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Garth Brooks Quotes

American singer-songwriter and guitarist, Birth: 7-2-1962 Garth Brooks Quotes
You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy.
Garth Brooks

You see in all my life I've never found what I couldn't resist, what I couldn't turn down. I could walk away from anyone I ever knew, but I can't walk away from you.
Garth Brooks

Sometimes I thank God... for cheeseburgers.
Garth Brooks

Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance the tide.
Garth Brooks

A mistake isn't a mistake if you learn a lesson from it.
Garth Brooks

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The greatest conflicts are not between two people but between one person and himself.
Garth Brooks

I know there's nothing that I wouldn't do Go to the ends of the earth for you To make you feel my love
Garth Brooks

You know Nashville, there's people that are ten times more talented than me, ten times better singer than me, song writer than me, but for some reason you get the ball and now - and now you run with it. And you do the best you can.
Garth Brooks

Quote Topics by Garth Brooks: People Inspirational Song Dream Philosophy Thinking Heart Country Artist Angel Fun Men Believe Running World Baseball Rivers Team Might Jobs Adages Kids Pain Passion Relationship Religious Games Honesty Writing Night
Too much credit is given to the end result. The true lesson is in the struggle that takes place between the dream and reality. That struggle is a thing called life!
Garth Brooks

Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
Garth Brooks

Don't let the world decide who you are. You decide who you are.
Garth Brooks

I've never stayed awake at night over a chance I took that failed, but I've stayed awake over chances I didn't take.
Garth Brooks

As long as one heart still holds on, then hope is never really gone
Garth Brooks

Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers. Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs; that just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care. Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers
Garth Brooks

Just keep taking chances and having fun.
Garth Brooks

Stand straight, walk proud, have a little faith.
Garth Brooks

There's two dates in time That they'll carve on your stone And everyone knows what they mean What's more important Is the time that is known In that little dash there in between That little dash there in between
Garth Brooks

She's sun and rain, she's fire and ice, a little crazy, but it's nice. And when she gets mad, you best leave her alone, cause she'll rage like a river then she'll beg you to forgive her.
Garth Brooks

That old star that you been wishin' on is shining mighty bright, but it's the fire inside your heart that's gonna lead you to the light.
Garth Brooks

My biggest problem with the retirement thing was I'd be leaving the part of this business that I enjoy the most... the entertaining part, being on stage and seeing how the music affects people.
Garth Brooks

A dream is like a river ever changing as it flows and a dreamer's just a vessel that must follow where it goes.
Garth Brooks

The cool thing about passion is that no matter how good or bad a day you're having, tomorrow's going to be better because passion finds some way of doubling itself.
Garth Brooks

I still use the guitar pretty much just to hide my gut.
Garth Brooks

Our future is not unpredictable, our future is simply the result of choices we have made.
Garth Brooks

Thank God for unanswered prayers.
Garth Brooks

Holding you, I held everything.
Garth Brooks

Life is like therapy - real expensive and no guarantees.
Garth Brooks

I've been taking batting practice in my barn where nobody can see me, so I may be better than anyone thinks.
Garth Brooks

I've lost loved ones in my life who never knew how much I loved them. Now I live with the regret that my true feelings for them never were revealed.
Garth Brooks

She brings him hope in the way that angels do, taking him to heaven in ways he never knew.
Garth Brooks

I understand that music is a business, but for people who have control of their stuff, like little Taylor and other artists, I think you'll find them standing up for their music every chance they get.
Garth Brooks

True country music is honesty, sincerity, and real life to the hilt.
Garth Brooks

That smell of freshly cut grass makes me think of Friday night football in high school. The smell of popcorn and cigar smoke reminds me of the stadium. The cutting of the grass reminds me of the August practice.
Garth Brooks

If God came down here with the box that had the reason for living in it, I'd like to find just 2 words: The Music. That would be neat.
Garth Brooks

Life's gonna run you over if you don't get goin.
Garth Brooks

It's the ropes and the reins, and the joy and the pain. And they call the thing rodeo.
Garth Brooks

I'll never reach my destination, If I never try, So I will sail my vessel, 'Til the river runs dry.
Garth Brooks

I like to follow my favorite team and talk sports with my band or fans. You won't believe how many musicians are sports fans. We have so much time on tour that we need these outlets for relaxation.
Garth Brooks

People loving people. That's the enemy of everything that's evil
Garth Brooks

Any time I'm in a moving thing, like an airplane, I'm usually asleep before we even get on our way.
Garth Brooks

I wouldn't mind producing a movie with a music storyline, but acting in one is too close to home.
Garth Brooks

As a kid, before I could play music, I remember baseball being the one thing that could always make me happy.
Garth Brooks

I'd much rather have the honesty than not. Because if you will say what's on your mind and get it off your chest, then the sooner I can prove you wrong!
Garth Brooks

I'm a big movie fan. After a show, if I'm on the bus or a plane, it's often hard to get to sleep, so I'll watch a film. An action film can even relax me.
Garth Brooks

Time is on the side of all things good.
Garth Brooks

While I'm playing baseball, I'm still writing songs and having tapes sent to me. I'm sure I'll spend a lot of time in the whirlpool resting these tired bones, so I'll be thinking of music then.
Garth Brooks

Papa loved Mama, Mama loved men, Mama's in the graveyard, Papa's in the pen.
Garth Brooks

There's a moment that we all come to, in our own time, in our own space, where all that we've done, we can undo, if our heart's in the right place.
Garth Brooks

I could've missed the pain, but I would've missed the dance.
Garth Brooks

I got an offer in 1992 to buy a major-league team. I turned down the offer because I don't want my love of the game to involve business.
Garth Brooks