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Curtis Martin Quotes

American football player, Birth: 1-5-1973
It's not what you achieve in life, but who you become as a person due to those achievements.
Curtis Martin

It's a dark culture that we live in. But you were called to glow in the dark.
Curtis Martin

Never let a short term desire get in the way of a long term goal.
Curtis Martin

Don't sacrifice what you wish for most for what you wish for now
Curtis Martin

The great truth about Christianity is not that we love God - it's that God loves us.
Curtis Martin

Similar Authors: Michael Jackson Will Smith Scott Adams Vince Lombardi Lou Holtz Tony Dungy Bear Bryant Ray Lewis Bill Parcells Terrell Owens Ricky Williams Jimmy Carr Jerry Brown Robert Smith Brett Favre
I'm definitely going to bounce back, I don't doubt that one bit. The thing about this is you have to expect that when you're a back my age. You can't feel slighted if someone says that because it's a reality that it's abnormal for a guy my age to still be starting in the NFL. I can accept that. I still understand what the truth is to me, and that's what I believe. I don't really care what people say.
Curtis Martin

God doesn't want you to go to church. He wants you to want to go to church.
Curtis Martin

Jerome Bettis should be in the Hall of Fame
Curtis Martin

Quote Topics by Curtis Martin: Christianity Halls Want Should Sacrifice Bills Long Ifs Glow In The Dark Jesus Dark Nfl Achievement Believe God Love Church Fame Wish Life Changing Goal Lord Desire College Culture Christian African American Reality Life God Loves Us
Navigators have had a huge impact in my life; I gave my life to Christ in college and the witness of The Navigators and their dynamic materials have provided a great foundation for my Christian life. As the founder of FOCUS, The Navigator staff has been a great resource to me and to my staff as we too seek to reach a generation of young leaders with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Curtis Martin

If He isn't Lord of all, He isn't Lord at all.
Curtis Martin

Bill Parcells is a life changer
Curtis Martin