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Dirk Benedict Quotes

American actor and director, Birth: 1-3-1945 Dirk Benedict Quotes
There is a divine moment in our lives when we all become one. It's called procreation, and it is reborn, continually and forever.
Dirk Benedict

My favorite thing is to be alone in a room with a blank paper in front of me and the time to fill it.
Dirk Benedict

A stage play requires very different craft from a book, fiction or otherwise, and ditto from a screenplay.
Dirk Benedict

It helps to be able to be alone. 'Cuz writing is done alone, unless you collaborate, but I don't do that. Ask my ex-wife.
Dirk Benedict

I am very abnormal... But it wasnt very long ago that I wasnt so abnormal. I was very normal and headed for a lifetime of paying medical bills as proof of my normalcy.
Dirk Benedict

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America is terrified of the passage of time. Prozac Nation. Land of Face Lifts.
Dirk Benedict

It is all about marketing; that is where the real craft comes in. The best actors do not necessarily become the biggest stars. And vice versa.
Dirk Benedict

I'm a classic example of what can happen if you follow your inner voice. I was cursed with interests and some talent in many different areas. It confuses people.
Dirk Benedict

Quote Topics by Dirk Benedict: Writing Stars Book Children People Film Actors Voice Believe Hollywood Different Television Sympathy Unique Destiny Acting Self Parent Years Stills Medical Bills Facts Problem Stupid Courage Dog Long Ago Lifetime Cancer Civilization
Children who cling to parents or who don't want to leave home are stunted in their emotional, psychological growth.
Dirk Benedict

Change is good. And in fact unavoidable.
Dirk Benedict

Life without kids is like a camera without film.
Dirk Benedict

In many ways I wish I wasn't an actor dragging around the baggage from being one so that I could just devote my energies to encouraging people to find their true selves.
Dirk Benedict

Children... are our legacy. Our responsibility. They are our destiny and we are theirs. The extent to which we fail as parents, we fail as Gods children.
Dirk Benedict

I'm the worst person to ask about how to get noticed. It took me 25 years.
Dirk Benedict

LIFE: My favorite occupation.
Dirk Benedict

If we wait until our lives are free from sorrow or difficulty, then we wait forever. And miss the entire point.
Dirk Benedict

I am very willing to share whatever I know or feel I know about finding some serenity in this lifetime.
Dirk Benedict

From Fred Astaire I learned discipline and hard work.
Dirk Benedict

Hollywood today is all about being consistent. All thinking in mainstream film business takes place in one box.
Dirk Benedict

To me, all writing is like music. And especially dialogue. I studied music in college; that is what I wanted to be, a composer. Acting got me sidetracked.
Dirk Benedict

I have written two nonfiction books, I'm embarrassed to say.
Dirk Benedict

Films must all have the same structure. All of this to guarantee box office bonanza, which of course it never does, but that's another discussion entirely.
Dirk Benedict

Harrison Ford was pretty content as a carpenter who thought it would be nice to work on TV and ended up being the biggest film star in the history of cinema.
Dirk Benedict

Anybody can write a film script 'cuz it has been reduced to a formula.
Dirk Benedict

Life has never been easy. Nor is it meant to be. It is a matter of being joyous in the face of sorrow.
Dirk Benedict

The space genre is timeless.
Dirk Benedict

From dear, dear Gloria Swanson, I learned how to live long, happy and free of health problems. I owe her my life.
Dirk Benedict

It is a good motive, fame and money, as it is tangible and measurable. Being an artist is neither measurable nor tangible and certainly not a way to become rich.
Dirk Benedict

We are all vegetarians here, and except for a mountain lion that's been hanging around and killed our dog, we don't have a care in the world.
Dirk Benedict

Hollywood... a city I was to come back to time and again, in sickness and in health, in success and in failure, with anticipation and with dread.
Dirk Benedict

I can still fit into my Battlestar Galactica costume!
Dirk Benedict

I wanted to be Anthony Hopkins and ended up being neither a film star nor having a career on the stage.
Dirk Benedict

You can't leave civilization behind entirely.
Dirk Benedict

Generally speaking, actors are allowed NO input. Actors are dumb.
Dirk Benedict

I loved sitting on my veranda sipping quality scotch, puffing a Cuban cigar and watching Cuba on the horizon, or the oceanic vista. Did this late in the evenings many times.
Dirk Benedict

I write from the same place I parent, and since becoming a single parent, I have found it difficult, if not impossible, to write anything of length.
Dirk Benedict

Time is money, as they say, and it was never more apropos than on a television show, where a minute is worth about $200!
Dirk Benedict

Hurray, Hallelujah, and Happy Prostate! Finally, someone has taken the years and done the work, so the rest of us no longer need suffer from ignorance as to how to have good prostate health. That someone is Roger Mason, and all that one needs to know in order to have a happy prostate has been distilled down into this one book. I would stake the health of my prostate on it, and can tell you as a prostate cancer survivor; it is the ONLY way to go.
Dirk Benedict

I write from my imagination, not from what I've read in books or seen on TV or to make money. I wrote from an idea I was passionate about.
Dirk Benedict

Men hand out cigars. Women `hand out' babies. And thus the world, for thousands of years, has gone round.
Dirk Benedict

We need to continually look within ourselves. Contemplate our inner being and find our own unique voice and then learn to heed it and we will then have the life experience we deserve.
Dirk Benedict

Many people are shy when it comes to getting out on a dance floor. Dancing is an activity that... reveals your inner self, whether you like it, or know it, or not. It is hard to fake it on a dance floor.
Dirk Benedict

There is a divine moment in our lives when we become One. It is called pro-creation and it is reborn continually and forever in the future we call children. They are our destiny and we are theirs. The extent to which we fail as parents... we fail as God's Children.
Dirk Benedict

The only difference from one $100 million budget film to another is which of the 12 box stars are getting $20 million to be in it.
Dirk Benedict

It takes great technique, tremendous discipline and energy and practice, and damn few are capable. Art is confidence. Technique makes it possible to achieve artistic greatness, but doesn't guarantee it. The great piano artists are not the ones who are best playing Clementi exercises.
Dirk Benedict

Questions about acting are difficult.
Dirk Benedict

I never get involved with the ladies I work with.
Dirk Benedict

At 200 pounds, with a 17-inch neck, a resting pulse of 78, a bench press of 200 pounds, I was very much indeed a normal, All-American male. I carried my sickness within.
Dirk Benedict

I believe that the first 8 years are most important and the time in a child's life when parents must be absolutely and completely present.
Dirk Benedict

From Maya Angelou I began to believe that I, too, someday, could be a writer, and I also learned how tortuous it can be to be in possession of a unique voice.
Dirk Benedict