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Forfeit Quotes

The power of choice. You have it. But you forfeit it when you imagine that you can choose for others. You can't. But you can choose for yourself.
Harry Browne

Authors on Forfeit Quotes: Robert Breault Charlie Sheen George Herbert Mahatma Gandhi Christian Nestell Bovee Mark Batterson Ilana Mercer Alex Kozinski Jim Rohn D. H. Lawrence Felix Marti-Ibanez Thomas S. Monson Martin Luther Abraham Joshua Heschel Harry Browne Tony Judt Lord Byron Benjamin Franklin Ivan Panin
From the moment we expect gratitude, we forfeit it.
Ivan Panin

Whatever you do not employ, you forfeit.
Jim Rohn

Most of us continue to believe that those who show utter contempt for human life by committing remorseless, premeditated murder justly forfeit the right to their own life.
Alex Kozinski

The only principle I can see in this life, is that one must forfeit the less for the greater.
D. H. Lawrence

The article of justification is fragile. Not in itself, of course, but in us. I know how quickly a person can forfeit the joy of the Gospel.
Martin Luther

If active or concerned citizens forfeit politics, they thereby abandon their society to its most mediocre and venal public servants
Tony Judt

The drunkard forfeits man and doth divest All wordly right, save what he hath by beast.
George Herbert

Though we may not necessarily forfeit our lives in service to our God, we can certainly demonstrate our love for Him by how well we serve Him.
Thomas S. Monson

Charlie Sheen has the potential to cause your soul to weep and forfeit
Charlie Sheen

Forfeit your sense of awe, let your conceit diminish your ability to revere, and the universe becomes a market place for you.
Abraham Joshua Heschel

Even as a coin attains its full value when it is spent, so life attains its supreme value when one knows how to forfeit it with grace when the time comes.
Felix Marti-Ibanez

There is nothing in this world you cannot accomplish if you are willing to forfeit your deposit.
Robert Breault

Swaraj is our birthright. No one can deprive us of it unless we forfeit it ourselves.
Mahatma Gandhi

Women seldom forfeit their claims to respect to men whom they respect.
Christian Nestell Bovee

If you don't take the risk, you forfeit the miracle.
Mark Batterson

If for harming himself a man forfeits his freedom, then he is not free at all.
Ilana Mercer

Those who are willing to forfeit liberty for security will have neither.
Benjamin Franklin

To what gulfs A single deviation from the track Of human duties leads even those who claim The homage of mankind as their born due, And find it, till they forfeit it themselves!
Lord Byron