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Direct Effect Quotes

The direct effect on our mind is achieved by the words, the text, the thought, which arouse consideration. Our will is directly affected by the super-objective, by other objectives, by a through line of action. Our feelings are directly worked upon by tempo-rhythm.
Constantin Stanislavski

Authors on Direct Effect Quotes: Constantin Stanislavski Beverly Sills Adam Fletcher Robert Smithson Benjamin Creme Oren Moverman Don Aitkin Jane Fonda Derek Bok Hugh Mackay
I am for an art that takes into account the direct effect of the elements as they exist from day to day apart from representation.
Robert Smithson

Opera is an extremely disciplined art form, and every excess a singer indulges in has a direct effect on the voice.
Beverly Sills

The incidence of Alzheimer's disease is growing at a pace like never before, affecting people at a younger and younger age. This is the direct effect of nuclear radiation polluting the air of our planet from the power stations and other nuclear experimentation.
Benjamin Creme

Education, and I regret to say this as an educator, but there's no indication that education has a direct effect on happiness.
Derek Bok

Are we likely to see rising sea-levels? Not in our lifetimes or hose of our grandchildren. It is not even clear that sea-levels have risen at all. As so often in this domain, there is conflicting evidence. The melting of polar or sea ice has no direct effect.
Don Aitkin

Think about it: Reducing crime and poverty and ensuring that we have an educated, stable work force has a direct effect on you and me and the future of our country.
Jane Fonda

For every young person living on the streets tonight, there are many at home zoning out inside their homes through video games, and even more who disengage from school. These are direct effects of internalized discrimination based on their age.
Adam Fletcher

The damage that we do in the service of whatever motivates us in life has a direct effect, mostly on our kids.
Oren Moverman

But many researchers operate as if it is their responsibility to demonstrate that video violence has a direct effect on the behaviour of young children, because that will help to explain why society is becoming more violent.
Hugh Mackay