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Emily Giffin Quotes

Emily Giffin Quotes
You can only control your own actions. Not other people’s reactions.
Emily Giffin

A son is a son 'til he gets a wife, but a daughter is a daughter all her life.
Emily Giffin

Love and friendship. They are what make us who we are, and what can change us, if we let them.
Emily Giffin

...love is the sum of our choices, the strength of our commitments, the ties that bind us together.
Emily Giffin

Maybe the thing to do after you roll the dice-and lose-is simply pick them up and roll them again.
Emily Giffin

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When you’re in love, sometimes you have to swallow your pride, and sometimes you have to keep your pride. It’s a balance. But when the relationship is right, you find the balance.
Emily Giffin

Maybe that's what it all comes down to. Love, not as a surge of passion, but as a choice to commit to something, someone, no matter what obstacles or temptations stand in the way. And maybe making that choice, again and again, day in and day out, year after year, says more about love than never having a choice to make at all.
Emily Giffin

The feeling I have reminds me of New Year’s Eve, when the countdown is coming and I’m not quite sure whether to grab my camera or just live in the moment. Usually I grab the camera and later regret it when the picture doesn’t turn out. Then I feel enormously let down and think to myself that the night would have been more fun if it didn’t mean quite so much, if I weren’t forced to analyze where I’ve been and where I’m going.
Emily Giffin

Quote Topics by Emily Giffin: Thinking People Heart Two Writing Regret Character Want Trying Believe Real Past Sometimes Book Love Is World Jobs Couple Girl Guy Mean Choices Forever Decision Hate Stories Falling In Love Looks Husband Long
No matter what the circumstances. I am more like most men in this regard. No second chances. It's not so much about morality, but about my inability to forgive. I'm a champion grudge holder, and I don't think I could change this about myself even if I wanted to.
Emily Giffin

I think of how each person in a marriage owes it to the other to find individual happiness, even in a shared life. That this is the only way to grow together, instead of apart.
Emily Giffin

Life's not black-and-white. Sometimes the ends justifies the means.
Emily Giffin

Hush little baby, Dont you cry, Dont cut your arms, Dont say goodbye. Put down that razor, Put down that light, It maybe hard but, You'll win this fight.
Emily Giffin

I think it's important to try to be present with whatever it is you're doing. And if you can't be present, take a break.
Emily Giffin

Although I'm sure there are plenty of tall, gorgeous, life-of-the-party guys who are also true to their wives, I happen to believe that a disproportionate number of them are cheaters.
Emily Giffin

I write about relationships and I try to create real-life characters.
Emily Giffin

This is why you should never, ever get your hopes up. This is why you should see the glass as half empty. So when the whole thing spills, you aren’t as devastated.
Emily Giffin

It always takes two. For relationships to work, for them to break apart, for them to be fixed.
Emily Giffin

This time, I whispered that I loved him too. Then, I silently listed all the reason: I loved him for his gentleness. I loved him for being an amazing catch yet still vulnerable enough to be insecure. But most of all, I loved him for loving me.
Emily Giffin

(mother)" She used to tell me to get my nose out of my book and go get some fresh air.
Emily Giffin

Recognizing that there is more heartbreak in continuous disappointment than a void.
Emily Giffin

Happiness is the best revenge, you know? Just be happy. It's a choice.
Emily Giffin

True love is supposed to make you into a better person-uplift you.
Emily Giffin

I try to write about real women, real people - in other words flawed characters. I find flawed characters much more interesting than perfect ones and enjoy the challenge of making readers root for them in spite of their unsympathetic path and destructive choices. Life is about the gray areas. Things are seldom black and white, even when we wish they were and think they should be, and I like exploring this nuanced terrain.
Emily Giffin

Nothing is ever perfect. It is what you make of it.
Emily Giffin

Change can be good but its always tough to let go of the past
Emily Giffin

His loyalty, so fierce and unwavering, makes my eyes water and heart ache.
Emily Giffin

He was uncomplicated and upbeat and easy. At one point, I might have thought these traits made him a simpleton, but now I think they just translate to happiness.
Emily Giffin

He who fails to plan, plans to fail.
Emily Giffin

But I am learning that perfection isn't what matters. In fact, it's the very thing that can destroy you if you let it.
Emily Giffin

In days that follow, I discover that anger is easier to handle than grief.
Emily Giffin

He nods, as if to acknowledge that endings are almost always a little sad, even when there is something to look forward to on the other side.
Emily Giffin

Everyone wants to belong, or be a part of something bigger than themselves, but it's important to follow your heart and be true to yourself in the process.
Emily Giffin

You can't quantify love, and if you try, you can end up focusing on misleading factors. Stuff that really has more to do with personality-the fact that some people are simply more expressive or emotional or needy in a relationship. But beyond such smokescreens, the answer is there. Love is seldom-almost never-an even proposition.
Emily Giffin

For true downtime, I enjoy going for light runs, having drinks with friends and going to the movies with my husband.
Emily Giffin

Sweetened ice tea is one of the things I love about the South, right up there with homemade biscuits and cheese grits.
Emily Giffin

You can run but you can't hide
Emily Giffin

The worst is when someone in your past trumps the person in your present, and you think to yourself: if I'd known this, then maybe I wouldn't have let him go.
Emily Giffin

There are no absolutes in relationships. You can't take anything for granted. You can count on absolutely nothing but the unexpected. You only get in trouble when you start thinking that you're some kind of exception to the rule.
Emily Giffin

Things are what they are and there's no point dwelling in the past or wondering what could have been.
Emily Giffin

Things certainly aren't the way you imagine them when you're a kid and dreaming big dreams about what your life as a grown-up will look like.
Emily Giffin

My head spins as I glance away, refusing to get sucked back into his gaze when so much is at risk.
Emily Giffin

And like a favorite old movie, sometimes the sameness in a friend is what you like the most about her.
Emily Giffin

I love him wholly and unconditionally and without reservation. I love him enough to sacrifice a friendship. I love him enough to accept my own happiness and use it, in turn, to make him happy back.
Emily Giffin

It's a funny thing - when I'm crazed with work, spending time with my children relaxes me. Yet, at the end of a long weekend with them, the very thing I need to relax is a little work and time away from them!
Emily Giffin

But now we have time. Endless time stretches before us.
Emily Giffin

When you are in a relationship, you are aware that it might end. You might grow apart, find someone else, simply fall out of love. But a friendship isn't a zero-sum game, and as such, you assume that it will last forever, especially an old friendship. You take its permanence for grandted, whuch might be the very thing so dear about it.
Emily Giffin

Life is about the gray areas. Things are seldom black and white, even when we wish they were and think they should be, and I like exploring this nuanced terrain.
Emily Giffin

People generally didn't cheat in good relationships.
Emily Giffin

My wants are simple: a job that I like and a guy whom I love.
Emily Giffin

i wish i could freeze this moment, somehow delay my final decision, and just hang here in the balance between two places, two worlds, two loves.
Emily Giffin