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Gene Simmons Quotes

Israeli-American singer-songwriter, Birth: 25-8-1949 Gene Simmons Quotes
When you walk through a bad neighborhood, you don't want a poodle by your side. You want a Rottweiler.
Gene Simmons

Life is too short to have anything but delusional notions about yourself.
Gene Simmons

I'm forbidden fruit. Once you go to certain households, mommy doesn't want you to see that dirty man who sticks his tongue out and spits out blood and all that stuff.
Gene Simmons

Rock is about finding who you are. You don't necessarily have to play your instrument very well at all. You can just barely get by and you can be in a rock band.
Gene Simmons

There’s an old adage that says that money is the root of all evil. Bullshit. Lack of money is the root of all evil.
Gene Simmons

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The death of rock was not a natural death. Rock did not die of old age. It was murdered.
Gene Simmons

In time of war, if you go through a bad neighborhood, I don't want a little French poodle, I want a Rottweiler on my hands.
Gene Simmons

I refuse to stand up in front of a rabbi and my friends and the woman I love - who I will tell you I can love with all my heart - and promise she will be the only one I will ever have until the day I die. Thats a lie.
Gene Simmons

Quote Topics by Gene Simmons: Inspirational People Rocks Want Thinking Mother Men Band Stars Kids Important Guy Jobs Believe Beautiful Heart Mean Dream War Stupid World Looks Self Drug Successful Trying Kissing Entrepreneur Color Knows
James Bond has a license to kill, rockstars have a license to be outrageous. Rock is about grabbing people's attention.
Gene Simmons

It's hard to see your destination when you're focused on the cracks in the sidewalk.
Gene Simmons

My hero is me. Why? Because I was a poor little kid who was told, `Hey stupid, can`t you speak English?` Now all those people work for me. Despite whatever circumstances I came across, I was always able to rise to the top and there`s only one way to do that - by being selfish, but also by believing in yourself. Belief is self-knowing. Even Yoda out of Star Wars said, `Do or do not. There is no try.
Gene Simmons

When you really think about it, I'm not delusional enough to think that what I do is important to life as we know it on this planet. No. But neither is what you do.
Gene Simmons

I'm fascinated with myself and love hearing the sound of my own voice. I'd like to hear what I have to say. A lot of people don't like being alone because they truly don't like themselves, but I love me.
Gene Simmons

There are many really stupid ideas that wind up being brilliant, if you can implement them.
Gene Simmons

What we have is pretty meaningless. It's what we are that counts.
Gene Simmons

I don't wanna go on vacation. There's nothing about it that appeals to me. People look forward to doing that; I look forward to getting up every day and doing something.
Gene Simmons

Trees acquire strength by growing slowly and flexing with the pressures of nature. Us too.
Gene Simmons

You can't go through life and leave things the way they are. We can all make a difference, and if I die today, I know I made a difference.
Gene Simmons

The sad thing is most people have to check with someone before they do the things that make them happy. We're all passing through; the least we can do is be happy, and the only way to do that is by being selfish.
Gene Simmons

Music is the only industry where you don't need to know what you're doing to get ahead. Well, that and politics.
Gene Simmons

If you look at YOURSELF as the brand, then you will understand an intrinsic truth: People judge.
Gene Simmons

Believe me, the library is the temple of God. Education is the most sacred religion of all.
Gene Simmons

Kiss is the number-one American band in gold-record sales. In the world, only the Beatles and the Stones are ahead of us. Every other band should be wiping my ass. The line forms over there to the left.
Gene Simmons

I was never interested in being a rock star. I always wanted to be Boris Karloff.
Gene Simmons

Women, you have all this power, I'm telling you. In business, you have something called an inferred fiduciary duty to yourself. Look at the other hugely successful women in industry, commerce, science and everywhere else and you'll see women who are feminine, beautiful but also do not rely on men for their self-empowerment.
Gene Simmons

Belief is self-knowing. Even Yoda out of Star Wars said, 'Do or do not. There is no try.'
Gene Simmons

After 9/11, people all of a sudden became patriotic and showed the colors. Why did it take something bad to happen? It means something. People have died for it, and continue to do so.
Gene Simmons

You can't start motoring up life's road until you get your buns in gear.
Gene Simmons

Kiss is a Fourth of July fireworks show with a backbeat.
Gene Simmons

When I meet a woman, I don't think, 'Gee, I wonder if she's read the latest thesis by Stephen Hawking? I think, 'Great tits.'
Gene Simmons

Anybody who picks up a guitar and tells you that there's some inner message that they're trying to convey... it's nonsense. They're not being honest. The reason they're doing this is they wanna get lots of chicks and they don't want to work for a living.
Gene Simmons

When you look at Clark Kent when he's working at the Daily Planet, he's a reporter. He doesn't fly through the air in his glasses and his suit.
Gene Simmons

It's better to be an octopus than a fish. If an octopus loses a tentacle to a predator, the octopus will survive with seven tentacles left for itself.
Gene Simmons

The makeup is simply an extension of the personality and colors, clothing, makeup all express something.
Gene Simmons

I don't wait for the calendar to figure out when I should live life.
Gene Simmons

If you want to welcome me with open arms, I'm afraid you're also going to have to welcome me with open legs.
Gene Simmons

If you choose to become a smoker, you are an idiot, and you may lack the discipline and intelligence to be a successful entrepreneur.
Gene Simmons

It's easy to be drowned out by the crowd, but to thine own self be true, say I, no matter what everybody says, no matter what the popular vibe is.
Gene Simmons

Before a show, you might have aches or pains, or it's a bad rainy day, or it's too humid. We all complain about stuff. But... how do I put this poetically? Once it's the roar of the crowd and the smell of the greasepaint, forget it. Once the adrenaline kicks in and your chest expands, you forget about all that.
Gene Simmons

The most important word in American, in Western culture, is "I."
Gene Simmons

If you're the greatest, it's okay to say you're the greatest. My suggestion to everybody is to be their own greatest fan. Weaker personas and personalities define that as egotistical or arrogant, but what it means is their self-esteem isn't that strong.
Gene Simmons

I'd like to think that the boring lady who's talking to me now is a lot sexier and more interesting than the one who's doing NPR. You know, studious and reserved, and - I bet you're a lot of fun at a party.
Gene Simmons

Fame is important, but to be rich is more important.
Gene Simmons

I worship scones and danishes. If I never had another meal, I wouldn't care as long as I could eat pastries and jelly doughnuts.
Gene Simmons

People who are the salt of the earth get up and go to a job that they hate.
Gene Simmons

Walk amongst the natives by day, but in your heart be Superman.
Gene Simmons

My mother had a horrific life. At fourteen, she was in the Nazi concentration camps. Her sense about life now is, every day above ground is a good day.
Gene Simmons

If you look at the CEOs of some the most successful companies in the world like IKEA, they never fly first class. They always go economy.
Gene Simmons

Before you go out there and try to conquer the universe... get your act together.
Gene Simmons

It's very professionally done, very clever songwriting. I like Backstreet Boys more than 'N Sync, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, it's all very well done stuff. Much better than the Partridge Family and New Kids On The Block. I took my kids to see Backstreet Boys live and they flipped out
Gene Simmons