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Disappointing Quotes

From this instant on, vow to stop disappointing yourself. Separate yourself from the mob. Decide to be extraordinary and do what you need to do -- now.

Commit to ceasing self-disappointing behavior. Disassociate yourself from the majority. Resolve to be remarkable and take action - promptly.
Authors on Disappointing Quotes: Epictetus Cate Blanchett Meg Ryan Kathy Bates Anthony Horowitz Ben Shapiro John Ortberg Ryan Reynolds Alberto Giacometti Emily Giffin Kevin Nealon Reba McEntire Conan O'Brien Aiden Wilson Tozer Michael Scott Katie Couric Wayne Gretzky Demetri Martin John Podhoretz Oliver Goldsmith Alexis Taylor Emily Mortimer Jamie McKelvie Thomas Jefferson Courtney Love Alain de Botton Mirah Niecy Nash Will Arnett Donnie Wahlberg Joseph McGinty Nichol Madeleine Peyroux Andy Murray
But promises based on ignorance always prove disappointing.
Jussi Adler-Olsen

How disappointing would it be get to heaven and find out God created life to be enjoyed while all we did was worry?
Donald Miller

Leadership is the art of disappointing people at a rate they can stand.
John Ortberg

If your hope disappoints you, it is the wrong kind of hope. You see, hope in God never disappoints, precisely because it is hope *in God.* This means that hope placed in any other thing will always end up disappointing.
Paul David Tripp

The bottom line is this: Miers is a disappointing pick.
Ben Shapiro

The food in Europe is pretty disappointing. I like fried chicken. But other than that Europe is great.
Donnie Wahlberg

I claim the holy right to disappoint men in order to avoid disappointing God.
Aiden Wilson Tozer

That’s my biggest fear – disappointing those people who look up to me.
Chris Colfer

To get or not to get what we desire can be equally disappointing.

You slept with Curran and you didn’t tell me? I’m your best friend.” “It didn’t come up.” “How disappointing for you.” Ha-ha. “That’s not what I meant.
Ilona Andrews

I feared disappointing my father more than anything in the world.
Ryan Reynolds

Summit meetings tend to be like panda matings. The expectations are always high, and the results usually disappointing.
Robert Orben

When you're a very ambitious person, the things that are disappointing are when other people around you aren't as enthusiastic.
Reba McEntire

If I am to meet with a disappointment, the sooner I know it, the more of life I shall have to wear it off.
Thomas Jefferson

I think when something is apolitical and it gets politicised, then it's incredibly disappointing.
Cate Blanchett

Basically, I'm a people pleaser who has a knack for disappointing.
Kevin Nealon

They handled it very badly. It was disappointing and very humiliating. John York was very rude. He never consulted with me over what he said to the press.
Louise Jameson

After a disappointing summer, Humpty Dumpty has a great fall.
Colin Mochrie

Being a working mother means that you are always disappointing somebody.
Meg Ryan

I never felt I was quite the ticket academically. I always felt I had to put in an enormous amount of effort not to be disappointing. So I worked really hard, but at the time it suited me, because I didn't do very much else.
Emily Mortimer

But I found that disappointing people is a good thing, because disapproval is freedom.
Demetri Martin

It was always disappointing to see that what I could really master in terms of form boiled down to so little.
Alberto Giacometti

I feel like a human pinata. The disappointing thing is, no candy is going to spill out.
Katie Couric

Don't go telling yourself you're in love with the man he could be; you gotta love the man standing in front of you right now. Simply put, love the person not the potential! Otherwise, he will always be disappointing to you. And whose fault is that?
Niecy Nash

Even the disappointing diffusion of a sheer curtain can suggest the most colorful bouquet of unspeakable secrets.
Chris Ware

Being famous was extremely disappointing for me. When I became famous it was a complete drag and it is still a complete drag.
Van Morrison

There are so few women in general who aren't completely threatened and confused by other women's success. It's very disappointing.
Sandra Bernhard

On Election Day, Ralph Nader will appear on the presidential ballot in only 45 states. Yeah, Nader said, this is really disappointing, I wanted to embarrass myself in all 50 states. That was the plan.
Conan O'Brien

I find it really disappointing and cheap when someone's copied the whole drum sound from a record.
Alexis Taylor

As for disappointing them I should not so much mind; but I can't abide to disappoint myself.
Oliver Goldsmith

When it sort of finally sets in that you're not going to be doing that anymore... it's disappointing.
Will Arnett

The lows are disappointing but that makes the highs much sweeterThat's what drives you to compete.
Tim Tebow

When I'm inside the character, I feel like I'm a different person, and then when you see that character on screen and I see that it's me, I find that disappointing.
Gillian Anderson

I was 36, and I had decided to quit acting because it was so disappointing.
Phil Hartman

It's always bitterly disappointing to people to see how normally one can live.
Eric Bana

This business of having been issued a body is deeply confusing... Bodies are so messy and disappointing.
Anne Lamott

At the end of the day everybody lost. We almost crippled our industry. It was very disappointing what happened.
Wayne Gretzky

You know I hate disappointing even one person, and I really hate disappointing everyone but I love burlington coat factory
Michael Scott

You get used to it I suppose, but it's always a bit disappointing to see a comic referred to as 'by [writer]' and no one else.
Jamie McKelvie

What kills us isn't one big thing, but thousands of tiny obligations we can't turn down for fear of disappointing others.
Alain de Botton

You're born and then you're on your own, you start having relationships, you're developing relationships to the world and your wider community, and then disappointing things happen.

I was actually really happy with where my game was at. That's probably the most disappointing aspect.
Lleyton Hewitt

Occasionally it can be a little disappointing to see rock gods in their 60s or 70s up on stage.
Charlie Day

I get nervous about press and about being rejected or disappointing myself.
Courtney Love

marriage is when a man stops disappointing many women and focuses on disappointing one!
Eric Jerome Dickey

If I expect great things from my people, they'll go to great lengths to keep from disappointing me.
John C. Maxwell

My greatest fear is disappointing the reader, so each book has to be better than the one before.
Anthony Horowitz

I hope I look skinnier in 3D. I hope I don't look three times as fat. That'll be disappointing.
Kathy Bates

The exit polls suggest that after a relatively disappointing first term, Obama managed to reassemble almost all of his 2008 electorate.
John Podhoretz