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Gary Busey Quotes

American actor, Birth: 29-6-1944 Gary Busey Quotes
Fear is the dark room where the Devil develops his negatives.
Gary Busey

Don't tell me what I'm not doing when I'm doing what you don't think I'm doing!
Gary Busey

Drinking your own blood is the paradigm of recycling.
Gary Busey

Relationship. R-E-L-A-T-I-O-N-S-H-I-P means this: Really exciting love affair turns into overwhelming nightmare. Sobriety hangs in peril.
Gary Busey

A good way to lose weight is to put salt on your ass and go to a petting zoo. But stay away from goats because I've seen them fornicate with a mail box.
Gary Busey

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I'll tell you this: You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don't, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that's nowhere land.
Gary Busey

My dark side, my shadow, my lower companion is now in the back room blowing up balloons for kids' parties.
Gary Busey

Five parts of my brain contain alien power, whatever I do or say cannot be denied on the intergalactic highway of existence.
Gary Busey

Quote Topics by Gary Busey: Heart Art Real Men Acting Enemy Mind Knows Kindness Understanding Forever Doctors Finals Together Growth Want Dark Earth Light Angel Football Giving Fun Reverse Past Grew Up Thinking Believe Shortcuts Hair
There has got to be more to life than being a really, really, ridiculously good actor.
Gary Busey

If you take shortcuts, you get cut short.
Gary Busey

Faith gives me the ability to rise above anything, because what is true in the spiritual realm is forever true. It cannot be denied.
Gary Busey

I've been told by doctors and surgeons that I have the energy of ten men who have normal jobs.
Gary Busey

Some people have different ways than yours of having fun. You can't judge 'em, you can't dismiss 'em, and you can't say, 'what an idiot, what a food.' You just have to accept their truth of their harmony with what they wanna do in their heart. As long as it's not hurting anyone.
Gary Busey

Your heart is the face of your spirit, it holds everything you have been, you are, and what you are going to be.
Gary Busey

I dont know where I come from but Im here now so deal with it.
Gary Busey

Pray for the best, prepare for the worst, and expect the unexpected.
Gary Busey

The greatest power you have is your faith. F-A-I-T-H. And the word faith stands for Fantastic Adventures In Trusting Him. God will be there to fight all your battles, all you have to do is let him. Faith is very strong. Part of my life ministry is talking about God in terms of bringing back who I really am to the forefront of my identity.
Gary Busey

You Know the Most Dangerous Thing In the Water? A Shark Fart.
Gary Busey

Acting is a trick word invented in the festival of Dionysus, before Christ, in Greece at a fertility festival. That's where theatre came from: a fertility festival. No women were allowed. All the men played all the parts.
Gary Busey

Imagine the peace symbol. The peace symbol has three pieces in it. One piece is emotion, that's your body. Another piece has spirit in it, that's your fuel. Another piece has intellect in it and that's your steering wheel. You can never overdo the fuel that goes into the body, which is the emotions and the steering wheel to drive it.
Gary Busey

Friends are just enemies in reverse.
Gary Busey

If you put that straight jacket on me, I am going to pull your endocrine system out of your body.
Gary Busey

Amen is not the end of a prayer, it just gets us ready to go to the next level.
Gary Busey

Imagination is the hood ornament on your car of creativity.
Gary Busey

Theres a woman in Arkansas that's such a bad cook, that a swarm of flies got together and repaired her screen door.
Gary Busey

You are a gut maggot with no guts.
Gary Busey

Nothing changes like changes, because nothing changes but the changes.
Gary Busey

Art is only the search, it is not the final form. It's unlimited, it's forever.
Gary Busey

I am proud to tell Hollywood that I am a Christian. For the first time I am now free to be myself.
Gary Busey

Have a mind that's open to everything, get attached to nothing.
Gary Busey

I consider myself a Texan. I grew up in Texas and Oklahoma.
Gary Busey

Enemies are just friends in reverse.
Gary Busey

Never dip lower than you can dip.
Gary Busey

T-E-A-M stands for together everyone achieves more.
Gary Busey

F-A-I-L-I-N-G [is] Finding An Important Lesson, Inviting Needed Growth. So you don't actually fail, you find a better way to do whatever you're doing, and that's your ability, the truth of your core from past life experiences to where you are now in this life. It gives you the ability to be in your truth, without anything holding you down in a box that will never open.
Gary Busey

Everyone goes through their stuff when they are growing up. It's all relative. Everyone has the same situations on their menu. We just make the choices in terms of what situations we're going to eat.
Gary Busey

Be nice to everyone and tell jokes.
Gary Busey

It's a very strange silence that I'm living in right now. It's a silence that has a lot of activity and noise in it from a zone that I don't live in on this earth.
Gary Busey

Do you know what chaos stands for? C-H-A-O-S stands for Critical Hate And Overwhelming Stupidity.
Gary Busey

I love love, and I love life. I love. I just love. It's just great. It's the most enduring element we have is love.
Gary Busey

When you are on the set, you have different departments - you got camera, sound, props, hair, makeup, catering, executives. Imagine each one of those are spokes on the wagon wheel. All the spokes come into a hub: the hub is the director. The wood the spokes go into are distribution and promotion; the steel wheel around the hub is the film. None of these have anything in common with each other.
Gary Busey

Giving is better than receiving, 'cause that's the ability you give somebody to get stronger than they would be, than they could be, than they should be, before you loved them. When you give somebody the ability to feel your love and your healing, you're a doctor in the spirit, bringin' medicine from God to your heart and on to them.
Gary Busey

It's easy .... it's a mind that is open to everything, yet attaches to nothing ... it's called freedom that's what it is, plain and simple!
Gary Busey

You know what 'FAILING' stands for? It stands for 'Finding An Important Lesson, Inviting Needed Growth.'
Gary Busey

Do you even know who I am? Seriously, tell me, because I don't.
Gary Busey

Freedom is the freedom you choose, when you're not getting in your own way. The best way to start every day is to wake up and wash your face and look yourself in the mirror, right in the eyes of your reflection, and say, "don't get in my way." Because it's only when we get in our own way that we have to step back or step aside or step over here and not walk at all.
Gary Busey

I'm an angel in an earth suit.
Gary Busey

I'm interested in all things that Donald Trump does. I've known him since 1980. He's a good man.
Gary Busey

Music and acting are the same thing: you must understand that art is only the search, not the final form.
Gary Busey

I don't know how I got involved in 'Celebrity Wife Swap.' It came from my agent Hugh. He got the opportunity for me.
Gary Busey