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David Carson Quotes

Dont confuse legibility with communication. Just because something is legible doesnt mean it communicates and, more importantly, doesnt mean it communicates the right thing.
David Carson

Do not mistake readability for sharing information. Just because something can be easily understood does not necessarily mean it conveys the message correctly.
Invite the reader to participate by deciphering. Chaos can attract and engage.
David Carson

Entice the reader to engage by decoding. Disorder can fascinate and captivate.
Graphic design will save the world right after rock and roll does.
David Carson

Visual communication will rescue the planet soon after music does.
You have to utilize who you are in your work. Nobody else can do that: nobody else can pull from your background, from your parents, your upbringing, your whole life experience.
David Carson

You must draw from your own identity and life experience in your work; no one else can replicate that.
If you have no intuitive sense of design, then call yourself an "information architect" and only use Helvetica.
David Carson

If you lack an instinctive grasp of design, then dub yourself a "data designer" and only employ Helvetica.
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It's not about knowing all the gimmicks and photo tricks. If you haven't got the eye, no program will give it to you.
David Carson

It's not about being knowledgeable in the newest software and techniques. If you don't have a creative vision, no amount of technology can provide it.
Don't confuse legibility with communication.
David Carson

For some reason I have a visual intuition that allows me to design things in an interesting way, and I don't know where that came from. Because I don't have this formal training, I seem to drift in a different direction.
David Carson

Quote Topics by David Carson: Communication Legibility Design Mean Communicate Reader Eye Information Motivation Broadcasting Inspiration Gold Teeth Halloween Rock And Roll Funny Rocks Training Invites Knowing Giving Use Deejays Parent Aggressive August Mistake Interesting Chaos
Just because something is legible doesn't mean it communicates...
David Carson

Never mistake legibility for communication.
David Carson

You'll see everything from gold teeth to hood ornaments. It's almost like Halloween during August.
David Carson

The station was tight, aggressive ... the deejays at times sounding as if they were broadcasting at gunpoint.
David Carson