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Diablo Cody Quotes

American director, Birth: 14-6-1978 Diablo Cody Quotes
Nah... I mean, I'm already pregnant, so what other kind of shenanigans could I get into?
Diablo Cody

I myself identify as a recovering Blockhead. You'd be surprised how many twenty- and thirty-something hipster chicks have the NKOTB skeleton in their closet, albeit artfully concealed by stacks of Ksubi skinny jeans and ironic Judas Priest T-shirts.
Diablo Cody

I'm glad that as a 33-year-old working mother, I can still choose to wear a Hello Kitty T-shirt or stay up late scrolling through the Twitter feed of my junior-high crush.
Diablo Cody

Los Angeles is often described as the nadir of vapidity, a smog-choked space cradle.
Diablo Cody

Couture gowns are like gremlins; you can't expose them to bright light or get them wet.
Diablo Cody

Similar Authors: Joss Whedon Michael Moore David Lynch Steven Spielberg George Lucas Quentin Tarantino John Waters Judd Apatow Kevin Spacey Michael Crichton Bertolt Brecht Oliver Stone Nora Ephron Al Pacino Martin Scorsese
He is the cheese to my macaroni.
Diablo Cody

For me, stripping was an unusual kind of escape. I had nothing to escape but privilege, but I claimed asylum anyway. At twenty-four, it was my last chance to reject something and become nothing. I wanted to terrify myself. Mission accomplished.
Diablo Cody

Thanks a heap coyote ugly. This cactus-gram stings worse than your abandonment.
Diablo Cody

Quote Topics by Diablo Cody: Thinking Writing People Men Girl Self Want Years Reality Mean Children School Hollywood Past Would Be Trying Stars Teenager Voice Work Out Kind Home Sweet Play Nice Rolling Fame Book Hipster Mom
The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are.
Diablo Cody

In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.
Diablo Cody

I've been told that I'm incompetent, socially retarded, maladjusted. I still know that I couldn't function in reality. Los Angeles is a good place for me.
Diablo Cody

I feel like I'm part of a generation of people who are stuck in the past and are really self-absorbed. I mean, we're actually taking pictures of ourselves and posting them on Facebook, and keeping in touch with people that should have been out of our lives 15 years ago.
Diablo Cody

It doesn't matter if they're in front of the camera or behind the camera. I know women who are producers who are surviving on nothing but juice and almonds.
Diablo Cody

A few months ago, I had the pleasure of actually visiting the Playboy Mansion. I saw the peacocks, fed grapes to the monkeys, and even braved the fabled Grotto. After seeing the estate, I understood why anyone would be reluctant to leave.
Diablo Cody

I think sometimes people really require the satisfaction of closure.
Diablo Cody

The fashion industry isn't merely content to encase my meaty flanks in skintight denim. Oh, no! That denim also has to be white, a color that attracts ketchup, wine, garlic aioli, and any other foodstuffs I might otherwise be able to enjoy if I wasn't wearing ridiculously tight pants.
Diablo Cody

I didn't even know how to talk to people, I didn't know how to talk to the press. I was just a jester. And I still feel that way. But, I mean, what haven't I learned? Everything that I know is new information because I was starting with nothing.
Diablo Cody

I think it's great when writers get recognition; it doesn't happen very often. I just don't want that writer to be me. Let it be Aaron Sorkin or, you know, somebody good.
Diablo Cody

There's probably no experience more alienating than fame, other than a terminal illness, where you actually find yourself in a situation that nobody around you can relate to.
Diablo Cody

You make a first impression and people never forget it. If people want to think of me as the wacky 'Juno' lady forever, I could think of worse ways to be labeled.
Diablo Cody

I wrote a screenplay for a 'Sweet Valley High' adaptation, and it's really amazing to me how many women who are my age have responded to the idea and are excited about the movie.
Diablo Cody

There's something about a roller coaster that triggers strong feelings, maybe because most of us associate them with childhood. They're inherently cinematic; the very shape of a coaster, all hills and valleys and sickening helices, evokes a human emotional response.
Diablo Cody

Unfortunately I don't live by a Target now, so I just go to a regular Starbucks as opposed to a Starbucks nested inside a Target, which is my ideal situation. That works out for me. I like that white noise, those interruptions, and the people around me.
Diablo Cody

I have never been an ambitious person, and my participation in this industry is a fluke, but only male writers can afford to be coy and self-deprecating.
Diablo Cody

Put your blog out into the world and hope that your talent will speak for itself.
Diablo Cody

I've been meaning to write about the Rolling Stones, but I am the furthest thing from a hipster rock journalist.
Diablo Cody

Stripping toughened my hide, but exposing myself as a writer has been a lot more brutal.
Diablo Cody

Speaking of Twitter, I don't even know if I composed a blog entry in 2009, as I was too busy parceling my every thought into cute 140-character sound bites. I used to only worry about being pithy for a living; now some of my best lines are wasted on a free app!
Diablo Cody

People have always wanted to be recognized, and that's human nature. But people used to want to be recognized for their accomplishments, and now they simply want to be visible.
Diablo Cody

You definitely meet a lot of extremely powerful, successful, wealthy people in Hollywood who are extremely miserable.
Diablo Cody

I had gone to the bookstore, and while I hadn't bought any books on how to write a screenplay, I'd bought a couple of scripts so I could see how the formatting works. I just needed to know how a Hollywood screenplay looked on the page, which was something I was totally unfamiliar with.
Diablo Cody

I think I have always sort of cultivated a flowery writing style. I've always sort of over - written in every genre that I've attempted. I went to college and took a couple of writing classes and I remember my teachers were always incredibly encouraging. But it was inevitable to get the criticism: "Take it down a notch!" But the nice thing about screenwriting is that you don't really have to.
Diablo Cody

I've been watching 'American Idol' since its debut season in 2002. Back then, America hadn't yet evolved into a gladiatorial cybernation of bloggers, tweeters, and self-ordained voice coaches.
Diablo Cody

To enjoy being famous, you need to have a screw loose.
Diablo Cody

People are more interested in being visible than they are in loving other people.
Diablo Cody

In the past, I'll admit, I've enjoyed being compared to the protagonists in my screenplays.
Diablo Cody

For me, writing essays, prose and fiction is a great way to be self-indulgent.
Diablo Cody

Somebody asked me earlier if I thought it was really important to tell stories about women's struggles. And I said yes, but at the same time, it's also important to tell stories about women's triumphs, women being slackers, women being criminals, women being heroes.
Diablo Cody

The one thing I have found about Hollywood is it's a town full of people who believe in themselves, often to a degree where they're what you would call "delusional."
Diablo Cody

I know white clothing is supposed to enhance that summer glow, but writers don't tan.
Diablo Cody

I really just love to open a blank document and spew, whereas with a screenplay I have to be more judicious.
Diablo Cody

I keep joking that I'm in Jason Reitman Film School, because I keep asking him questions every single day about directing and I have a list of things that he's told me to do and not do and I definitely couldn't learn from a better person.
Diablo Cody

I had written the script for Juno and apparently Steven Spielberg had read it. I can't just call him Steven, that's weird... Mr. Spielberg had read it and he liked it. He asked me if I would write this television show for him and I said, 'Yeah!'
Diablo Cody

I think I might be one of the only people in America, or at least the only person I know, who saw both 'The Dark Knight' and 'Mamma Mia!' on their shared opening weekend.
Diablo Cody

That's also why comedy and horror are my two favorite genres of film to write, because you get these outbursts of emotion from people, laughter and shock, and it's really thrilling, and I like to be thrilled.
Diablo Cody

You know, I did not like being famous. It was a stressful and ugly time, and I'm glad it's over.
Diablo Cody

Vodka Redbull: Upper meets downer in an effervescent hybrid of bubble gum and junkie piss
Diablo Cody

I am a karaoke purist and I don't like that. I don't think it's enough for you to just be there with your friends singing. I think you need to be in front of a crowd of hostile strangers for it to truly count.
Diablo Cody

The Rolling Stones are so versatile, they're like the band version of that Infinite Dress they sell on QVC.
Diablo Cody

I've always been a writer, I've always been a storyteller, but I never thought about screenwriting.
Diablo Cody