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Dull Quotes

We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.
Robert Fulghum

We could take a lesson from crayons; some are sharp, some are attractive, some are drab, while others vivid, some have peculiar names, but they all have adapted to coexist in the same container.
Authors on Dull Quotes: William Shakespeare H. L. Mencken John Ruskin Oscar Wilde Charles Bukowski Cassandra Clare Sylvia Plath Ralph Waldo Emerson Gilbert K. Chesterton Samuel Johnson Henry Ward Beecher W. Somerset Maugham Earl Weaver Herbert Read Mehmet Murat Ildan Mary Wortley Montagu Charles Darwin Mason Cooley Raymond Chandler Hilaire Belloc Alexander Pope Horace Steven Morrissey Clive James Philip Sidney William Hazlitt Hunter S. Thompson Jack Barakat Edward Young Letitia Elizabeth Landon Charles Lamb Mary Renault Sally Phillips
Be wise among the wise, but pretend to be dull among fools.

Too much shine, can dull the soul
Big K.R.I.T.

Philadelphia merely seems dull because it's next to exciting Camden, New Jersey.
Robert Anton Wilson

If everybody likes you, you're pretty dull.
Bette Davis

Only dull and impotent artists screen their work with sincerity. In art there is need for truth, not sincerity.
Kazimir Malevich

If human beings are perceived as potentials rather than problems, as possessing strengths instead of weaknesses, as unlimited rather that dull and unresponsive, then they thrive and grow to their capabilities.
Barbara Bush

There are always some lunatics about. It would be a dull world without them.
Arthur Conan Doyle

Facts are what pedantic, dull people have instead of opinions.
A. A. Gill

Taxonomy (the science of classification) is often undervalued as a glorified form of filing-with each species in its folder, like a stamp in its prescribed place in an album; but taxonomy is a fundamental and dynamic science, dedicated to exploring the causes of relationships and similarities among organisms. Classifications are theories about the basis of natural order, not dull catalogues compiled only to avoid chaos.
Stephen Jay Gould

Being dull and boring is far more tragic than being tacky.
Thom Filicia

In many cases a dull proof can be supplemented by a geometric analogue so simple and beautiful that the truth of a theorem is almost seen at a glance.
Martin Gardner

Every day is important for us because it is a day ordained by God. If we are bored with life there is something wrong with our concept of God and His involvement in our daily lives. Even the most dull and tedious days of our lives are ordained by God and ought to be used by us to glorify Him.
Jerry Bridges

What is known for certain is dull.
Max Perutz

A wise person is full of questions. A dull person is full of answers.
Paulo Coelho

Reptiles and amphibians are sometimes thought of as primitive, dull and dimwitted. In fact, of course, they can be lethally fast, spectacularly beautiful, surprisingly affectionate and very sophisticated.
David Attenborough

She has often felt that her outsides were too dull for her insides, that deep within her there was something better than what everyone else could see.
Myla Goldberg

All work and no play may make Jim a dull boy, but no work and all play makes Jim all kinds of a jackass.
William Randolph Hearst

The trouble with telling a good story is that it invariably reminds the other fellow of a dull one.
Sid Caesar

The Lilly girl is always full of surprises. She lives everyday like it's a celebration, never has a dull moment, and makes every hour a happy hour.
Lilly Pulitzer

If You Want To Rebel Against Society, Don’t Dull The Blade
Ian MacKaye

We gave the Future to the winds, and slumbered tranquilly in the Present, weaving the dull world around us into dreams.
Edgar Allan Poe

Fiction is life with the dull bits left out.
Clive James

Do the dull things right so the extraordinary things will not be required too often.
Earl Weaver

Be anything you want to be, but don't be dull.
Frank Robinson

I think photography has made us see the landscape in a very dull way - that's one of its effects. It's not spatial.
David Hockney

I read a book lately by Nietzsche and he says religion is just to dull the senses of the people. I agree.
Bobby Fischer

Quick music sounds dull unless every note is articulated.
Herbert von Karajan

A neurotic can perfectly well be a literary genius, but his greatest danger is always that he will not recognize when he is dull.
Louis Auchincloss

It has been discovered that with a dull urban population, all formed under a mechanical system of State education, a suggestion or command, however senseless and unreasoned, will be obeyed if it be sufficiently repeated.
Hilaire Belloc

When I wrote the first [Bond novel] in 1953, I wanted Bond to be an extremely dull, uninteresting man to whom things happened... when I was casting around for a name for my protagonist I thought by God, [James Bond] is the dullest name I ever heard.
Ian Fleming

If I had followed my better judgment always, my life would have been a very dull one.
Edgar Rice Burroughs

If Christianity is dull and boring, if it is a burden and not a blessing, then most likely we are involved in a project, not a Person - a system not a Savior, rules rather than a relationship.
Joseph Stowell

Oh, wouldn't the world seem dull and flat with nothing whatever to grumble at?
W. S. Gilbert

Nobody likes to hear it, because it's dull, but the reason you win or lose is darn near always the same - pitching.
Earl Weaver

Marriage is a long, dull meal with dessert served at the beginning.
Oscar Wilde

We have been educated to such a fine - or dull - point that we are incapable of enjoying something new, something different, until we are first told what it's all about. We don't trust our five senses; we rely on our critics and educators, all of whom are failures in the realm of creation. In short, the blind lead the blind. It's the democratic way.
Henry Miller

There are surely worse things than being wrong, and being dull and pedantic are surely among them.
Mark Kac

The audience will always forgive you for being wrong and exciting, but never for being right and dull.
Burt Reynolds

At an early age, you started hearing it: It's a virtue to be "well-rounded." ... They might as well have said : Become as dull as you possibly can be.
Donald O. Clifton

Raised voices lower esteem. Hot tempers cool friendships. Loose tongues stretch truth. Swelled heads shrink influence. Sharp words dull respect.
William Arthur Ward

Knicks and dull edges are abominations, so use knives and hatchets for nothing but they were made for.
Horace Kephart

With dates I like to cater a girl. We do whatever she likes. If she was open to what I wanted to do, it probably wouldn't be a dull date, because I am a jock.
Chris Brown

The worst thing a politician can be is dull. At least I'm interesting.
Richard M. Nixon

With the truth so dull and depressing, the only working alternative is wild bursts of madness and filigree.
Hunter S. Thompson

Likewise 'radical'. I'm only radical because the architectural profession has got lost. Architects are such a dull lot - and they're so convinced that they matter.
Cedric Price

So I cradle this average violin that knows Only forgotten showtunes, but argues The possibility of free declamation anchored To a dull refrain.
John Ashbery

Mathematics was hard, dull work, I thought; geography pleased me more. For my other studies, as well as for dancing, I was quite enthusiastic.
John James Audubon

A story about my life would be utterly dull.
James McAvoy

I drink the wine of aspiration and the drug of illusion. Thus I am never dull.
John Galsworthy