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Elimination Quotes

All writing is a process of elimination.
Martha Albrand

Authors on Elimination Quotes: Cornel West Louise Brooks Jonathan Carroll Orson Scott Card Andy Stanley Howard G. Hendricks Jean-Michel Frank Nassim Nicholas Taleb Wallace Stevens Dan Quayle Martha Albrand Margery Allingham Samael Aun Weor Daniel Kahneman May-Britt Moser Helmut Jahn Theodor Adorno Deepak Chopra Mitt Romney Lester Thurow Tim Ferriss
Writing is 1 percent inspiration, and 99 percent elimination.
Louise Brooks

Believe it or not, it is not only possible to accomplish more by doing less, it is mandatory. Enter the world of elimination.
Tim Ferriss

Estrangement shows itself precisely in the elimination of distance between people.
Theodor Adorno

Throw out and keep throwing out. Elegance means elimination.
Jean-Michel Frank

Stoicism is about the *domestication* of emotions, not their elimination.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Very often I'll find out at the end of a book what I put in at the beginning. A sort of process of elimination and discovery in one.
Jonathan Carroll

The secret to concentration is elimination.
Howard G. Hendricks

The process of elimination, combined with a modicum of common sense, will always assist us to arrive at the correct conclusion with the maximum of possible accuracy and the minimum of hard labor. Which being translated means: I guessed it.
Margery Allingham

We expect them [Salvadoran officials] to work toward the elimination of human rights.
Dan Quayle

As part of the National Strategy, the Government should commit itself to the virtual elimination of functional illiteracy and innumeracy.
May-Britt Moser

Creativity has more to do with the elimination of the inessential than with inventing something new.
Helmut Jahn

Life is the elimination of what is dead.
Wallace Stevens

I don't believe in the elimination of evil. But I believe in fightin' against evil.
Cornel West

There are many things I can do, but I have to narrow it down to the one thing I must do. The secret of concentration is elimination.
Andy Stanley

The elimination of toxins awakens the capacity for renewal.
Deepak Chopra

Economists are always recommending the elimination of this or that market imperfection ... no astrophysicist recommends the elimination of planets that he does not like.
Lester Thurow

My impression is that the elimination of memories greatly reduces the value of the experience.
Daniel Kahneman

The only process you've mastered is the process of elimination, and the only reason you've mastered that is because you can do it in the toilet.
Orson Scott Card

The best didactic for the elimination of the Ego it is found in the everyday life intensively lived.
Samael Aun Weor

The founders proscribed the establishment of a state religion, but they did not countenance the elimination of religion from the public square. We are a nation 'Under God' and in God, we do indeed trust.
Mitt Romney