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Fairy Tale Quotes

The idea of my life as a fairy tale is itself a fairy tale.
Grace Kelly

The notion of my life as a fantasy is itself an illusion.
Authors on Fairy Tale Quotes: Alice Hoffman Michel Ocelot Hans Christian Andersen Philip Pullman Gilbert K. Chesterton Diane von Furstenberg Albert Einstein Colleen Atwood Jack Zipes Simone Elkeles Neil Jordan Erin Morgenstern Lewis Carroll Laini Taylor Susan Wiggs Jennifer Aniston Terry Pratchett Heinrich Heine Amy Davis Kate Morton Melissa de la Cruz Elisabeth Rohm Robert Fulghum Friedrich Schiller Welwyn Wilton Katz Nelly Sachs Ilsa J. Bick Max Beckmann Julie Kagawa Paul Henderson Richard Dawkins Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Angelina Jolie
I am among those who think that science has great beauty.
Marie Curie

I am one of those who believe that science possesses immense allure.
Fairy tales are more than true.
Gilbert K. Chesterton

Comic books to me are fairy tales for grown-ups.
Stan Lee

But wishes are only granted in fairy tales.
Simone Elkeles

Fairy tales since the beginning of recorded time, and perhaps earlier, have been “a means to conquer the terrors of mankind through metaphor.
Jack Zipes

Pied Piper' came to me all at once; I wanted to do a fairy-tale movie with some edge, but not 'dark,' per se.
Max Landis

Armchair warriors often fail - and we've been poisoned by these fairy tales
Don Henley

Everything you look at can become a fairy tale and you can get a story from everything you touch.
Hans Christian Andersen

Life is a fairy tale. Live it with wonder and amazement.
Welwyn Wilton Katz

Like a magpie, I am a scavenger of shiny things: fairy tales, dead languages, weird folk beliefs, fascinating religions, and more.
Laini Taylor

Give Mozart a fairy tale and he creates without effort an immortal masterpiece.
Camille Saint-Saens

We have been poisoned by fairy tales.
Anais Nin

When fairy tales are written in the west, they're known as folklore. In the east, fairy tales are called religions.
Paul Henderson

No, the light is too intense; we do not yet have eyes that can see all the glory God has created. But maybe someday we will have such eyes. That will be the most wonderful fairy tale of all, for we ourselves will be part of it.
Hans Christian Andersen

Thy loving smile will surely hail The love-gift of a fairy tale.
Lewis Carroll

Chess is a fairy tale of 1001 blunders.
Savielly Tartakower

Every constellation’s like its own fairy tale.
Lauren Miller

Of one thing be certain: if a CEO is enthused about a particularly foolish acquisition, both his internal staff and his outside advisors will come up with whatever projections are needed to justify his stance. Only in fairy tales are emperors told that they are naked.
Warren Buffett

Life to me is a bit of a (Brothers) Grimm fairy tale.
Alexander McQueen

In fairy tales there's always one person who is made for one other, and they find each other and live happily ever after. Cal was my person. I couldn't imagine anyone more perfect. Yet what kind of sick fairy tale would it be if he was the one made exactly right for me and I wasn't right for him?
Cate Tiernan

To call everything that appears illogical, fantasy, fairy tale, or chimera would be practically to admit not understanding nature.
Marc Chagall

Evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups.
Duane Gish

Evolution is a fairy tale for adults
Paul Lemoine

It was not once upon a time, but a certain time in history, before anyone knew what was happening, that Walt Disney cast a spell on the fairy tale, and he has held it captive ever since.
Jack Zipes

Fairy-tales are nice.
Syd Barrett

The Goldilocks Enigma is the idea that everything in the universe is just right for life, like the porridge in the fairy tale.
Paul Davies

My heart beats more for a raw, average vulgar art, which doesn't live between sleepy fairy-tale moods and poetry but rather concedes a direct entrance to the fearful, commonplace, splendid and the average grotesque banality in life.
Max Beckmann

To me, a fairy tale seems to have become reality.
Nelly Sachs

It's all a quilt of fairy tales with a patch here and there of truth.
Laini Taylor

To hunt for symbols in a fairy tale is absolutely fatal.
W. H. Auden

I didn't like fairy tales when I was younger. I found a lot of fairy tales scary. They really didn't sit well with me.
Amanda Seyfried

I like being scared, so I've always liked fairy tales because they're kind of creepy.
Lana Parrilla

Fairy tales are experienced by their hearers and readers, not as realistic, but as symbolic poetry.
Max Luthi

I always felt and still feel that fairy tales have an emotional truth that is so deep that there are few things that really rival them
Alice Hoffman

The modern fairy tale ending is the reverse of the traditional one: A woman does not wait for Prince Charming to bring her happiness; she lives happily ever after only by refusing to wait for him -- or by actually rejecting him. It is those who persist in hoping for a Prince Charming who are setting themselves up for disillusionment and unhappiness.
Susan Faludi

Because the great thing about fairy tales and folk tales is that there is no authentic text. It's not like the text of Paradise Lost or James Joyce's Ulysses, and you have to adhere to that exact text.
Philip Pullman

Yes, hell exists. It is not a fairy tale. One indeed burns there. This hell is not at the end of life. It is here. At the beginning. Hell is what the infant must experience before he gets to us.
Frederick Leboyer

I don't believe in fairy tales, but I believe in you and me
Natalia Kills

There is the great lesson of 'Beauty and the Beast,' that a thing must be loved before it is lovable.
Gilbert K. Chesterton

Well the wedding in the words of the Archbishop of Canterbury was a fairy tale and there was a huge public impress, investment of goodwill, affection and indeed money in this Institution. It was a huge success at the time.
Anthony Holden

The naive was only a part of my fairy tales; humour was the real salt in them.
Hans Christian Andersen

It is not children only that one feeds with fairy tales.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

All the ancient classic fairy tales have always been scary and dark.
Helena Bonham Carter

The dead have need of fairy tales too.
Zbigniew Herbert

Deeper meaning resides in the fairy tales told to me in my childhood than in the truth that is taught by life.
Friedrich Schiller

I was a great reader of fairy tales. I tried to read the entire fairy tale section of the library.
Beverly Cleary

Fairy tales lie just as much as statistics do, but sometimes you can find a grain of truth in them.
Sergei Lukyanenko

Religions are the great fairy tales of conscience.
George Santayana

Some fairy tales end with the girl marrying the prince... some start there.
Diane von Furstenberg