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Email Quotes

I got an email from my ex, telling me that she has AIDS. I didn't know how to comfort her, so I just wrote back I know.
Anthony Jeselnik

I received a message from my former partner, informing me that she has HIV. I was not sure how to provide solace, so I simply replied with 'I understand.'
Authors on Email Quotes: Hillary Clinton Rush Limbaugh David Letterman Julian Assange Douglas Rushkoff Craig Ferguson Donna Brazile James Comey Kevin Drum Donald Trump Simon Sinek Lena Dunham Jessa Crispin Marjane Satrapi Judith Martin Ryan Holmes Jill Stein Barack Obama Mark Cuban Bill McKibben Ari Shapiro Jennifer Weiner Ian Brodie Jimmy Fallon Palmer Luckey Chris Black Tony Abbott James R. Clapper Tao Lin Martin Parr Ellen Bass Ann Patchett Big Sean
My mother emails me stuff about when she finds a paparazzi photo and theyre like, his hair is out of control.
Bradley Cooper

Whether it's foreign money or hiding emails, these stories are creating a narrative about Hillary Clinton trying to be above everyone else and operating under her own set of rules.
Dana Perino

The Blackberry is really essential for keeping up on my emails when I'm out of the office, which is a lot.
David Neeleman

I'm addicted to email, but other than that, there are practical things - being able to buy a book on the internet that you can't find in your local bookshop. This could be a lifeline if you live further from the sources.
Marilyn Hacker

We turn our own lives into an information archive by storing all our emails, SMS, digital photos, and other digital traces of our existence.
Lev Manovich

I send thank you notes, not emails, even if I'm staying at a friend's house or something. I'm very old school.
Margot Robbie

We live in what's called an open society, which of course means they open our emails, open our phone records, and open our medical records.
Jay Leno

Email is very informal, a memo. But I find that not signing off or not having a salutation bothers me.
Judith Martin

What you want to get as a teacher is not an email or a Facebook post that says, 'I learned so much about headstands in your class'. What you want to get is 'I learned so much about myself and my life in your class'.
Judith Hanson Lasater

Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry.
Rick Falkvinge

It's amazing how email has changed our lives. You ever get a handwritten letter in the mail today? 'What the? Has someone been kidnapped?'
Jim Gaffigan

It's hard to confront someone without knowing, [but] I think the first thing you should do in a relationship - any kind of relationship - is confront. Then, if they seem shady, maybe go for the email or the text message.
Chloe Grace Moretz

Unsuccessful people get up whenever they feel like it and the first thing they do is watch television, read the paper, or check email. The rest of the day is pretty much 50% below maximum performance.
Brian Tracy

I'd rather send out a mass email then hang posters all over the place
Todd Barry

[On culture] It's living the core values when you hire; when you write an email; when you are working on a project; when you are walking in the hall.
Brian Chesky

I never made any reference to John Podesta's email.Does it say #WikiLeaks, #Assange? Julian Assange said, Stone predicted that his emails would be hacked. No, I didn't. I never said anything of the kind.
Roger Stone

When you're sending emails, you live and die by your subject line. Making it personal or funny can increase your open rate 10 times or more. At the very least, try to pitch some value rather than pointless bragging. 'Work Faster!' is better than 'Version 10.4 now available!'
John Wall

Amen' is like the Send button on an email.
Steve Toltz

On email and the first instance of spam: This is not for advertising! This is for serious work!
Vinton Cerf

The postcard is sacred to me. It makes me sad that no one sends them very much anymore because of email and texting. I still like to buy them, but they've lost their original function and now just seem like reminders or mementos of what they used to be.
Elaine Equi

Your email inbox is a bit like a Las Vegas roulette machine. You know, you just check it and check it, and every once in a while there's some juicy little tidbit of reward, like the three quarters that pop down on a one-armed bandit. And that keeps you coming back for more.
Douglas Rushkoff

Happiness is a clear mind. A clear and sane mind knows how to live, how to work, what emails to send, what phone calls to make, and what to do do to create what it wants without fear.
Byron Katie

Eugene Mirman is the Andy Warhol of comedy. People look to him for what's next in comedy, and he emails these people back promptly. The Will to Whatevs put me in a great mood because I was laughing out loud. Alone. That's hard to do.
Mike Birbiglia

Things like email, and Twitter, and Facebook, and text messaging - they all work reasonably well. But we use them because they're convenient, and cheap, and easy, not because they're the best way to communicate with somebody.
Palmer Luckey

Develop a mailing list... anyone who comes through your studio or meets you at art shows or anywhere. It's the power of permission-based marketing. Email your latest work to the list, every month.
Cory Trepanier

The email of the species is deadlier than the mail.
Stephen Fry

One of the most interesting results was part of a study my students and I conducted dealing with status in email correspondence. Basically, we discovered that in any interaction, the person with the higher status uses I-words less (yes, less) than people who are low in status.
James W. Pennebaker

Your energy has far more power than you can even imagine. There is energy in your spoken words, in your emails, and in your physical presence.
Gabrielle Bernstein

The Hillary team is driving around in a van. Sometimes people get those gag bumper stickers put on their van. Hillary has one on her van, and it says, 'If this van's rockin', I'm deleting emails.'
David Letterman

Email is the greatest thing.
Wally Amos

Social media is the most disruptive form of communication humankind has seen since the last disruptive form of communications, email.
Ryan Holmes

The emails that give evidence of access for money and how Hillary Clinton herself benefited from this and how she is benefitting politically, are quite extraordinary.
Julian Assange

It's interesting, there are a lot of similarities with being in the music business or being in a band, where a lot of it is business work you've gotta do, like emails. It's weird, I don't feel like I'm in charge.
Gerard Way

There's life and death in every email.
Bill Gates

The least-crowded channel for meeting high profile bloggers is in person. Email is the most difficult, the most crowded... I'm a top 1,000 blogger, not a top 100 blogger, and I get hundreds of pitches by email every week. Most of them I don't even see because my assistant declines them.
Tim Ferriss

I can't tell how moving it is to open my email and see a picture of 1,500 Buddhist monks and nuns in the Himalayan kingdom of Ladakh forming a human 350 against the backdrop of the melting glaciers. This is not their fault, and yet they're stepping up to be part of the solution.
Bill McKibben

I can't just react on the strength of an email and three pages of synopsis, and say I'm going to take off for three months of my life.
Emmanuelle Beart

No one ever got rich checking their email more often.
Noah Kagan

Harry Potter, he sends a message on Owl Mail while us poor old muggles have to make do with instantaneous emails and texting. Oh, if only we could be like you Harry Potter, with your four day owl delivery!
Craig Ferguson

Computers are wasteful of paper and time. Once, we'd get documents with a few errors. Now, people make hundreds of copies until each sheet is flawless and memos are duplicated endlessly. Managers get swamped with emails.
Felix Dennis

I believe email-based status reports are the clearest and best signs of managerial incompetence and laziness.

The FBI demonstrated this by taking down the former head of the CIA [General David Petraeus] over classified information given to his mistress. Almost no-one is untouchable. The FBI is always trying to demonstrate that no-one can resist us. But Hillary Clinton very conspicuously resisted the FBI's investigation, so there's anger within the FBI because it made the FBI look weak. We've published about 33,000 of Clinton's emails when she was Secretary of State.
Julian Assange

We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial email accounts of people with whom Secretary Hillary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account.
James Comey

I avoid Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, and if I need to communicate with someone, I email direct.
Martin Parr

So this is why I can't agree with "don't feed the trolls." When millionaire celebrity broadcasters and entire publications start trolling, ignoring them isn't really an option anymore. They are gradually making trolling normative. We have to start feeding the trolls: feeding them with achingly polite emails and comments, reminding them of how billions of people prefer to communicate with each other, every day, in the most unregulated arena of all: courteously.
Caitlin Moran

I've had more than 12,000 emails from the United States. It's not easy in the United States to find out the email address of a British parliamentarian.
George Galloway

Some of you expressed surprise that I showed up-so many emails to read!
James R. Clapper

I find I use the Internet more and more. It's just an invaluable tool. I do most of my research on the Net now - and certainly do the bulk of my communicating through email.
Nora Roberts

The evidence that things are changing fast can be seen in the dramatic increase in the influence of blogging. We should be collecting emails as we used to collect telephone numbers and using them to better communicate our message to key voters.
Adam Rickitt