhood.
Mark Noble

Editions made sense when people worked with engravings where the plate wore down as prints were made. An early number of the edition had slightly better quality. But that's not the case with photography. To me, it's a false way of creating value.
Jerry Uelsmann