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Decay Quotes

Fascism is capitalism in decay.
Vladimir Lenin

Autocracy is capitalism in decline.
Authors on Decay Quotes: Oliver Goldsmith William Shakespeare Samuel Johnson Marcus Aurelius Gautama Buddha Sallust Joseph Addison Simon Bolivar George MacDonald Henry David Thoreau Lucretius Alfred North Whitehead Percy Bysshe Shelley Hector Hugh Munro Ellen Glasgow Richard M. Weaver Leonard Ravenhill Lord Byron John Dryden Gilbert K. Chesterton Mason Cooley C. S. Lewis John Goodlad Edmund Spenser Will Durant H. L. Mencken James Sharp Albert Einstein Rick Scott Giordano Bruno Masashi Kishimoto Benjamin Disraeli Isaac Rosenberg
Great nations do not succumb through lost wars, but rather through racial decay and the destruction of their internal order.
Adolf Hitler

Ascendancy of nations is not impeded by failed conflicts, but rather from racial ruination and the collapse of their internal structure.
Let the entire system of government be strengthened, and let the balance of power be drawn up in such a manner that it will be permanent and incapable of decay because of its own tenuity.
Simon Bolivar

Harmony makes small things grow; lack of it makes great things decay.

Life passes, riches fly away, popularity is fickle, the senses decay, the world changes. One alone is true to us; One alone can be all things to us; One alone can supply our need.
John Henry Newman

My way of life Is fall'n into the sear and yellow leaf.
William Shakespeare

I don't do anything with my life except romanticize and decay with indecision.
Allen Ginsberg

For ivy climbs the crumbling hall To decorate decay.
Philip James Bailey

Backward we traveled to reclaim the day Before we fell, like Icarus, undone; All we find are altars in decay And profane words scrawled black across the sun.
Sylvia Plath

Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay.
Ann Coulter

Writers may be disreputable, incorrigible, early to decay or late to bloom but they dare to go it alone.
John Updike

Flee sloth; for the indolence of the soul is the decay of the body.
Cato the Younger

The dumbing down of America is evident in the slow decay of substantive content, a kind of celebration of ignorance.
Carl Sagan

Royalty is the gold filling in a mouthful of decay
John Osborne

We begin to die from the moment we are born, for birth is the cause of death. The nature of decay is inherent in youth, the nature of sickness is inherent in health, in the midst of life we are verily in death.
Gautama Buddha

Aging is a staircase - the upward ascension of the human spirit, bringing us into wisdom, wholeness and authenticity. As you may know, the entire world operates on a universal law: entropy, the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy means that everything in the world, everything, is in a state of decline and decay, the arch. There's only one exception to this universal law, and that is the human spirit, which can continue to evolve upwards.
Jane Fonda

Surely revival delays because prayer decays.
Leonard Ravenhill

Reality TV to me is the museum of social decay.
Gary Oldman

I have always looked upon decay as being just as wonderful and rich an expression of life as growth.
Henry Miller

Wealth accumulates, and men decay.
Oliver Goldsmith

If a nation's literature declines, the nation atrophies and decays.
Ezra Pound

The essence of decay is inactivity.
Jack LaLanne

Among the many reasons assignable for the sad decay of true Christianity, perhaps the neglecting to assemble ourselves together, in religious societies, may not be one of the least.
George Whitefield

In a well governed state, there are few punishments, not because there are many pardons, but because criminals are rare; it is when a state is in decay that the multitude of crimes is a gaurantee of impunity.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Youth should be radical. Youth should demand change in the world. Youth should not accept the old order if the world is to move on. But the old orders should not be moved easily - certainly not at the mere whim or behest of youth. There must be clash and if youth hasn't enough force or fervor to produce the clash the world grows stale and stagnant and sour in decay.
William Allen White

One of the most pathetic aspects of human history is that every civilization expresses itself most pretentiously, compounds its partial and universal values most convincingly, and claims immortality for its finite existence at the very moment when the decay which leads to death has already begun.
Reinhold Niebuhr

For the first time in my life, I felt that a wave, a justice was sweeping away a deep-seated decay without any indulgence. I dearly wished that it would keep going without hesitation or deviation, in a spirit of purity forever.
Naguib Mahfouz

My approach to photograph is kept simple, almost routine. All work, good and bad, is documented. I use standard film, a standard lens and no filters. Each work grows, strays, decays-integral parts of a cycle which the photograph shows at its height, marking the moment when the work is most alive. There is an intensity about a work at its peak that I hope is expresses in the image. Process and decay are implicit.
Andy Goldsworthy

The downfall of civilized states tends to come not from the direct assaults of foes, but from internal decay combined with the consequences of exhaustion in war.
B. H. Liddell Hart

Homosexuality is not a civil right. Its rise almost always is accompanied, as in the Weimar Republic, with a decay of society and a collapse of its basic cinder block, the family.
Pat Buchanan

It is a universal principle that whenever one refuses to use his God-given powers, these powers decay and perish.
Ellen G. White

Progress, this great heresy of decay.
Charles Baudelaire

Pessimism negates the existing world. Yet its negating is ambiguous. It can simply will decay and nothingness, but it can also renounce what exists and thus open a path for a new formation of the world.
Martin Heidegger

Life - a spiritual pickle preserving the body from decay.
Ambrose Bierce

Everything rises but to fall, and increases but to decay.

She seemed to belong to that pagan, primitive kingdom of birds and forests where everything was infinitely abundant, wild, blooming, and royal in its perpetual decay, death, and rebirth; illicit and clashing with the human world.
Jerzy Kosinski

Bond investors are the vampires of the investment world. They love decay, recession - anything that leads to low inflation and the protection of the real value of their loans.
Bill Gross

When urbanity decays, civilization suffers and decays with it.
James Norman Hall

All things are subject to decay and change.

Woe, destruction, ruin, and decay; the worst is death and death will have his day.
William Shakespeare

One of the most striking signs of the decay of art is when we see its separate forms jumbled together.
Jean-Luc Godard

The porcelain rose is not as pretty as the one that decays.
Eric G. Wilson

A state too expensive in itself, or by virtue of its dependencies, ultimately falls into decay.
Simon Bolivar

Spiritual life begins to decay when we fail to sense the grandeur of what is eternal in time.
Abraham Joshua Heschel

Worlds on worlds are rolling ever From creation to decay, Like the bubbles on a river Sparkling, bursting, borne away.
Percy Bysshe Shelley

Most youth still hold the same values of their parents…if we do not alter this pattern, if we don’t resocialize, our system will decay.
John Goodlad

They carried the sky. The whole atmosphere, they carried it, the humidity, the monsoons, the stink of fungus and decay, all of it, they carried gravity.
Tim O'Brien

Any society which does not insist upon respect for all life must necessarily decay.
Albert Einstein

All frauds, like the wall daubed with untempered mortar ... always tend to the decay of what they are devised to support.
Richard Whately

When love begins to sicken and decay it uses an enforced ceremony.
William Shakespeare