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Dean Frazer Quotes

The only time you truly make a mistake is when you commit a "mis-take," that is, you "miss-taking" the opportunity to learn a valuable lesson from your seemingly malfunctional experience.
Dean Frazer

It is only those who feel disconnected and seperated from the Oneness of All That Is that can ever commit evil deeds.
Dean Frazer

Intolerance is evidence of fear, and fear is the consequence of feeling powerless.
Dean Frazer

Where there's compassion, no heirarchy can exist. Where men are allowed to create themselves as equals, evil cannot thrive or survive.
Dean Frazer

The only way to go beyond your fears is to grow beyond them and that always means challenging, overcoming and learning from them.
Dean Frazer

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We're forever focusing upon our differences, and never noticing how much we're all alike.
Dean Frazer

The best way to neutralise fear is by laughing. You can see the dynamics of this in action when people watch a horror movie. You'll notice that immediately after a good fright, following the sceams of terror - which is the point of maximum experience of fear - people will always laugh immediately afterward, as this is the natural way to release the fear. By laughing at something you also take away the perception that it has any power over you.
Dean Frazer

Chosing to stay in the moment, is choosing to be free from fear.
Dean Frazer

Quote Topics by Dean Frazer: Evil Noticing Overcoming Differences Laughing Missing Evidence Feelings Way Gratitude Compassion Twin Sister Deeds Ignorance Moments Forever Over You Mistake People Opportunity Intolerance Challenges Cherish Mean Gone Men Twins Oneness Overcoming Fear
Ignorance is jealousy's twin sister.
Dean Frazer

We never cherish what we've got until the day it's gone.
Dean Frazer